[WATCH] Drivers emerge as Arriva’s redeeming factor

As Arriva has set September 11 as the target date for the provision of a full service, some are still bitterly disappointed but most are more nuanced, welcoming various aspects of the new service.


Arriva has set September 11 as the target date for the provision of a full service, which was fatally crippled in July when 180 drivers failed to turn up for their first day of work.

Judging by commuters at the Valletta terminus on Wednesday morning, 11 days before the Arriva deadline, some are still bitterly disappointed but most are more nuanced, welcoming various aspects of the new service.

Moreover, one redeeming factor mentioned by nearly all commuters interviewed are the new drivers.

While generally praising the new service, Mikhail Debono – a young student – still finds difficulties to keep up with appointments.

“Two days ago, I had a private lesson. I had to take two buses: one from Naxxar to Valletta, and one from Valletta to Rabat. I arrived at my appointment half an hour late.”

But Mikhail still thinks that Arriva is providing a better service to the old system, which was run by the Public Transport Association.

“The air conditioners make a big difference in the summer heat and the drivers are definitely more polite and good mannered.”

Daniela Degabriele also praised the drivers but she still laments of delays to arrive to B’Kara from Valletta.

Rose Abela was one of the few commuters who had no complaints about the timings.

“Buses from B’Bugia regularly leave every 15 minutes and unlike others, I have no complaints.”

She also praises the drivers for saying “good morning” to everyone and for assisting people by explaining the new routes.

Abela also finds the week ticket system convenient and cheap. Week tickets – which cost a mere €6.50, the equivalent of 14 bus rides under the old system – can be used for any number of bus rides.

“When I go to Sliema, I have to take four buses. Previously, I had to pay on each bus ride, now I pay only once… I buy a week ticket and the service is cheaper.”

But some commuters are still angry at the long duration of the trips.

Mary Desira from Ghaxaq complains that instead of taking a bus from near the church she has to walk to Bir id-Deheb.

“What used to be a 20 minutes trip now takes an hour as we have to take another bus at the park and ride.”

According to Desira, things can only get worse when traffic increases when the schools open again.

George Vella claims that a trip from San Gwann takes more than two hours while Joseph Dimech complains that buses in Mosta are already full up when they arrived packed by people embarking from Cirkewwa and Qawra

The imposition of higher fees on tourists who have to pay €2.60 instead of €1.30 for a bus ride has not irked British tourist Richard.

“It is OK for me… it is their country and they can have a discount, it does not bother me at all.”

But Francesca, a young Italian who is working here, is bothered by the fact that no distinction is made between tourists and foreigners working in Malta who do not have an ID card.

“I think it is not right to charge people who work here more. I am not a tourist.  I hope that they will understand this and make a distinction.”

Francesca also laments that at the beginning it was hard to find a bus, and she even arrived an hour late for work.

“But with time the situation has improved considerably.”

B'kull rispett lejn kulhadd u lejn Arriva - isbah mill-karozza tieghi mhemmx, nitlaq u nigi xhin irrid jien u nixghel l-a/c ukoll, u ma jimpurtax jekk trip jigini iktar minn biljett ta' l-Arriva!! Wara kollox darba nghixu u mghandix ghalfejn noqghod ninzel u nitla u ninzel u nitla xarabank biex immur x'imkien.Il-kumdita` hija hafna hafna ikbar. Dawn hasbu li b'din is-sistema, simili ta' l-underground ta' Londra u pajjizi ohra, se nimxu l-quddiem. Ma nafx jien. Indifferenti imma nahseb ghandi dritt ghal opinjoni.
Imbghad farsa ohra biex tirkeb mill Belt fis siegha. Gieli irkibna mall ewwel u gieli domna nofs siegha. Kummiedja ohra li ghandom hija li jekk titla Ghawdex ma nistghawx nuxaw il niljett li tkun qtajt minn Malta, imma huma jistghu !! Jien kont nirranga li kien hemm u minn ma ridtx jimxi ta nies itellquh l hemm [ix xufiera] u nirranga bhan nies il karozzi nfushom.
Arriva ma ghandomx tort. Minn fassal ir rotot ghandu it tort kollu. Ta Birzebbuga, imkun il belt il hin kollu gejjin wahda wara l ohra. L-ghar rotta hija in 91 ta M Scala. Filghodu immur fuq l istage fil 5.30. Gieli bqajna hemm sas 6.15 u ma rkibniex ghax jghaddu full up. Ikunu full up diga minn Haz Zabbar.
They would indeed be redeeming if they did stick to the route plan. Whenever the drivers do not go some very steep hill and are questioned, they turn a blank face and state (in English). 'Didn't know I had to go uphill'. And the poor commutesr have to walk it all the way up in the soaring heat! But Austin Gatt would not admit that he made the greatest 'balbuljata' in the history of local transport.
Rose Abela was one of the few commuters who had no complaints about the timings. ** Does she have anyone working with Arriva?
Kemm konna ahjar meta konna ghar /// Minhabba ftit drivers li ma kienux kapaci biex jaghamlu dan x xoghol kellu bzonn jehel kulhadd?? Weghduna li s servizz ser jkun hafna ahjar araw wahidkom kemm hu veru dan. Ohra li hadd ma jsemmi hi li l-affarijiet gholew,jien t tifel kien jonfoq 96 cents kuljum u illum 1ewro 50 Hekk tajjeb?
The Italian working here is entitled to an ID card which will have A instead of M at the end. That would entitle her to a discount. Her employer should have told her that.
Good cross section of feedback. Good report based on people's perceptions. One thing struck me: the Italian tourist spoke better English than the reporter! Not a very good reference for Malta's Education system I thought especially as many think we have a superior one! Come to think of it the reporter's Maltese, when asking questions, wasn't that good either! It's not only Arriva that has problems!
Jekk tridu tkunu tafu kemm huwa FQIR is servizz tal ARRIVA morru naqra fl- stage tal Ferry ta Sliema biex tmur sa Pembroke jew Bugibba ghandek ta linqas siegha u nofs biex tirkeb ghax il karozzi jigu kollha FULLUPmil Belt Pero jiena it TORT intih lil min FASSAL ir rotot mhux lil Arriva biex tirkeb min ta Sliema lejn il Belt il karozza ikolla tigi min Bugibba jew ic CIRKEWWA VERA min FASSAL DIN IR ROTTA QATT MA RIKEB KAROZZA TAL LINJA JEW INKELLA NIEQES MIN MOHHU Din ir Rotta Gorg Sapiano FASSALA il vera ma TAFX XINTI taghmel Gorg Sapiano TAJJEB biex BLAJT dawk it 300,000 Ewro tal Konsulenzi
Servizz ta` trasport li ma jzommx il-hinijiet tieghu MHU SERVIZZ XEJN. Jistghu mhux jilbsu l-ingravata u jixelu l-aircondition. U xi nghidu ghar-rotot. Kemm ippompaw fuq it-TV bir-rotot godda, biex imbghad xi bdew bir-rotot godda, sparixxew ghax holqu fjask kbir. ARRIVA NON ARRIVA MAI TM = TRASPORT MEDJOKRI