Hunters’ umbrage at ‘foreigners roaming countryside’

Malta’s hunting lobby takes issue yet again with German poaching watchdogs setting up camp during hunting season.

Hunters’ federation FKNK have called to attention the presence of ‘unauthorised persons’ in the Miżieb hunting reserve during the open season, which on Sundays is open up until 1pm.

The federation appears to be questionining the find of seven bird carcasses by German-based Campaign Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) in Mizieb, after the FKNK’s search party had conducted its own search and found nothing.

FKNK secretary-general Lino Farrugia said the FKNK organised a thorough seach of the Mizieb woodland on Saturday 10 September. The area has been under FKNK’s management since 1986.

Farrugia said the intensive search, undertaken by dozens of FKNK volunteers and their hunting dogs, was filmed and yielded “no evidence of any bird carcass” except for that of a dog.

Later around midday, Farruia said CABS found seven bird carcasses during a random search. “The same group of ‘birdwatchers’ have daily also registered the ‘weak migration’, which the FKNK can confirm as one of the weakest in living memory for this time of year,” Farrugia said.

“FKNK is sure the police can prevent further similar incidents that last year led to an illegal arrest of an FKNK member who is also in charge of the area. This provocation has to stop and the FKNK looks forward to the Police cooperation as always, to take action in this regard in order to avoid further incidents,” Farrugia said.

The organisation, which was monitoring the Dwejra Lines during the opening of the autumn season, said a find of seven freshly-shot Bee-eaters, two Swifts, a Sardinian Warbler and the remains of two Marsh Harriers, were found at the bottom of 19th century defensive ditch, some five metres deep.

The Committee Against Bird Slaughter has been operating on Malta since 9 September as part of their autumn bird protection camp Operation Safe Voyage. CABS civil liaison officer David Conlin said the organisation was deploying six teams to the countryside daily, working as usual closely with the Administrative Law Enforcement unit.

land air earth house call it what you want belongs to all and none, we are only using it for our life span on this earth. so you have no natural right to any of it folks, tough as it may be we are all in transit here. leave the tiny weeny birds in peace, enjoy life with out destroying any other living organism. you might come back in your next life ( and this is a fact) as birds. you never know . grow up and go for the gold medals . come on start thinking out of the box for a while
Well you know what is said about so called men running around with big guns and their lack of a certain physical attribute
E. Azzopardi1 curiosity killed the cat. ** Why are you so interested to know who I and others are? ** It is the argument not the person that counts.
To Maltabiss. What is wrong with you people, that you do not even show your name on the media? Are you such cowards? It has always been alleged that a lot of people just put a sign "RTO on a piece of land, which is not theirs but make it theirs. This is what I meant. If you acquired land legally then it is yours. No problem about that. If you are living in the clouds, then it is your problem. Can you please explain what is meant by "Maltabiss?" Or are you really cut off from the whole world? Very sad. No wonder we are miles behind other countries. I was under the impression that this is not allowed any longer, but I stand corrected.
E. Azzopardi1 do you own a house or any bit of land? ** Then start giving an example and give it back to the people
Even Maltese citizens are not at ease roaming the country side, not only during the hunting periods. but throughout the year, with all this alleged illegal hunting out of season. Since when, foreigners are not allowed to roam our country side? And how come so many people have so much land in tiny little piece of rock? Isn't it time certain land be given back to all the citizens? What a circus.
dawn l li jithassru il kacca joqtlu in nies fil grerrer qiesom dubbien, dak jistghu dak bil permess ta ommna l ewropa. IPOKRITI
Ighdilhom imorru jaghmluha Franza din il-bicca xoghol? Tafu fejn jisparawlhom hux? Imma ahna Malta hawn minnha skozz laqgha!!!!
Astrolux_boy prosit habib. ** Jiena wkoll m'hinix kaċċatur, imma li jiġi l-barrani u jippretendi li jikkmanda u jagħmilha ta' pulizija f'pajjiżna hekk le. ** Għax ma jmorrux jaraw xi jsir f'pajjiżhom? ** F'pajjiżi oħra jekk jindaħlu l-kaċċa ssir fuqhom.
mf maybe you can get the Bidnija Witch to throw the plates. She is experienced.
Kull min ghandu l-art tieghu jewmikrija jew qbiela fuq ismu ghandu d-dritt kollu li jhalli jew ma jhallx lil hadd iehor jidhol fuq artu. Jiena gewwa Ghawdex ghandi iktar minn 70 tommna u qabel kont inhalli lil kullhadd jidhol kemm ghal passiggati fl-gheliequ, l-kaccaturi etc pero' llum jidhlu biss il-kaccaturi u ma nhalli lil hadd iktar allavolja jiena m'inhiex kaccatur u l-anqas nippossedi arma d-dar pero' jiena ma nara xejn hazin billi kaccatur johrog jikkaccja biex jissodisfa d-delizzju tieghu. Min irid igawdi l-kampanja (ghax hawn hafna donnhom ghandhom id-dritt li jmorru fil-kampanja u jduru fl-ghelieqi avolja m'ghandhomx kejla taghhom) ghandu jmur f'postijiet miftuha ghal publiku u mhux jippretendi li ghandu jidhol b'artijeit ta' haddiehor.
'Unauthorised persons' in Mizieb!!??. Who decides and on what criteria does one require an authority to pass thru public land. Under FKNK management?? That makes the illegal structures all over the place as part of their responsibility too, I would assume. This just shows how low our politician wud stoop to bitch a few votes. One party donates public land with complete disregard to any legal foundations and the other turns a blind eye to the illegal structures constantly springing up all over the Mizieb area. And now FKNK are applying squatters right to turn 'unauthorized' persons out. What a cheek !
stop the hunting. change the sport into plate shooting maybe one day we will earn our much yearned gold medal in the next olympic edition. leave the birds in peace and enjoy some of the countryside *( that is what little is left of it now ) . sporting a gold medal ( and gold price is rising higher) is more satisfying than reading bad press coverage abroad.