Residents to protest relocation of tarmac plant to Mqabba
Resident groups from Qrendi, Mqabba, Zurrieq and Siggiewi have called a peaceful protest to be held this Sunday at 10am in the main square of Qrendi

Resident groups from Qrendi, Mqabba, Zurrieq and Siggiewi have called a peaceful protest to be held this Sunday at 10am in the main square in Qrendi.
The protest comes ahead of the Planning Authority’s decision on the relocation of a tarmac plant to Mqabba.
The PA has already postponed its hearing, originally set for the 14 November, due to public pressure against PA/6976/21 which aims to relocate the tarmac plant from Ħal Far to an abandoned quarry in the area known as Xagħri l-Imqalleb.
“The proposed plant is totally unacceptable. We cannot have a plant releasing toxic fumes throughout the day, at just 250m from a residential area,” said the residents in a statement. “The plant will force many of us to keep their windows closed especially if the wind blows in the direction of our homes. We cannot understand how the Environmental Resources Authority can give its blessing to this plant, which poses a direct threat to our health.”
The groups highlighted how a similar plant operating in Iklin has made the situation unbearable for residents of the locality, who have also seen little support from the authorities despite the complaints of a cabinet Minister.
A petition launched by the residents has reached around 2000 signatories, while the local councils of Qrendi, Mqabba, Safi, Rabat, Zurrieq and Siggiewi have declared their position against the plant’s relocation.
“We are inviting the elected representatives of our district to Sunday’s protest, asking them to take interest in what the realities their constituents across the region are facing.
Will our MPs intervene to protect us from this senseless idea? This plant is a direct threat to our health and that of our children, to our quality of life and to our open spaces. We call on the Planning Authority to deny this permit outright,” the activists said.
The residents also lamented the relentless attack on their common resources. “Everywhere in the Western region, large developments are looming and these will further erode our quality of life. Residents of Mqabba, Qrendi, Birzebbugia, Siggiewi and Zurrieq have repeatedly been voicing their displeasure over the situation in their towns, only for our concerns to fall on deaf ears. We have no choice but to protest.”
Those wishing to attend the protest may also sign up and receive updates here.