UPDATE 2 | Defected Libyan pilots receive heroes' welcome in Tripoli

Two Libyan air force pilots, who defected to Malta with Mirage fighter jets last February, have received a heroes' welcome on their return to Tripoli after seven months in Malta.



The two Libyan pilots who defected to Malta just three days after the Libyan revolution returned to their families, this morning and were given a hero's welcome at Tripoli's Mitiga air base. They were greeted by National Transitional Council officials and Libyan air force officials and family members.

The pilots, both Colonels in the Libyan Air Force were identified as Al-Rabti and Al-Salheen will be rejoining the air force.

Before leaving Malta on an AFM aircraft accompanied by AFM officials and representatives from the Office of the Prime Minister, thanked the Maltese government for granting them asylum soon after their defection.

“This is a very happy moment for us. I’d like to thank the Prime Minister and government for their assistance and for the great solidarity they showed with the February 17 revolution,” one of the pilots said.

The pilot also thanked government for not having accepted the Gaddafi’s regime call to land on the island and take the Mirages. “I also thank government for having refused permission for planes which were being used against the Libyan people to land.”

For the last seven months, the pilots had been staying at the Officers’ Mess. They had been making contact with their families every other day.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi described the two pilots’ defection as “crucial” in the Libyan’s fight for their country.

“Their heroic decision sent a strong message, calling for the respect for human rights. They refused to bomb a village. By choosing to fly to Malta, they made the braver choice,” Gonzi said.

He added that Malta did not hesitate to help the pilots when they asked for protection and asylum: “We did not hesitate in granting them protection.”

Recalling the day they defected – Monday 21 February – the pilots said their Commander had issued an order to bombard a village. “But after 30 minutes we took the decision not to follow the orders,” the pilots said.

At 4:30pm (Libya time) the pilots took off from the air force base to the south of Zuwarah.  Immediately after take off, the pilots changed frequency and headed north, flying below radar level at some 70m of altitude and headed toward malta.

At a distance of 12nm from Malta, the pilots contacted the control tower and requested assistance.

“Malta responded quickly and we landed. We never regret that decision and we do not regret having come here. Malta protected us,” they said.

Asked whether they feared for their families and their lives as they chose to defect from the Gaddafi regime, the pilots said: “At that point, when we received the orders to bombard the village, the country was greater than the family … greater than anything else.

“We were supposed to bombard Libyans, who are also our brothers. It did not cross our mind how powerful Gaddafi was. But we put our faith in God’s hands.”

The pilots, being the only two instructors of the Libyan air force, will return to their duties, serving under the new Libyan government.

The Prime Minister also said that the new Mirages would be returned back to Libya once the sanctions are lifted and the new government asks for them.

Quo Vadis sew tghidli jew jekk issib li DCG qalet il-verita fil-qorti, int xi tghid? Se thallini bil-kurzita?
Better late than never. Il-kaz ta' Tarcisio Mifsud huwa semplici kaz isolat ta 2 , 3 min-nies. Mhux qed nghid sewwam niftehmu, imma billi bniedem jaqla' xebgha mhux se jehel il-gvern. Li hu zgur hu li l-hatja ittellghu l-qorti u hadu l-kastig. Issa jekk il-kastig kienx xieraq jew le dak il-qorti BISS jiddeciedi. U ahna anqas nafu ghala nqala' daN l-incident. MHux bilfors imhabba politika Dawk sparaw fuq l-AAPSO mhux APSO. Dan fejn taf li kienu nazzjonalisti dawk li sparaw? X'bombi sabu? BHalma sabu ghand Pietru Pawl, tghid? Lil Karen Grech inqas ma ssemmuha ahjar. Komntu intom fil-gvern u qatt ma qbadtu lil hadd. Imisskom tisthu. Ara lill-qattiel ta' Tay Caruana mill-ewwel qbadtuh. Meta splodew il-kazin ta' Rahal Gdid ukoll wehlu n-nazzonalisti, imbaghad min jaf x'qatgha hadtu meta nqabad ilveru qattiel. Min jaf il-bomba tal-Profs Grech min baghtha? Hemm hafna u hafna teoriji. Ta' l-ahhar: Dawn kienu incidenti bejn cittadini. Qabel kienu jkunu l-pulizija STESS li jisparaw fuq cittadini Maltin ghal xejn b'xejn. U flok jiehdu l-kastig il-ktiminali kienu jehduh il-vittmi. Min se joffrili grokk ghax gejt lura?
Issa ħa naraw x'se jwieġeb Giovanni DeMartino għall-kumment ta' Tarcisio Mifsud.
How come that on Al-Jazira this pilot has got a different name!I'm sure that it wasn't by coincedence. Anyway, good luck for the future, you are a very brave man!
Nispera li dawn il-piloti jinataw promotion ghax dawn ma sparrawx fuq huthom libjani. Mhux bhal hawn Mata, il-pulizija li allegattament sparaw fuq huthom in-nazzjonalisti spiccaw gew promoted ghal gradi ghola.
Mark Fenech
Jew fix-xegħba li taw lili bejn il-lejl tat-8/9 ta' Settembru 1998. Għal xejn b'xejn meta kont rieqed id-dar. Imbagħad kull ma waħluhom kien 25 u 15 il-lira. Meta nista nies li sawtu l-annimali jeħlu multi ferm akbar u ħabs, allura nirraġuna li jiena għar min annimal. Imbagħad l-anqas tagħwni 1500 lira li rrakkomanda l-Ombudsman.
Sewwa qed tghid Giovanni demartino, bhal meta n-nazzjonalisti sparaw fuq delegazzjoni ta' l-APSO, jew meta sparaw fuq xarabank laburisti sejrin ghal mass meeting. Grazzi talli fakkartna, bil-haqq insejthom l-armi mahzuna gewwa tal-PIETA u gewwa garage ta' pampalun nazzjonalist gewwa Hal-Qormi.? Forsi insejt l-ittra bomba iddestinata ghal Dr Grech u t-tabib l-iehor Dr Caruana Chetcuti? Mhux ahjar ma taqlax hama sur demartino ghaliex tispicca tinten.
Anzi dawn ma nqdewx bir-religjon biex juru l-hdura li ghandhom ghal huthom, dejjem fl'isem t'Alla, u basta kontra min jipprova jghin lill-haddiem u l-batut, bhal ma' gara fis-snin 60 hawn Malta!! Min jaf kieku baqa' Gaddaffi fil-poter, kemm konna nisinghu stejjer differenti! Ahjar ma' joqghodux jiftahru b'kemm jafu jilghabu bil-kliem, bhall-ambaxxatur Libjan!!!!!
Anzi dawn ma nqdewx bir-religjon biex juru l-hdura li ghandhom ghal huthom, dejjem fl'isem t'Alla, u basta kontra min jipprova jghin lill-haddiem u l-batut, bhal ma' gara fis-snin 60 hawn Malta!! Min jaf kieku baqa' Gaddaffi fil-poter, kemm konna nisinghu stejjer differenti! Ahjar ma' joqghodux jiftahru b'kemm jafu jilghabu bil-kliem, bhall-ambaxxatur Libjan!!!!!
Is the prime minister hoping that they will give us the mirages as a thank you?...LOL.
Dawn ma sparawx fuq huthom Libjani bhalma gieli ghamlu pulizija Maltin li sparaw fuq huthom Maltin.
U il Jet fighters ser inzommuhom ? jew.........