Malta’s ‘energy security’ behind schedule

Gas conversion costs from Delimara’s heavy fuel oil extension increased from €26m to €35m.

Labour MPs Joe Mizzi and Evarist Bartolo have accused the government of delaying important plans for Malta’s energy security, with a huge bill for the Delimara extension’s conversion to gas now pending.

Evarist Bartolo told journalists outside the Delimara power station today that government was not yet clear on how much the conversion from heavy fuel oil to gas, originally estimated by contractors BWSC at €26 million, would cost.

“According to the integrated pollution prevention control report by Dr Gordon Cordina, this conversion will not cost €35 million – so what has changed in a year?” Bartolo asked.

According to Enemalta’s electricity generation plan for 2006-2015, Delimara’s new extension was expected to be fired on gas as the “only way” to meet 2020 emission standards.

The combined-cycle gas turbine also had to be accompanied by a gas pipeline, but delays on the pipeline meant that costs today were much higher than originally estimated.

“In 2003, Eni’s estimate for the construction of the pipeline was €93 million, and by 2006 this had increased to €117 million. But since then, the price of steel had skyrocketed due to increase demand in India and China – today the pipeline will cost €231 million,” Bartolo said.

Bartolo said that Labour would make a national energy plan and judicious investments to curtail Malta’s dependence on oil, so that it could deliver cheaper energy prices.

He also said that government has not still identified which country will be paid for Malta to export the hazardous waste from the Delimara power station extension.

Labour MP Joe Mizzi said the government had set itself a 2009 deadline for the extension to be fired by gas. “When it resulted that its deadline was not going to be met, government used its friends to meet a new deadline and resorted to heavy fuel oil.”

Mizzi said irregularities in the €200 million contract that Danish giant BWSC had won, as identified by the Auditor General’s investigation, made it clear that government had to use its “core friends” to get things working as fast as possible.

@briffa Depends what you mean by being successful in life, if you mean getting there by whom you know and not what you know, I will agree and say in that respect I failed but managed otherwise under my own steam. Only brown nosed elves keep defending the government to go for an HFO poered plant. A gas plant was also in the bidding and was ignored and now after your beloved ali babas decided on BWSC's plant realised that we have to go on gas for an additional €30 million or more. As regards rudeness I'd rather be rude than an a lieing apologist who is having it good.
@david lexicon....I am sorry, but your comment is pathetic. You are obsessed with this blue veil thing. Think a bit: Does any body doubt that we need an extension of the PS to enable the old Marsa PS to shut down and to meet the ever rising energy demand? I don't think you disagree, as figures of projected demand prepared by electrical engineers amply show that Malta needs more energy. So government policy is the right one, isn't it? The contract: if BWSC weren't the successful bidder, probably the Israeli firm would have secured the contract. The local rep who would have got the commission would have been X not Y. What difference does it make to you or me or any john citizen. Labour was backing the Israeli firm, why? Does Labour have an interest in this? Furthermore the there were no complaints from the unsuccessful bidders submitted to the Contracts Committee, so why this hullabaloo? Why is Labour doing everything to delay the extension, doesn't it agree that there is a need for an extension? Don't they read the demand projections, don't they agree that Marsa PS has to close down? So what does Labou want, that Energy production will be unable to meet the deamnd? And are these the same people who start ranting when there is a power-cut? Do they want us to go back to the 80s when power-cuts and water-cuts were the order of the day? When people used to wake up at 4 am to fill buckets from trickling taps to flush their toilets, and wash their faces, when we had one street lamp on and three off, when hotels and private residences had to resort to rely on water bowsers to fill their water tanks. Is this what Labour wants, to entertain us again to their socialist largesse? And these remarks about PN driving us into a wal, where do they originate from; from the doom and gloom crowd who are envious of the record of successive PN administrations which change Malta completely from the pathetic state it was in before 1987, when colour TVs were considered a luxury, when the Maltese did not even have a choice, so as Mintoff put it they don't have to ponder whether to but X brand of corned beef and tuna tins or Y, and would not waste time doing their shopping when people were terrorised by Labour thugs, when Zejtun was considered out of bounds, when the police helped the thugs rather than the public, when there were no TV stations except Xandir Malta dishing out propagande Goebbel's style and making up all sorts of stories, when people attending opposition mass meetings were gassed and shot by N Korean criminals and the police hit squads. Why don't you open your eyes and stop regurgitating super one's propaganda. Malta doesn't need to go back to those terrible days which took us back to the dark ages, or you are one of those who are hearkening to go back to those glorious days of the socialist party, as new Labour is now saying. Change of names and motifs are meaningless, half of Mintoff's and KMB's cabinet members have come back to Labour's fold after Alfred Sant had managd to edge them. But JM's movement is all inclusive. God help Malta if people would so stupid to vote for a change simply as the PN has been at the helm for a quarter of a century. But not all the Maltese are stupid, they have always risen to the occasion, they have voted for EU membership, they have repeatedly voted for PN and have banished Labour to the opposition benches for a quarter of a century. Unless Labour really changes, Malta can do without them. Facts have proved that Labour hasn't changed and until such time as they change radically by ousting the dinosaurs and the young clowns from their midst, they are doomed to the opoosition benches.
People like briffy is hard for them to see the truth. They have this 'blue veil' in front of their eyes and whatever happens, everything will be ok. The power station extension is a scandal for all to see. The policy is even more scandalous. GonziPN has one direction ie letting Malta crash in the rocks of bankruptcy, debt and to a point of no return. Only God can help us now.
@Martin Borg...You don't strike me as highly professional: your are very rude in your comments and downright insulting. Aren't you the brown nosed guy? You don't strike me as having been very succesful in your carreer, otherwise why did you come back to Malta to live a miserable life under PN administrations? And by the way haven't you been taught that it's rude to butt in?
So, first gonziPN suggests to have a gas powered power plant but then for some shaddy reason changes emmissions law to accommodate BWSC with an HFO powered plant. Now after having had his way for reasons only gonzi,Tonio and Austin know and keep to themselves gonzi decided to have the plant change over to gas. I wounder in which level of Dante's inferno thieves recide.
@briffa I was working in the EU 20 years before we entered the EU, all one needed was a profession and not Malta being a member. Briff stop showing what a brown nosed elf you are, apparently under Dom Mintoff you stayed in Malta and did not leave like you suggested to xikajk. Seema you are a man or should I say a worm of all seaons. Get a grip on yourself man otherwise you'll have a massive heart attack in a few months time.
Micheal Bonanno
@briffy. Kemm bqajt mohhok maghluq. Ara tghidx li int mhux biased ukoll. Naf li int pensjonant bhali, imma mid-dehra qieghed tpappiha sew!
Synonymous of a country which has been 25 years under the PN.
Int zgur mahruq xifajk! U ilek hamsa u ghoxrin sena mahruq. Kif bqajt tghix hawn Malta? Sinjal li ghaddej tajjeb u kentent, kieku ilek li tlaqt 'l hemm. Iva ma nafx min irid jaccettak imma insomma grazzi ghal Fenech Adami, tista ' tmur tahdem fl-EU, iva ma nafx to xhix, imma xi haga ma ssibx u nahseb ihalssuk tajjeb ghax hemm ihalsu tajjeb mhux bhal Malta. Thobb tant is-socjalismu ghidt il AST jirrangaalek tmur toqghod in N Korea - hemm genna tal-art. Jew Kuba, hemmhekk jghixu tajjeb is-s0cjalisti. Insomma zgur tkun ahjar minn Malta ghax hemm ma hemmx il-PN u nies intelligenti bhalek jahtfuhom.Tinsiex tiehu d-diska ha ddoqilhom kulltnant - Viva il-Lejber!
Basta Par Idejn Sodi! Kissirtu Pajjiz u il-Poplu Bla Talent, imma biex tiehdu il €500 ghandkom talent. F'xiex morna tajjeb? Trid issir GUSTIZZJA! Sewwa Qal l-Ex Ministru tal Finanzi "U Wara nahirqu kollox" Gia kollox mahruqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
U il gahan ihallas. Dan il gvern salib kbir ta Malta.