Gozitan Thomas Bajada submits Labour MEP candidature
Bajada will be the only Gozitan candidate on the Labour ticket so far if candidature is approved

Gozitan Thomas Bajada has submitted his candidature to contest the European Parliament elections on the Labour ticket, MaltaToday is informed.
Bajada, who is expected to be the only Gozitan candidate for Labour so far, will be the ninth candidate for next June’s elections. Sources who spoke to this newspaper said he will be submitting the nomination in the coming days.
Thomas Bajada holds a Master of Arts in Ocean Governance and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biology and Chemistry. He is currently pursuing a Master of Laws in Public International Law at City, University of London.
Bajada served as a technical attaché in Malta’s Permanent Representation in Brussels, representing the country at the Council of the European Union. He actively engaged in negotiations concerning Maltese fishers, the aquaculture industry and agriculture.
Sources said Bajada was approached “not only for his youth and EU expertise but also for his deep involvement in Gozo”.
He has served as the Vice President and Secretary at Soċjetà Filarmonika Leone and Teatru tal-Opra Aurora for several years. Additionally, he held the position of Secretary-General at the Maltese National Youth Council.