Inmate caught with cannabis plants in prison cell

A 29 year-old Maltese inmate is under investigation after three cannabis plants were discovered inside his cell at Corradino prisons.

The discovery - confirmed by prison director Abraham Zammit - was made yesterday during a routine inspection.

The plants were found in Division 3 but no official report was released by the police or the home affairs ministry.

MaltaToday is also informed that a number of inmates have been recently entertained to a 'dinner' with prison warders.

According to the prison director, the dinner was a "one off" occasion where inmates and warders celebrated the end of a project.

MaltaToday recently reported that a veteran prison warder has been suspended from duty and is awaiting a hearing for dismassal before the Public Service Commission, after it was discovered that he was the administrator of a company set up by the son of released double-murderer Charles Muscat, 'il-Pips'.

Sur Direttur??!!! tahseb li ghadek fil kapacita li tmexxi l-habs ta Kordin?! Ma thossx li l-affarijiet qedt jaharbu totalment mil-kontroll tieghek meta issa sahansitra anke pjanti qedt issibu? Ghal li jista jkun trid il-prosit talli irnexxilkom issibu 3 pjanti gol habs? hehe sirtu joke tal-pajjiz, nies fuq barra meta suppost qedin gewwa, nies jaharbu min taht ghajnejkom u issa isbah.... bil-pjanti! :) U tista tati spjegazzjoni xi progett kien li xtaqtu ticcelebraw flimkien bejn il-gwardjani u l-habsin? Fuq kollox dawn huma flus il-poplu... mhux hekk? Nahseb li bizzejjed li qedt ikunu ta piz fuq taxxi tal-poplu u issa niccelebraw l-okkazjonijiet bil-one off's dinners. Missu jithajjar minnek il-gvern u ma kull progett li jaghmel, jorganizza one off dinner ghal poplu ta malta u ghawdex. Tkun idea sabiha :) Xtahseb? :)