Marsascala residents request re-instatement of direct bus route

The residents of the area known as Tas-Siberia in Marsascala have signed a petition requesting the re-instatement of a direct bus route to Valletta.

Prior to the changeover to the Arriva bus system, which took effect on 3 July 2011, the area was serviced with 3 direct buses every hour to the capital city, and another direct link to Cospicua.

The new route, as operated by Arriva, passes through Marina Street, then turning into the terminus by-passing the Tas-Siberia area, which includes Cerviola, Jerma and St Thomas areas.

As a result residents are forced to walk between 15 and 30 minutes to get to the terminus or to use the Feeder 135 hourly route which is served by minivans. The residents complained that this was causing unnecessary hardship for the elderly and physically incapacitated as they could not climb the high steps to get onto the minivan, nor could they make the long walk in the heat.

The original map, marking out the bus routes, distributed to Marsascala residents prior to the launch of Arriva showed a bus passing through Tas-Siberia every 10 minutes, however the Marsascala residents claim that this never happened and complaints to Arriva have only led to the company saying this was a "mistake."

The Marsascala Local Council also confirmed that it was “misled” by Arriva as Arriva did not honour the original route but changed it on the grounds that it was approved by Transport Malta.

The residents of Tas-Siberia are demanding that bus routes number 91 and N91 pass from Salini and Qaliet streets without any further delays. 

X'qed jaghmel il-Kunsill Lokali ta' Tas-Sliema fuq it-Terminus tas-Savoy? Ghaliex ma hemmx bicca bus stop mix-Xatt sa il-bus stop li hemm Rudolph Street? L-anzjani li hemm tas-sliema hadd ma huwa jitkellem dwarhom, jaqaw dawn dawn mumhiex cittadini jew dan cittadini tas-seba klassi? Jew qed jistennew l-elezzjonjiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali ? Jew kien hemm xi pika bejn Austin u George? Ghaliex il-116 ma tiqafx fuq kull stage jew ic-circular tfisser titlaq min post u idur dawra sakem tigi fuq l-istess post? Meta irkibt mill bus stop li hemm quddiem il-Knisja tat-Trinita ix-xufier qalli li mhux suppost waqafli ghaliex ma hemm in numru 116 u darba ohra ma nitlax. Mela x'iridu dawn li taghmel xi 20 / 30 minuta ohra biex wiehed jasal id-dar minn fuq dan il-bus stop L-awqa li giebna l-arriva. Kemm konna ahjar meta konna aghar