Transport Malta's August roadside inspections uncover over 1,700 contraventions
In its August operations, Transport Malta uncovered more than 1,700 contraventions, comprising fines and cases referred to Local Tribunals
Over 1,700 contraventions were discovered by transport authorities during roadside inspections throughout August, according to Transport Malta.
In a press statement, Transport Malta said it conducted rigorous inspections with a focus on promoting road safety, upholding traffic regulations and safeguarding all road users.
The inspections resulted in 1,729 contraventions, including 278 administrative fines and 1,451 cases referred to Local Tribunals.
Jonathan Borg, CEO of Transport Malta, said the number of infringements identified proved the authority’s “unwavering commitment to enhancing road safety across the nation”.
He also said that enforcing regulations is benefitial for communities and the safety of everyone on the road.
Patrick Pollacco, Director for Enforcement at Transport Malta, said roadside inspections play a critical role the pursuit of high safety standards on the roads.
He said that Transport Malta’s aim is to mitigate the risk of accidents and encourage responsible road behavior.