GWU insisting Arriva respects agreement on split shifts

General Workers Union secretary-general Tony Zarb has insisted on the union’s objection to public transport operator Arriva’s use of split-shifts for employees, and that it could force the union to call for industrial action.

The union said the agreement reached in July was that workers do not work more than one split-shift in a week’s work. The union understood a split-shift to be a work period with a break of more than one hour.

The union has ordered Arriva bus drivers not to accept rosters with more than one split shift after Thursday.

“It is apparent that Arriva is going against the spirit of this agreement and this is an unacceptable situation for the GWU. That is why on 31 August we wrote to the company to register our disapproval of the way it was organizing its rosters.”

The GWU said it had given Arriva until the 8 September to come in line with the union agreement.

The roster and the split-shifts were at the heart of Arriva’s chaotic lunch of services, when some 180 bus drivers did not report for work on their first day of work.

Arriva has set September 11 as the target date for the provision of a full service, which was fatally crippled in July when 180 drivers failed to turn up for their first day of work.

[VIDEO] Judging by commuters at the Valletta terminus last week 11 days before the Arriva deadline on its reformed servce, some are still bitterly disappointed but most are more nuanced, welcoming various aspects of the new service.

I agree with moribond that something should be done about the buying and checking of tickets when commuters are boarding the buses. I have no doubt that both management and patrons agree that this lresults in delays. During rush hours, when travelling time is crucial, everything must be done to reduce delays. Most of the Maltese do not have the culture to buy tickets before hand but they still insist that there should be no delays and rightly so as they want to get to their place of work on time. These people expect to buy tickets on boarding the bus, a lot of them don't present the driver with the exact fare, they expect to be given change. Perhaps the best way to tackle the problem is for TM to launch a campaign on the media to the effect that during rush hours commuters should present pre-paid tickets and that they shoulld not expect to be given change if they do not have the right fare. This would definitely deter people from boarding buses without having a prepaid ticket or failing to have the right fare. Drivers should also be practical and turn a blind eye to the occasional patron who presents a ticket showing a lower fare. They should just point that out to the ticket holder and get moving. Things could be more relaxed during non-rush hours. Tickets should also be made available at at stationer's, bazaars and other outlets. Nobody likes to be short-changed and I firmly believe that this procedure would be an incentive for commuters to buy pre-paid tickets and to present the right fare when then they board the buses:. besides it should result in cutting unnecessary delays during rush hours.
Arriva was supposed to be another 'state of the art'. Instead we have been lumped with the worst public service in the history of local transport. Needless to say neither Austin Gatt nor Alan Delia have resigned!
Looks like more delays are on the way. Arriva what a lousy mess! Minister, if you have gatts terminate them. They are a wasts of taxpayer's money!
Ahjar meta konna aghar. Sewwa jghejdu li il qattusa ghagilija frieh ghomja taghmel. Issa wara dan id disgwid kollu li donnu ma iridx jieqaf, min ser jibda jirrizenja ? Tiffullawx, zommu il kju....
Having read Minister Gatt's comments re Arriva a few days ago,I decided to give them another try today. I have to tell him that it is still a disaster.It took 15 minutes at the Sliema ferries stop to load and dish out tickets to pensioners, tourists,normal day to day travellers. Bus driver having to check the exact fare each time. Off course the ticket machine is out of order and still not enough information about bus routes at the stops. Xejn sew Sur Ministru. Don't hop on a bus unless your patience runs on a slow fuse.