Sandra Gauci elected ADPD chairperson
Gauci said that surveys have repeatedly reported a consistent number of people that feel ‘orphaned’ by the two traditional parties • She will contest the 2024 MEP elections for ADPD

Sandra Gauci has been elected as the new Chairperson of ADPD - The Green Party during the party’s annual statutory general meeting on Saturday.
The party’s executive committee meeting was approved as well during the meeting.
When addressing the press, Gauci said that people demand what is theirs by right and not cheque handouts.
“People want to live in a country where the rule of law reigns supreme, where one advances on merit and not on one’s connections, and where the quality of life is safeguarded in practice,” Gauci said.
Gauci has been active in ADPD for three years and is known for being a voice of the people through her weekly videos "ABS news".
She holds a B.Ed. (Hons.) in Italian, and an MA in Italian Literature, and was awarded a scholarship by the University of Siena for teaching Italian through film.
She has been a public-school Italian teacher for 21 years and her interests include the rule of law, social justice, and media freedom.
Gauci will be contesting next year’s European Parliament elections on behalf of ADPD together with Ralph Cassar and Mina Jack Tolu.
Addressing the general meeting, Gauci referred to the surveys that have repeatedly reported a consistent number of people that feel ‘orphaned’ by the two traditional parties who no longer represent them.
“ADPD will continue to seek to build bridges with these people that feel abandoned, forgotten and voiceless,” Gauci said.
She also referred to the constitutional case on the electoral system that ADPD filed after the 2022 election, about which the first judgement should be announced in the coming months.
She stated that the party shall continue to work on important issues such as the fight against corruption, safeguarding the rule of law, protection of the natural and historical environment and the shift towards sustainable modes of transportation.
She indicated the cost of living as the greatest challenge being faced by those who are vulnerable and she insisted that the minimum wage regulation should be reformed to that of a living wage.
“If the government is judicious in its spending and carries out tax collection assiduously this measure could be implemented in a timely manner. It is imperative that the government keeps us all informed on the studies being carried out with respect to the living wage – these studies are being financed from public funds after all.”
Gauci also referred to the need for the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) mechanism to be updated to reflect today’s living requirements.
She noted with satisfaction the fact that ADPD’s proposal for the COLA to be granted twice a year has also been welcomed by the trade unions as a practical way of alleviating somewhat the burden on workers.
“People demand what is theirs by right and not symbolic cheque handouts. They want to live in a country where the rule of law reigns supreme, where one advances on merit and not on one’s connections. The increased erosion of our quality of life should be reversed and we should become hopeful in the country’s future once again,” concluded Gauci.
The general meeting also approved the party’s executive committee members as follows:
- Sandra Gauci – Chairperson
- Mina Jack Tolu – Deputy Chairperson
- Carmel Cacopardo – Deputy Chairperson
- Ralph Cassar – Secretary General
- Mario Mallia – Deputy Secretary General (Organizational and Administrative)
- Melissa Bagley – Deputy Secretary General (Policy)
- Brian Decelis – Public Relations Officer
- Luke Caruana – Treasurer
- Mark Zerafa – International Secretary
- Marcus Lauri and Matthew Mizzi – Members