Borg in China: communist party calls for closer Malta ties

Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official Zhou Yongkang said China and Malta should seek stronger ties, in a meeting with Tonio Borg.

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg is leading ‘a Nationalist Party delegation’ on an official visit to China, according to Xinhua news agency.

In a meeting he held with Zhou Yongkang, a committee member in the political bureau of the communist party’s central committee, Zhou thanked Malta for facilitating China’s efforts to withdraw its citizens from Libya in February.

Yangkong is also head of the Central Political and Legislative Committee, an organ directing central government legal policy and the legislative agenda.

Zhou said the two countries’ relations had grown healthily since forging diplomatic ties in 1972 and characterized the relationship as “a paradigm of how countries of different social systems can get on well.”

As next year will mark the 40th anniversary of China-Malta relations, the two countries will stage a series of celebration events, Zhou said.

“China would like to work with Malta to step up exchanges between governments, legislative bodies and parties in order to benefit the two peoples,” Zhou said.

Borg was described by Xinhua as “marvelled at the changes he has seen during his five visits to China.”

“Calling this visit ‘a journey of learning’ Borg said he would like to share experience on state governance with the CPC. Malta and China have maintained vigorous relations despite the drastic size difference and the great distance from each other, Borg said.

“Borg said Malta’s people will keep in mind the generous support China has offered over the long term.”

Now ... imagine the CCP is overthrown in a year's time...I'm sure Gonzi will be out saying that he recognizes the new government of China and augurs well for a more democratic party! He will congratulate the people of China for fighting for their rights and insists that Malta wants to have the best relationship with the new democratic government of China. He'll be completely amnesic about this visit and will be busy looking for photos of when Mintoff went to meet the CCP. Ara il-veru .....
Min jobzoq ghas sema jigi f'wiccu u hekk gralhom in-Nazzjonalisti ta' Gonzi, kemm kienu ghajru lil Mintoff ghax kellu rabtiet mill-qrib mac-Cinizi u issa jriddu jsahhu r-rabtiegh maghhom huma. Imma kif dejjem wara snin jghajru u jmaqdru dak li jkun sar huma stess iwittu t-triq li jkunu harbtu biex jghaddu minna u fuq kollox bil-kemm ma jridux il-glorja. Laqghin.
Joseph Pace
Now we know one person about whom Gonzi was talking with Ms. Bordanaro when he said that talent is lacking. READ THE WRITING ON THE WALL: THIS IS ABSOLUTELY BAD TIMING! Had it been in a few months, no one would have flinched (apart from the usual mintoffjani, thankfully they are a dying breed. BUt now? this week? Talent is not the only thing lacking, it's also Friggin common sense!
Dr Simon Busuttil your comments please.
Abdullah alhrbi
LOL Journey of learning and marveling at changes he's seeing!! : Where is Tonio Borg's lip service to the European ideal of Human rights, did he leave it at home for safe keeping? Well we all know who received Chinese representatives without a blink of an eyelash after the massacre at Tienanmen Square. Did he even give a little squeak re China's treatment of Ai wei wei ? Or does the neutrality clause have its uses? Pray tell are the Chinese amused with the US's NATO proposal for Malta? What is Tonio Borg saying that we really cannot ignore the rise of China or is Tonio Borg taking a leaf out of Mintoffian Brinkmanship? Can Malta today pls invite Dr. Simon Busuttil to give us his unbiased thoughts on the matter? I would so like to see Dr. Busuttil vs James Debono on the small matter of Malta/China diplomacy.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Maybe in the future, if there is a change of Government in China, the Nationalist media would be packed with stories to prove that it was only the Labour Party that befriended the Chinese Government... which of course they would then they would call 'overthrown regime.'
Mela veru kellu ragun Dom Mintoff! Insewh it-tajjir li ghajru lil dawn il-pajjiezi Sewwa jghidu "Min immaqdar irid jixtri" Jaqaw ma ghadhomx Kummunistio issa? U turn ohra tal-PN
what a bunch of ass licking politians!!!!!!!!..............mela jahsbu li in nies imbecilli???
This is what the PN and il klikka used to call our nation friends....The Chinese..Ta ghajnejhom imgebbdin u ta wicc wiehed...........The russians...ta L'ors L'ahmar............Libyans ...Tal habbazies.........Arab emirates.......Ta Mawmettu..............After 20 years they're all licking their asses.
Remember what the PN used to say when Mintoff, the first western dignitary to do so, visited China. How times change! And China is certainly not the champion of democracy! Will they discuss Tienanmen Square massacre? What does China remind Simon Busuttil of?