Midwives, nurses union welcome health minister’s comments on Mater Dei expansion
MUMN agree with plans to open new wards at Mater Dei while transforming Karin Grech Hospital and St Luke’s Hospital into a Gwardamangia ‘health village’

The Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses (MUMN) has welcomed comments from Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela on a possible expansion of Mater Dei Hospital while creating a “health village” in Gwardamangia.
In a statement, the union said it was relieved to hear the minister’s long-term vision to open new wards at Mater Dei Hospital while utilising Karin Grech Hospital and St Luke’s Hospital.
“Such capital projects can be launched with the private sector, like the new Elderly Hospital which was built in St Vincent de Paule, which was a success story,” the union said.
MUMN also said the renovation of Mount Carmel Hospital should be a top priority, rather than building a new mental health hospital next to Mater Dei.
“MUMN is eager to work in collaboration with the Health Minister to address issues of nurses’ shortages and lack of other health professionals such as social workers, etc., to launch a holistic programme in favour of the patients and the health care professionals,” the union said.
Last Saturday, Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela laid out a vision for Malta’s health sector which includes a “health village” in Gwardamangia and a larger Mater Dei Hospital used solely for clinical purposes.
He said the St Luke’s and Karin Grech hospitals in Gwardamangia, once refurbished, could together serve as a “health village” functioning as a second national hospital. Meanwhile, all non-clinical services at Mater Dei Hospital would be shifted to this “health village”.
However, the minister said these ideas are at an early stage and need to be refined.