‘No acceptable reason’ for delay in permanent horse shelters

The Animal Rights Coalition hits out at government and Resources and Rural Affairs Minister George Pullicino for dragging their feet on constructing permanent shelters for karrozzin horses as promised.

The coalition said that despite efforts, the involvement of foreign entities, and intensive lobbying, “only a temporary shelter without water facilities and offering accommodation for ten horses has been provided as a form of goodwill.”

It added that “no acceptable reason from the Authorities has been given as to why the delay in providing the permanent horse shelters with necessities for the rest of the Karozzin horses.”

“A public commitment by Minister Pullicino through all the media is being critically questioned as, with no visible result so far, this situation seriously needs immediate attention and action,” the coalition urged.

The coalition highlighted the public's discontentment shown “through concerned letters and calls and also in response to those who have signed the petition for the much needed aerated shelters with water points for the karrozzin horses.”

It said it was still intent on proactively working to take all necessary steps to improve the current situation in Malta for these horses,  seen on a daily basis to be still suffering long hours in our relentless, hot sun.

It said that following many reports from distressed tourists returning from Malta through the years, complaints were finally channeled to WSPA (which holds a consultative status at the United Nations and the Council of Europe).

“Foreigners visiting our Islands are appalled to see working horses plying our main roads under the merciless sun, pulling a load full of tourists only to be later seen standing, once again, without any shade protection or water facilities,” it said.

It said that the complaints prompted the WSPA to contact another international organization which specializes in working animals, which resulted in two separate visits by World Association for Transport Animal Welfare and Studies (TAWS) equine experts, the most recent of which in August 2010.

A documented findings report following the visit was sent to WSPA, ARC and the Maltese Authorities.

In the report, TAWS found that Malta, as a member of the European Union and heavily dependent on the Tourism Industry, “must live up to high animal welfare standards and, where these working animals are concerned, immediately require a much needed rehabilitation project to be put in place.”

Maybe Mr Pullicino would like to stand in the sun for a few hours, might do him a world of good as well. Beurocratic bunch of slackers.