Phasing out of ‘dial-up’ internet connection reconfirmed - NSO

Subscriptions to all forms of communication technology, excluding fixed telephony, increased when compared to June last year.

According to statistics issued by the National Statistic Office, there were no active narrowband (dial-up) Internet subscriptions recorded, re-confirming the phasing out of this type of internet connection. Meanwhile, broadband subscriptions increased by 7.7% to 126,572.

The majority of broadband subscribers had a connection speed of at least 2 Mbps. The Internet subscription index as at the end of June stood at 136, up by 7.5% over 2010.

The television subscription index also rose by 3% when compared to the corresponding period in 2010. This was mainly caused by an increase in digital subscriptions, which advanced by 9.1%. On the other hand, a drop of 35.3% was registered in the number of analogue subscriptions. Furthermore, digital subscriptions accounted for 91.4% of total television subscriptions.

In absolute terms, the number of fixed-telephone subscriptions during the second quarter totalled 242,276, resulting in a drop of 1.6% over 2010. The fixed telephone subscription index also declined by 1.6% over last year. Total fixed originating minutes to national and international networks dropped by 14.8 and 7.2% respectively.

During the quarter under review, mobile telephone subscriptions stood at 491,344, up by 11.8% when compared to the previous year. Increases were recorded in both post-paid and pre-paid schemes. The mobile penetration rate per 100 persons in the population amounted to 117.3%, implying that a considerable number of individuals have more than one mobile account.

Increases were recorded in local originating mobile traffic, both towards fixed and mobile telephone networks.  Drops were registered in inbound roaming activities, while outbound roaming activities increased.

Total postal traffic for the period under review amounted to around 10.9 million items, a decrease of 15.2% when compared to the corresponding quarter in 2010.  Total parcels and other items were recorded at 15,588, a decrease of 39.3% over quarter two of 2010.

Items received and dispatched by couriers totalled 149,943 - up by 45.2% when compared to the corresponding quarter last year.