US may have made immunity request for visiting military personnel to Malta

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg: ‘Malta always insisted Maltese jurisdiction should prevail’ when offence is committed by visiting military personnel

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg has told MaltaToday that informal discussions had taken place with the United States embassy on a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) under NATO auspices, but no agreement was reached.

“The matter then stopped three months ago,” Borg, who was speaking from China, said. “Even if we were to reach an agreement this would need parliamentary approval.”

Borg has also indicated that Malta may have refused the SOFA over questions of immunity for visiting US personnel to the island.

“A SOFA regulates questions of jurisdiction when an offence is committed by visiting military personnel. Malta always insisted that when Maltese property or personnel were involved, Maltese jurisdiction should always prevail,” Borg said.

It is not yet clear whether the Maltese government resisted signing a bilateral immunity agreement, which is included in SOFAs as a clause to protect American military personnel from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Malta has ratified the Rome Statute of the ICC, but under the Bush administration it lost out on regular military funding for not signing an immunity agreement. The United States – which has not ratified the Rome Statute – says American citizens are not protected from ICC prosecution, and could be extradited to the ICC by any state that has not signed an immunity agreement wit the USA.

The Bush Administration claimed BIAs were drafted out of concern that SOFAs did not sufficiently protect Americans from the jurisdiction of the ICC. According to the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, 54 countries rejected US efforts to sign BIAs despite US pressure.

Malta lost its US foreign financing in 2004 because it did not sign the BIA.

Borg is actually described by US embassy cables published on the Wikileaks website as having been “a sceptic” of the US proposal for a SOFA, but later dropped his opposition – according to a conversation between former US ambassador Douglas Kmiec and the Prime Minister’s personal assistant Edgar Galea-Curmi .

Galea-Curmi told Kmiec that Lawrence Gonzi was “ready to go forward” on a United States request to consider a SOFA, two years after rejoining the Partnership for Peace. “What remained to be determined was what parameters the SOFA needed, and how Malta could met U.S. ‘expectations’,” Kmiec paraphrased Galea-Curmi as saying.

The cables strongly hinted that Lawrence Gonzi would “move broad SOFA legislation quietly through parliament without formal debate”or increase NATO presence gradually through diplomatic notes.

The OPM has not denied the contents of the cables, but said it had not opened the SOFA negotiations: “Our position has always been of remaining open to considering all opportunities that are in the national interest,” the OPM told MaltaToday.

A SOFA determines what privileges, facilities and immunities will apply to military forces when they are present on Maltese territory but does not necessarily imply hosting a military base.

While Borg told MaltaToday that a SOFA has to be approved by parliamentary resolution, Malta’s head of defence Vanessa Frazier is said to have proposed to Douglas Kmiec a gradual approach:

“The best course would be to execute SOFA incrementally by means of dip notes” – suggesting that any military presence could be built-up incrementally, perhaps with frequent visits by US ships.

Kmiec welcomed this tactic as a “useful interim” step, since NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander James Stavridis had requested at least six ship visits “to reacquaint Malta with [their] economic and associational value” while SOFA discussions were kept alive.

News that the Cabinet was actively considering a SOFA raises the question of the meaning of Malta’s superpower-era neutrality, which says the island must “refuse to participate in any military alliance”and cannot be used be used as a military base except for its defence or enforce UN Security Council decrees.

No military base

Gonzi has told MaltaToday there was no standard SOFA and that it had nothing to do with the establishment of a military base. “Malta for example could enter into negotiations over a SOFA for its forces serving on peace support operations abroad; it will not imply, however, that Malta intends to open a military base in the countries with which it negotiates such a SOFA.”

He also said that Malta’s present involvement in PfP is in search and rescue and anti-pollution operations, as well as planning for UN peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. “As discussed in Parliament’s European and Foreign Affairs standing committee, all aspects of Malta’s PfP participation are fully in line with Malta’s Constitutional requirements.”

Let us be fair and first state that a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) does not imply the establishment of foreign bases on our territory nor does it directly infringe on our sovereignity in that we still keep in theory absolute control on when or if foreign vessels or forces are allowed to enter our territory. Indeed even Russia has agreed a SOFA agreement with Nato. However the problems in our case lie in (i) the asymmetry of the arrangement in that while we might in a single visit get hundreds of US personnel there is very little likelikehood of Maltese armed force making use of the SOFA reciprocal arrangement in the US. So really it is only for the convenience of US troops and we are to be honest not capable of fully checking what they will do here. (ii) This asymmetry between a superpower and one of the worlds micro nations maps into a certain degree of increased pressure which the US military establishment may put to use our logistic and R&R facilities as it suits them. (iii) There are also problems in that we might see a large number of forces parading in uniform something which will convey the wrong image to the one we want our visitors to experience . (iv) The biggest problem is however the immunity which will cover US forces from civil damages or criminal action causing in a sense the same problems which in theory can potentially happen with diplomatic immunity with the difference that instead of suave diplomats cognisant of international protocols we will be dealing with a bunch of hyperactive marines and sailors. What happens if they damage cars and property or cause injury because of some bar fight. What redress will the Maltese citizen have if the miscreants are spirited away. (v) Finally there is the danger of upsetting or even reversing the cultural and community mindset we have achieved over the past forty years of transforming ourselves from a country based on supporting military activities to one that has embarked on a succesful humanitarian mission of peace and friendship based on our constitutional neutrality.
@ vuci ta sens: yes it is US military personnel (who are US citizens). So are you saying it ist OK to give them preferrential treatment because they are US military personnel? Only to US personnel - not others. Not visiting military personnel in the US? @ The Alchemist: we are in agreement. Read my post again please.
paul sciberras
Text book example of how GonziPN works. Everything's done behind everyone's back and when they get caught they shift the blame on someone else or call it a spin. Remember the Euro 600 increase they gave themselves at the beginning of this legislation?
@chikku And why should American armed forces personnel receive preferential treatment? Or whatever the Yanks dictate goes?
Chikku - The agreement pertains to armed forces personnel and has nothing to do with other American citizens in Malta. It doesn't imply at all or ever that U.S. citizens deserve better treatment than anyone.
This is American arrogance at its' very worst. They want US citizens to be above the law anywhere in the world, without offering any form of reciprocity. Stand firm Malta. Signing up means agreeing that US citizens desrve better treatment than other people. It is shameful for the US to even propose it.
Apart from the fact that we must not allow the Americans to go free if they break any laws in Malta and Fumarole gave the classical example of what they do in other countries, Malta is a signatory and has ratified the Statute of the International Court of Justice. This means that any American being sought by the ICJ for crimes he or she had committed must be handed over to the ICJ to be tried. The USA has refused to sign the ICJ Statute because many of its armed forces would be handed over to the ICJ because they are accused of war crimes. Would any Government comply with such a request from the USA? This is apart from violation of our Constitution because we would be giving the Americans a free hand to station their troops in Malta. Maltese citizens beware of what the USA wants to do in Malta, including using Malta as its fleet home port not only in violation of our Constitution but also to use Malta as its public convenience. Anyone with the slightest decency will tell the USA where to shove its SOFA.
Kemm ninsew !! Tiftakru meta bahri Amerikan dahal fir-residebza ta' missier il-Perit Mintoff il-Belt, serqu u sawtu ?. Tahsbux li dan tressaq il-qorti Maltija ?. Mela, ic-campjins tad-demokrazija bewguh minn Malti !!. DIK tfisser is- SOFA hbieb. Jigu hawn, jaghmlu li jridu u ma tistax ghalihom !, Mur ghamel hekk f'darhom u f'arthom !. L-arma li ghandhom hija dik li ma jghinukx izjedfinanzjarjament biex igiegheluk tbaxxi rasek u taccetta l-impozizzjoni taghhom. U meta jsibu nies bla fibra iktar jixxalaw. Ghalhekk jibzghu u jaghmlu minn kollox biex il-Partit Laburista jekk jista' jkun a jiggverna qatt. U ma neskludix li jghinu finanzjarjament biex dan jitwettaq. Imdorrijin sewwa f'dawn il-pastazati. L-ikbar ezempju huwa c-Cili fejn il-Gvern ta' Salvador Allende,elett demokratikament mill-poplu, twaqqa' bl-ghajnuna u ndhil tad-Demokratici Amerikani biex poggew dittatur Augusto Pinoche. Poplu iftah ghajnejk. Harsu sewwa lejn id-dikjarazzjonijiet li hargu, kif Ms. Vanessa Frazier u l-Prim Ministru ikkonfoffaw biex idahhlu l-affarijiet mill-ventelatur biex ma jallarmawx lill-Poplu. Ma tistax tafdahom ghax ibieghu anke ruhhom. Partit u Gvern LAGHQI. Hekk kienu, ghadhom u jibqghu.
Gvern Mubarakjan