Labour should explain CIA funding allegations - PN

The Nationalist Party has accused the Labour Party of being ‘economical with the truth’ and said that Opposition leader Joseph Muscat is duty bound, to explain, in detail the funding his Party received as revealed in a CIA document.

The document was published last Sunday in the PN newspaper ‘Il-mument’.

In a statement that reproduced details of a CIA document on Malta and Libya during the 1980s, the PN accused Labour of “being economical with the truth when it says that, the current administration never did (received funding from the Gaddafi regime).”

The PN argued that such an answer implies that before 2008, the Labour Party received funding from Gaddafi and, in at least one instance, this is now proven by a CIA document.

“Joseph Muscat is duty bound, to explain, in detail the funding his party received as revealed in the CIA document,” the PN said.

The party also said that Muscat also needs to explain his visit to Libya in 2008 shortly after being elected to his post as party leader.

“Unsurprisingly, he paid a visit to Libya in order to maintain the blood brother relationship his Party has had since the 1970s with the Gaddafi regime,” and added that “if Muscat prefers to to live in the world of make-believe, people do not. They have no time for spin and want concrete answers for many important questions they have regarding Labours love-affair with the Gaddafi regime.”

So now, thanks to briffy, both PL and PN factions can set their mind at peace on this matter. Both sides were correct when honouring Gaddafi. For in 1975 when the PL sticked the medal on Gaddafi's chest, his rule was still relatively clean, having only been in power for a mere 7 years. Tyrant's tend to be cruel with the passing of time. Therefore, Gonzi beware! In 2004, according to briffy, Gaddafi was rehabilitated, 'a born again muslim most probably' and therefore merited another piece of Maltese metal on his chest. And coming from a supporter of a party who has an idea or two how to launder situations and rehabilitate some of its disgruntled supporters, we might assume that briffy knows what he is saying.....probably!!! Did I hear someone shouting: GO SELL IT TO THE MARINES????
@ Briffy Qabel inaghta dak l-unur kien hemm kuntatt mil gvern tal PN mal gaddafi? Jekk iva dan ma sarx meta gaddafi ma kienx ghadu irrinunzja ghat terrorizmu u ghal weapons tal mass destruction? Bl-ingliz jghidu li il PN bhal Pl fejn jidhol kuntatti ma gaddafi kellhom ' a finger in the pie '
@ Bonz...................Ma tafx li dak l-unur intghata li Gaddafi talli qal li ser jieqaf minn politika tat-terrorizmu u rrinnunzja il-weapons of mass destruction, u b'hekk gie riabilitat mil-pajjizi demokratici tad-dinja inkluz l-USA, UK, Franza, l-Germanja, l-Italja. Dawn kollha ghamlu xi haga biex jinkoragguh ma jibqax pariah. Kien fl-interess tad-dinja demokratika li jippremjawh u jzeghlu bih, bhal ma jaghmel kull bniedem ghaqli li jkollu gar black sheep. Nahseb li tifhimha bonz din. Mhix daqshekk tqilha.
What a hilarious blog. The PL and PN supporters hanging out each others dirty washing. But the cookie has to go to Briffy for his legend 'Labour's impeccable image?' Why is it always the people in glass houses who have to throw stones. Both parties shud concentrated in giving the new Libyan regime the endorsement and support that they need and not this internal bickering. Maintaining diplomatic relations with Libya was and will always remain a necessity in our foreign policies. And throwing in a few hugs and titles is all part of the game but this infantile pointing of fingers by our political parties exposes the immature and insular mentality of Maltese politics. A poor show for Malta in the world press.
@ Fellus ta' Gahan , aqra sew qabel ma tikkumenta u kun ghaf il- fatti ghax id-duty officer tal-AirMalta kien u ghalhekk ma kien qed jirraprezenta lil Gvern nahseb li iktar kien tal-pl ma tafx int ghax kumbinazzjoni dak iz-zmien il-maggoranza assoluta tal-haddiema hekk kienu.
Zack Depasquale
@Pirandello Habib taghna u x'mar jaghmel dak li jibdel ismu skond il-kariga Dr Fenech Adami meta Gaddafi kisirha ma'Mintoff fil-bidu tat-tmeninijiet il-Libja?? L-aghar haga fid-dinja meta wiehed ikollu memorja seletiva. L-ebda apologista ghal GonziPN ghadu ma wegibni fuq din.
Antione Vella tant hu veru dak li qed tghid int li Dr Fenech adami ta UNUR kbir lill Gaddafi ta dak kollu li ghamel mal PL. Hallina habib.Bongu
Veru x'mar jaghmel il-Libya Joseph Muscat ezatt malli lahaq leader? Forsi mar jghid grazzi personalment lil Gaddafi talli iffinanzja lill-PL? Imbasta joqghod jaghmilha tal-vergni fuq il-finanzjament tal-partiti. Iz-zejt qed jitla' f'wicc l-ilma,
Antwá Vella is too funny to be true. If it happens under Labour, it's Labour's fault - if it happens under the PN it's still Labour's fault. He needs a reality check. But he won't find it on The Blog, from where he is sent here biex jaqa' għan-nejk.
Barely a year after Malta’s second independence in 1987, when Airmalta was still overrun by Wistin’s Zwieten, someone from the airline accompanied the Libyan agents through the VIP lounge. . Who was this Airmalta officer and why didn’t he inform the authorities about the arrival of Libyan agents? We know that, a year later, in 1989, the MLP was still taking orders from Gaddafi so this could be a clue. . The CIA document makes it clear that no one from the Maltese government was involved, still less anyone from the PN – such a connection would certainly have been noted by the Americans. . No, it was someone from Airmalta. You should ask around in Canada, Fellus. You never know; maybe someone who still has the hots for Big Dom the clown knows something. . The incident described in the document happened just a few weeks before the Lockerbie bombing so this is an interesting coincidence. And who was this man El-Megri? Could he be the terrorist we know as Al Megrahi? . Let me tell you, the dinosaurs from Labour's past have a lot of explaining to do.
In October of '88 (PN Government) Libyan secret service personnel arrived in Malta, were met by the airport duty officer and escorted through the VIP lounge ( see here para 3) Perhaps Briffy or Antwà Vella can explain why.
Well, THe PN ought to explain its democratic credentials in the firearms retreived byh Police before 1987. Who suplied them with the weapons. The CIA? Mossad?
Meta tkun qed teghreq kull tibna tghodd. @ PN apologist. How about the PN being mention in the diary of the norwegian extremists who massacre 90 youths?
Miskin Antwá Vella - bid-disprament li għandu biex isib xi ħaġa biex iħammeġ lil-PL u jerf'a l-PN mill-ħama li waqa' fih qed jaqbad ma kull tibna li jara ttir mar-rih. U kollha jispiċċaw fix-xejn kif imisshom.
Luke Camilleri
If there is anyone that sold its soul to Gaddafi it is Eddie Fenech Adami and his Nationalist Party when he took Libya's side when there was a rift between Dom Mintoff and gaddafi over Oil Exploration! For Mintoff and Labour Leaders it was always the National Inerest Fiorst and Formost! As for Eddie it was the distabilation of the counry so he got the Prime Minister Seat.... and later on the President's Chair! .
Micheal Bonanno
@briffy. Any is grist for the mill if it is against the PL, even fibs. We know how the CIA works. If it isn't to the advantage of the US of A then demonisation is the order of the day. We have seen it used against Saddam, Noriega, and many others. And even against Gaddafi. Remember the famous WMA? Did they find any in Iraq? Or biological weapons for that matter?
Is this invented by PN in a feeble attempt to tarnish Labour's impeccable image? If that is the case it's a downright shame and Labour should sue PN for libel.
Are we sure that we are quoting the CIA or Wikileaks when talking about our own brethren, dear Maltese government? Many think that it is more probable that this information is emanating from the GonziPN 's morbid fabrication and propaganda machine based solidly at tal-Pieta'. Why is the PN seeking ancient history's version of a love affair with the Gaddafi regime when its long standing romance with the tyrant ended abruptly couple of days before commencement of the revolution? GonziPN, you know fully well that it is advisable for people in glass houses not to throw any political stones. I agree, people have no time for spin but neither do we have time for myths, unfounded allegations, speculations and fabrications.
Wikileaks has exposed documents involving, among others Karmenu Vella's ties with Libya. . The CIA documents are yet another massive hammer blow - the PL is being hit left, right and centre with all these documents, and this is only the beginning. . That's what comes of selling your soul to Gaddafi.
Antoine Vella lanqas biss jaf li d-dokument li tant qed jagħmel għaġeb bih ma ġiex mill-Wikilieaks iżda rilaxxat mis-CIA. Dal li jiġrilek meta sservi ta' vaż - taqa' għan-nejk, Antwà!
avatar mill-hafna........
@briffi@maltanet: U tal-Pieta minn fejn qed igibuhom il-fondi, ghidtilna ftit ghax ilna nsaqsu u hadd ma rrisponda. Kif, u kif nerga nghid intom tridu bilfors tridu tkunu tafu kollox fuq x'jaghmel, idahhal, x'johrog, x'ihallas u ma jhallasx il-PL u Alla jista kollox taghkom tal-PN mohbi go safe? Ma trax briffi li hadd ma hu ser iserhek qabel isserhuna intom mela ahna bohoh bhal ma tridu tghidu li ahna. Issa taraw jekk il-Partit ikompli jiffjurixxi avolja skond intom konna qed inzommu bid-donazzjonijiet ta' Gaddafi. Stenna u tara jekk sa l-elezzjoni l-PL ma jibqalux flus ikun ghax spicca jahleb Gaddafi u jekk le l-fondi gejjin minn xi nixxija ohra zghira u li tnixxi minn hafna bwiet, f'kelma ohra mid-donazzjonijiet tal-partitarji li lest li jaghtu ftit mill-ftit li ghandhom.
Zack Depasquale
Kien hemm darba wiehed li kien jikteb qabel ir-referendum tad-divorzju li ir-rebha kienet zgura u kulhadd jafu dan u min dak in-nhar sal-llum ghadu jitfarfar mit-tkaxkira li ha ghax qatt ma kiteb iktar, ezatt kif sejjer jigrilu jgalea wara l-elezzjoni li jmiss. Jien ghandi hafna hbieb Nazzjonalisti u dejjem gibna rispett lill-xulxin. Nies bhal Jgalea li ghal bzonn dal-ghodu mar jaghti fuq sidru igiebu mibgheda bil-kummenti taghhom u cert ukoll li jqazzu Nazzjonalisti tal-affari taghhom ukoll. Dan Galea dejjem isemmi il-Patria, dan ghax forsi ghax ghadu bin-nostalgija lejn-Mussolini ghax dak kien dejjem isemmi il-Patria.
Minajr dawn id donazjonijiet il partit socjalista x ser jamel??? Semplici. Jizzarma. Dak li ma sarx fit 30s flahhar ix xewqa tal Patria taghna issir realta.
It is common knowledge that Mintoff turned Malta into a Libyan coilony. These documents by the CIA (thank you Assange) explain why: money.
Was MEANT as a reply for briffi@something 'AND shouldn't the PN explain their zeal hugging of the dictator Gaddafi? Who was the last western head of state to lick the soles of Gaddafi's dessert sandals? Now that's easy to guess. The question is WHY???? Who bestowed the highest honour on this dictator? Wasn't it E F A? The question is again WHY. SO, isn't this, as always, a case of two weights and two measures????' UNQUOTE: Perhaps he should be enlightened by reading yesterday's opinion on TOS blog by no other than John Dalli. Makes very interesting reading! PN versus GonziPN!
AND shouldn't the PN explain their zeal hugging of the dictator Gaddafi? Who was the last western head of state to lick the soles of Gaddafi's dessert sandals? Now that's easy to guess. The question is WHY???? Who bestowed the highest honour on this dictator? Wasn't it E F A? The question is again WHY. SO, isn't this, as always, a case of two weights and two measures????
JM also went to America shortly after being elected leader,does that mean he got into bed with Hilary Clinton?
It is being reported in the media that the Gaddafi family funds in Malta are being managed by a certain Joe Sammut who was once treasurer of the Malta Labour party? Can one imagine that the millions owned by the Gaddafi family and frozen in Malta would have been entrusted to any Tom Dick and Harry? How come that this fellow earned the trust of the Gaddafis? Could it be that the trust between the this fellow and the Gaddafis was developed at the time when this fellow was Labour's treasurer? Perhaps Labour can fill us all in and tell us whether these reports appearing in the media are true or not and, if they are true, how come the Gaddafis have so much trust in Labour's ex treasurer?
Zack Depasquale
Jekk iridu imorru lura fl-istorja waqt li l-Partit Laburista ghandu jiccara l-pozizjoni tieghu dwar fondi mil-Libja jekk kien hemm, ghaliex dak li ngieb fuq il-Mument gabu biss parti u meta tara id-dokoment kollu nofsu iccensurat u gej min agenzija li zgur m'hiex il-fond tal-verita. Mill-banda l-ohra jkun interessanti,li GonziPN (kif qieghed isejhilhom ukoll John Dalli) jghidulna x kien telgha jaghmel il-Libja, dak li jibdel ismu skond il-kariga Fenech Adami meta il-Gvern Laburista kien kissirha mal-Gvern Libjan fuq il-linja medjana. What's good for the goose is good for gender jghidu l-inglizi.
Meta il PN isib ruhu dahru mal hajt dejjem jaqbad ma issues irrelevanti jew ivvintati. Din il kwistjaoni tal finanzjamenti tal partiti tista tissolva biss meta tal PN jilghqu l-isfida tal PL biex flimkien jikxfu il kotba halli naraw min qed izoqq lil min. Tal PN dejjem harbu min din l-isfida.
Sur Bonello, id-donazzjonijiet moħbija li l-PN idaħħal mingħand il-kuntratturi jitħallsu lura għal mitt darba min flus il-poplu. Mhux ta' bxejn irid iżommhpm mistura. Din tal-Libja hija logħba mill-PN biex jiddevja l-attenzjoni tal-poplu mill-inkwiet kbir li għandu - bħad disgwid intern ma' nies bħal Franco Debono, JPO u John Dalli u l-fatt li ftit xhur ilu biss, il-Prim Ministru Gonzi were li huwa bniedem assolutament anti-demokratiku meta vvota kontra r-rieda tal-poplu espressa permezz ta' referendum. Mhux ta' b'xejn kien daqshekk ħabib ta' Gaddafi li kienu jaraw il-logħob tal-football flimkien! Għidli ma' min tagħmilha, u ngħidlek x'int. Dik mhux ser ninsewha
Micheal Bonanno
Tal-PN ghal hrejjef hadd ma jghaddikom. Possibli m'intomx tindunaw li qieghed jinghad hu biss biex ipoggi lill-PL f'dawl ikrah u jghatti l-hnizrijiet li qeghdin isiru f'pajjizna bil-korruzzjoni li hawn. Mela ibda mill-Partit tal-PN u l-pajjizi l-ohra kollha mcappsin bid-demm tal-Libja, ghax kollha huma mdahhla. Imma ahna, li ahna qaddisin izjed mill-Papa, fejn jaqblilna ma narawhx. Il-PN irid jaghmilha tad-dejjaq. Il-PL diga stiednu lill-PN biex meta jridu jifthu l-kotba ta' l-accounts fil-pubbliku. S'issa l-PN ghadu m'accettax. Tghid il-ghala?
@ fellus ta gahan. id-differenza hi li jekk hemm xxi kuntratturi li jaghtu l -flus lil Pn zgur qatt ma ghamlu genocidju kif ghamel Gaddafi lil Poplu tieghu. Ir-Rabta bejn il-PL u Gaddafi hija bicca nkwiet serju ghal Joseph Muscat. Il-poplu ghandu dritt ikun jaf jeekk il-flus tal labour party kienux gejjin minghand dittatur bhal Gaddafi. Wara kollox kief jghid il-Malti, ma jsir xejn ghal xejn. jekk dan huwa minnu dawn il-flus li kien jiehu il-Pl kienu mcappsa bid demm tal-martri Libjai matul is-snin
Unfortunately for ther Labour Party of Malta the allegations of Libyan Funding seems to have continued well into recent times according to the same sources.
When is the PN going to open its books and declare all donations it has received over the years - especially from the big Maltese contractors?