PN in missive against ‘Labour triumvirate’ on foreign policy

The Nationalist party has branded Joseph Muscat’s foreign policy an “amusing, were it not tragic” prospect, in a missive hitting out at former Labour MP Joseph Cuschieri and Labour MP Luciano Busuttil.

The PN said Busuttil had recently questioned whether Malta should unfreeze some €377 million in Libyan assets held under a UN Security Council resolution, calling it a “classical example of Labour’s grave lack of substance.”

“Such a shallow, mind boggling and plain stupid comment exposes the Labour Party for what it truly is: a populist party without vision and suffering from a grave lack of substance,” the PN said in an unsigned statement.

It also accused Joseph Cuschieri, elected Malta’s sixth MEP but still without a seat in the European Parliament, of being unprepared for the job for calling on the government to provide a debt instrument to Greece unless the country ratifies an EU protocol to extend the size of the EP.

“He keeps coming up with the strangest of suggestions which if implemented would tarnish Malta’s good reputation in Brussels… one wonders what makes Labour come up with such hilarious (read illogical) statements, but then perhaps it all boils down to a grave lack of substance,” the PN said.

The statement also attacked Labour leader Joseph Muscat for taking six months to condemn the Gaddafi government.

“Under a Labour government the Busuttil-Muscat-Cuschieri triumvirate will call the shots. With such a disastrous track record, Malta’s future diplomatic and foreign affairs prospects under a Labour government do not look well at all – to put it mildly, we’ll be in for a mess,” the PN said.

@Briffy Rest assured I never voted Labour. Not that I have any reason to try to persuade you or any blue eyed boy. Its none of your business anyway. But as they say all good things come to an end. including the PN.
Il-PN - dak kollu li sar minn PL iridu ikissruh inkluzi il-partitaru Laburisti specjalment dawk li jahdmu mac-Civil. Overtime, promotions, jobs etc etc. Jekk tkun Laburist ferventi tiehu il-lasta. Fawn min dejjem hekk kien il-Barrani l-ewwel jew tkun Nazzjonalist, jew dopja faccia. Nispera illi meta jitla il-PL isiru inkjesti biss serjeta u issir il-GUSTIZZJA. Titnehha il-preskrizjoni halli min ghamel il-hniezrijiet ihallas ghalihom.
Micei As if you ever voted PN......Tell to the marines
The PN is a party of ass lickers and they think they have the grace of being diplomatic. Well Much as I do not agree that Libyan assets should be witheld as this people have a right to their money, on the other hand the same asslickers would have licked more ass had their member in waiting been a PN MEP. And I am sure that that thing in Brussels would have found a friend to push their guy in. I saw Gonzi in the news yesterday hugging Gaddaffi.... and that was very recent... diplomacy or ass licking? Irrispective of what the bile machine of the PN throws out there is no chance in hell that I will ever vote PN again. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH POISON!!!
Gvernijiet serji u kapaci jaqbzu ghac-cittadini taghhom li jkollhom inkwiet f'pajjiz barrani. Jaqbzu wkoll ghal-propjeta tac-cittadini taghhom. Kemm fi zmien Qattafi u kemm waqt din ir-rivoluzzjoni hafna Maltin tilfu kollox. Dan it-telf jammonta ghal miljuni. Nirringrazzjaw il-gvern ta' Gonzi talli qisu aktar interessat li jhares l-interessi tal-Libjani milli tal-Maltin. Gharukaza ohra grat meta l-Libjani waqqfu lis-Saipem II milli jkompli jhaffer ghaz-zejt ghal gvern Malti. Fil-waqt li Mintoff dak iz-zmien baghat patrol boat hdejn is-Saipem II bhala protesta, Ras Kbira nazzjonalista minflok ma appoggat lil poplu Malti maret tigri l-Libja tappoggja lil Qaddafi. Wicchom qaghad ghal kollox.