Abela has joined Muscat's campaign in undermining the judiciary, Repubblika says
Robert Aquilina described Abela’s declarations regarding the court as “very dangerous”, adding that they are nothing more than intimidation reminiscent of fascism

Prime minister Robert Abela has joined Joseph Muscat in undermining the courts, Repubblika president Robert Aquilina stated on Monday.
In a press conference in Castille Square, Aquilina was reacting to Abela’s statements on Friday following news that ex-prime minister Joseph Muscat is mulling a return to politics.
On Friday, Abela cast doubts on the ongoing magisterial inquiry probing Joseph Muscat’s involvement in the fraudulent hospital privatisation deal, which is also examining substantial payments Muscat received from a Swiss firm with connections to Vitals and Steward.
In Repubblika’s press conference, Aquilina reminded those present that Muscat’s administration had been found to have created an atmosphere of impunity that led to the collapse of rule of law.
“Today our country has a prime minister whose priorities are not Malta and her interests, but the defence of Joseph Muscat and his criminal friends,” Aquilina said.
Aquilina stated that Abela’s decisions and statements are leading him back in time when Muscat was in power. The NGO’s president described Abela’s declarations regarding the court as “very dangerous”, adding that they are nothing more than intimidation reminiscent of fascism.
He continued by adding that Muscat and Abela are trying to discredit the court’s work in investigating Muscat and his accomplices. Aquilina reminded that the court had already found the hospitals’ deal to be fraudulent and that it was the product of collusion between Vitals and Muscat’s government.
Aquilina pinned the inquiry’s delay on the lack of resources magistrates have to work with.
He also said that Abela and Muscat have exposed themselves, as according to him they, “have acquired information about the inquiry that they’re not supposed to have.”
Aquilina said that this behaviour shows that Muscat and Abela are trying to undermine the justice system by portraying magistrates and judges as the enemy of the people. This, according to the NGO president, shows Abela’s weakness as he folded when confronted by Muscat.
Robert Aquilina appealed to those who were “on the right side” in 2019 to band together to resist these attacks on democracy.