Illum survey reveals overall negative verdict on Arriva’s services
Despite the negative criticism of the service, 76%, claim they are satisfied with the new bus drivers, whilst only 2% prefer the previous drivers.
An Illum survey carried amongst 400 persons shows how the majority of commuters claim they are taking more time than before to arrive at their destination.
The survey confirms that the main problem with the new transport system is not the drivers or the buses but the routes, Illum reports.
At the same time, more regular users of the new service were more balanced in their replies: 25% believe the public transport service has improved, whilst 23% believe it improved in certain aspects but worsened in others.
I needed to travel from B'kara to Marsa P&R today. Waited 5 mins at the bus stop on Naxxar road...travelled to Bombi (12 minutes)...crossed the road and caught a bus to Marsa P&R (8 minutes). Total journey time = 25 minutes. Great Sunday service. Oh and I used my weekly 6.50 ticket
I have just returned home to England after a great holiday in Malta. One thing spoiled the holiday though. The bus service Arriva. How the Maltese people cope I do not know. It took an hour and a half to get from Sliema to Meliah beach, most of that time having to stand. Buggiba bus station was chaotic. Not even the officials seemed to know what bus was going where. Valletta bus station was just as bad. The destinations on the sides of the busses are of little use, as the bus numbers were changed, and went to different destinations. Arriva needs to understand the problem facing the Maltese people, and get somebody in charge who knows how to run the service. My sympathies are with you Malta.
ARRIVA has not been criticised for the service as such, that is, the drivers or the buses although the buses are bigger than before and sometimes cause traffic jams even in wide roads.
The drivers so far have been courteous and the ride so far good but the routing has been a disaster from day one and this falls on laps of the minister and his buddy Mr Delia who managed to massacre the service in that respect.
From info I have it looks that some old habits die hard and some drivers already fiddling with the routes leaving other drivers to pick up the cookie with the commuters, in fact if my info is right one driver has been discharged and a number of them are to investigated.
But this doe not excuse the short comings in the service. In my humble opinion if the routing were to be reversed to the old system with a little fine tuning ARRIVA could make it much better despite the fact that it makes the minister for transport look stupid and incompetent.
Neil Aquilina a reward is being offered to his finder if he keeps him away from Malta.
Jien s'issa qatt ma wzajtu is-servizz ta' l-Arriva imma milli nisma' ma tantx hu xi wiehed state of the art.
Allura in-nazzjonalisti iddakru mill-laburisti ghax it-tgerrgier minn nies ta' kull affiljazzjoni politika qieghed nisimghu mhux minn naha wahda biss.
Il-pozittiv kulhadd jghid li huma l-attidudni ta' hafna mix-xuffiera (sa issa mhux kollha) u l-air conditioning. U ovvjament il-karozzi aktar godda minn ta' qabel.
Imma il-hinijiet ta' stennija, tal-vjaggi proprji u tar-rotot, milli nisma', huma tad-disperazzjoni. Apparti, ovjament, il-prezzijiet tas-servizz li ghal hafna nies jidher li gholew mhux naqsu jew baqghu kif kienu.
jien naqbel mieghek@ bejn il- linji hafna mis sewwieqa tal Arriva qed ISUQU bi SPEED ECCESSIV u lil karozzi iz zghar lanqas BISS ituk cans taghmel xi haga ghax jibqaw GEJJIN ghal ALLA taghhom ma INDUMUX ma nisimaw bxi DIZGRAZZJA Is servizz fuq l-inhawi ta St Andrew's Pembroke is Swieqi San Giljan ghadu tal BIKI biex tirkeb ghandek l-isbah siegha Imbad biex TIRKEB mil FERRY ta Sliema lura lejn dawn l-inhawi li SEMMEJT TIGGENNEN biex TIRKEB Min ghamel ir rotot u ta il KUNZULENZI ( Dr Gorg Sapiano ) HAQQU min ISALBU mhux gie ha Dik is somma ta FLUS kwazi 600,000 Ewro Go dan il pajjiz bil BARKA TA CERTI MINISTRI KULLHADD ISIR SINJUR MILLUM GHL GHADA
jien naqbel mieghek@ bejn il- linji hafna mis sewwieqa tal Arriva qed ISUQU bi SPEED ECCESSIV u lil karozzi iz zghar lanqas BISS ituk cans taghmel xi haga ghax jibqaw GEJJIN ghal ALLA taghhom ma INDUMUX ma nisimaw bxi DIZGRAZZJA Is servizz fuq l-inhawi ta St Andrew's Pembroke is Swieqi San Giljan ghadu tal BIKI biex tirkeb ghandek l-isbah siegha Imbad biex TIRKEB mil FERRY ta Sliema lura lejn dawn l-inhawi li SEMMEJT TIGGENNEN biex TIRKEB Min ghamel ir rotot u ta il KUNZULENZI ( Dr Gorg Sapiano ) HAQQU min ISALBU mhux gie ha Dik is somma ta FLUS kwazi 600,000 Ewro Go dan il pajjiz bil BARKA TA CERTI MINISTRI KULLHADD ISIR SINJUR MILLUM GHL GHADA
Dalwaqt naraw xi jsarrfu x-xufiera tal-arriva. jekk nigu ghas-sewqan qed insibu hafna minnhom minghajr il-kapacita li kellhom l-antiki u ghal mod kif jistmaw lil min juza t-transport bhal ma kien hemm ftit qabel jidher car li hemm ftit li qed juru l-arroganza. Iz-mien jaghtina parir sa issa arriva brodu!!
Luke Camilleri •
iN THE ANGER AND FRUSTRATION THAT COMMUTERS ARE BEING FACED WITH SINCE THE ADVENT OF ARRIVA...they seem to be so overjoyed when they board an ARRIVA bus, that they just consider paying any fares they are asked , not realising that the high increase in the fares that Arriva charges!
Stop and think...and yes we were better off with the old RELIABLE buses evenif greetings and aentilation may have been scarce, we were better off with those , "Buzollotti" ! That is the benchmark Arriva have to go by- give us at least the same service ...even if more costly !
Where is Manuel Delia?
It would have been nice to get his feedback ...
Well let's be frank. I feel so sorry for him that his political ploy turned into a nightmare. It s a pity that in a year's time he can't put the Arriva saga on his CV when he files his PN candidature.