EU commissioner says Malta still needs to tranpose environmental laws better

European Commissioner Janez Potočnik said Brussels will be “strictly helpful but helpfully strict” with Malta in seeing that it complies with the EU’s environmental legislation.

Meeting parliamentary secretary for the environment Mario de Marco, before meeting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi at Castille today, Potočnik said there were still a number of problems related to Malta’s transposition of EU environmental legislation.

“It’s true that EU member states are currently focused on their economies, strengthening the euro, and safeguarding jobs. But is equally important that EU nationals can protect the quality of their environment,” Potočnik said.

In his meeting with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, the Commissioner also said that his visit also seeks support of the Maltese government for next week's publication of the Resources Efficiency Roadmap, which rewrites EU strategy for procurement of raw materials from the world.

Gonzi said his government was proud to be one of the top EU states in transposing environmental legislation. "Environment is one of my government's main pillars since election in 2004," Gonzi said.

Potočnik was presented with Malta’s recently published national environment policy, which is currently subject to public consultation.

De Marco said the policy was a commitment by the Maltese government towards upholding the environment as a main priority of its policies. “EU funds have allowed Malta to have its waste water treatment plant, and we’re one of the few member states to treat the waste water before it is dumped at sea… making it one of the cleanest in the Mediterannea,” de Marco said.

He added that EU funds also financed the solid waste treatment plant, while Malta has provided photovoltaic panels to around six to eight per cent of Maltese households thanks to a subsidised scheme.

“There is significant investment in the energy sector, particularly in the interconnector to the Sicilian grid, and as much has already been done, still a lot has to be done.”

if the environment is one of your main pillars Mr.Gonzi I advice you not to build anything on those pillars because your pillars are made of sand, enough sand for you and your incompetent government to bury your shameful heads in.
Luke Camilleri
Was he taken to see the greenery in Malta.... in roundabouts? That's Gonzi's inheritance to future generation a Power Station run on heavy fuel oil, Pre-electoral MEPA Permits in Outside Development Zones , and green turf in roundabouts.....powercuts and surcharges to pay off a twenty-year old Powerstation!
Every bit of countryside, every town and village in Malta has been ruined; There’s not a single street or square in Malta that hasn’t been scared by horrific buildings that do not conform to MEPA’s own policies, the vast majority legally built and approved by MEPA. . As a nation, we Maltese should be ashamed of our poor environment and planning record; collectively we have allowed MEPA to eat away into the fabric of this nation. We’ve become so accustomed to living with this poor and shameful planning that most of us barley notice its effect on our quality of life. It is disgraceful that we’ve come to a point that we’re now the laughing stock of Europe. . Indeed, most of us have little say or influence in planning and environment matters. Rather than just comment the EU should hold our government and its appointees at MEPA to account. At the very least, the EU should stop funding MEPA until MEPA implements a proper reform and stops breaching its own policies.
Now that we have got rid of those dirty old buses, when is the government going to find some courage ( as it has lost it all, it seems) and start enforcing the laws against vehicles emissions. We still see all those dangerous fumes coming out of private cars, minivans, trucks etc. Nothing is working as regards these emissions. Nothing. We need to wake up and do something about it. Hope is eternal. If the environment has been one of the main pillars of this government, then it has failed completely. Didn't the commissioner see all the smoke coming out of our vehicles?
Is there anything we do that isn't criticised by the EU? Fejnhom dawk il-Par idejn sodi Hon Dr Gonzi u shabek? Nispera li l-Gustizzja issir ma KULLHADD!
Luke Camilleri
Luke Camilleri
Maybe Dr. Gonzi will will not approving the issuing permits in ODZ zones and using the power of incumbancy to win elections . Bahrija and Tas-Salib , cases in point... by
how easy it is to just critizise and sit relaxed behind a screen. not that there is much more to be done on the evironmental front. far from it, but within eu or without, we still have our duties as citizens to take care of our environment. what are we doing to embelish, enhance and ensure that our natural and comunal habitat is kept up to date? unless we get out of our shells and think only of olcote ( our little corner on this earth) we will never be able to comprehend what enviromental issues are really about. and yes every tiny bit that we do to keep our front door area clean and after all pleasing to us counts. am sure as a maltese nation we can much more towards to the environment.
tony they had better start looking for a job because both the euro and the eu are taking their final breaths.
"Environment is one of my government's main pillars since election in 2004," Gonzi said. Tidher li lanqas żejt f'wiċċek m'għandek.
The European Commissioner is clearly not amused with our environment policy and Mr. De Marco is much too complacent with the little that has been achieved, and with EU funds, mind you, otherwise these wud be still in planning stages on some burocrats desk. Since when was the Maltese government ever committed to anything other on how to win the next election. Come next election and the bidding game for votes will start again. Do I hear 100K anyone, everything must go...going going gone A lovely tract of prime agricultural land overlooking a ( to date ) pristine valley, can be used as a open air discoteque, a sports village or even a shopping store with an extensive parking area.... included in the price is a boathouse at either Gnejna or Armier.
Raymond Falzon
Soon the EU will be no more and this guy can find a proper job.