Government announces minimum wage hike to €213.54 from start of 2024

The minimum wage is set to increase to €203.73 in 2025, €206.73 in 2026, and €210.73 in 2027. This excludes the COLA increases given each year

The minimum wage is set to increase to €200.73 per week on January 1st, while the cost of living adjustment (COLA) of €12.81 for 2024 means that the minimum wage will total €213.54 at the start of next year.

The increase announced by government also detailed that by 2027, the minimum wage will continue to increase until it reaches €210.73, which excludes the COLA increases for each year. 

During a media briefing, Low Wage Commission (LWC) Chairman David Xuereb stated that this rise in minimum wage comes after months of discussions with all social partners. Xuereb noted that the increase is a major success for the commission, as it represents a consensus reached by a number of differing bodies. 

Some social partners made their concerns about the minimum wage hike public, as the Malta Chamber called such rises “naive at best, suicidal at worst”. Despite this, government stated that all social partners finally came to an agreement. 

Vice-chairman of the LWC Mark Musù detailed the increases expected for the years to come. Musù explained that minimum wage employees who currently earn between €192.73 and €198.73 per week will see their wages increased by €2 to €8 in 2024, along with the COLA. 

The minimum wage is set to increase to €203.73 in 2025, €206.73 in 2026, and €210.73 in 2027. This excludes the COLA increases given each year. 

Meanwhile, parliamentary secretary for social dialogue, Andy Ellul praised the work carried out by the LWC, stating that the announced increases will give dignity to the affected workers.