Muscat clearly in the lead as Gonzi gains lost ground

Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat enjoys a healthy 7-point lead over Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi but his trust rating slips from the record levels registered in a June poll held in the aftermath of the divorce referendum.

Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat still enjoys a healthy 7-point lead over Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi but his trust rating has slipped from the record levels registered in a June poll held in the aftermath of the divorce referendum.

Compared to a previous survey conducted immediately after the divorce referendum, Muscat registers a 7-percentage point drop in support while Lawrence Gonzi gained 4 points. 

With regards to voting intentions, the PL registers even heavier losses with its support dropping from 37.5% in June to 29% now. But the party still enjoys a strong 9-point lead over the PN.

The survey also shows the PN managing to keep a larger percentage of its 2008 general election voters, in a clear indication that the PN has started to consolidate its position among its core supporters. 

The survey also shows a lack of trust in Labour’s financial and foreign policies, with the PN leading Labour in both policy areas.

This emerges from a MaltaToday survey conducted among 400 respondents held between last Monday and Wednesday.

Muscat more popular than Labour

While Muscat is trusted by 34.5% of voters – practically the same level of support he enjoyed last March but 7 points less than in June – his party has seen its support dropped to 29%.  

This means that Muscat is 6 points more popular than his own party – a result which indicates that a part of the electorate identifies with the Labour leader, but not with his party.

Muscat lead over Gonzi, which had increased, from 10 points in March to 18 points in June has been narrowed to 7 percentage points. 

Muscat’s losses come in the wake of a 4-point gain for Gonzi and an increase in undecided respondents.

As regards voting intentions the Labour Party, which in June had scored its best result in the past two years, reaching the 38% mark has now seen its support shrink by 9 points.

Gonzi’s recovering support

Both the PN and Gonzi have registered a 4-point increase in support. 

This is an indication that Gonzi has recovered the level of support enjoyed in March before the divorce referendum, even if he is still trailing behind Muscat. 

Gonzi’s party still registers a low 20% support, which is 4 points higher than its score in June, but 3 points lower its score in March.

The March survey, which also coincided with events in Libya, had seen a spike in support for Gonzi and the PN, which previously hovered between 15% and 20%.

Like Muscat, Gonzi is also more trusted than his own party.  While 27.5% trust Gonzi, only 20% would presently vote for the PN.  

Despite registering an increase in ratings, Gonzi remains an unpopular Prime Minister.

Gonzi’s performance in his job is only judged positively by 24% of respondents – 3 points up from last year. 

The level of approval is still a far cry from the 38% of respondents who judged his performance as Prime Minister positively in September 2008. 

The survey also shows the number of those judging his performance negatively has also increased by 4 points. And in a sign of growing polarisation, the survey registers an 8-point drop in the number of those who judge his performance as ‘fair’.

The small surge in support for Gonzi has coincided with the Libyan crisis and the toppling of the Libyan dictator, which was accompanied by a propaganda overdrive, by the PN media to link Labour with the Gaddafi regime. 

PN blocking voters’ haemorrhage

The survey shows the PN losing fewer votes to Labour than previous surveys and retaining more of its 2008 votes. This could be an indication that the party’s drive on Libya and the economy have paid off among traditional PN voters.

The percentage of PN voters in 2008 who would vote Labour has dropped from 12% in June to 7% now one of the lowest in recent surveys. 

On the other hand, the PN now retains 55% of its 2008 voters compared to only 47% in June. This suggests that the PN has managed to rein in more of its core voters.  Labour is still successful in retaining its past voters to the extent that it retains nearly 80% of its voters in 2008. 

PN winning contest on foreign affairs and economy

Despite trailing Labour in electoral support, the survey also shows greater support for the PN on both foreign affairs and financial matters.

Respondents were asked to state which party has the best policy on foreign affairs and public finances and economic issues. These two issues were topical in the past months due to events in Libya, Wikileaks revelations on Partnership for Peace and the economic troubles in the eurozone, including neighbouring Italy.

The survey shows that despite the opposition’s onslaught after the downgrading of the country’s financial position by Moody’s, the PN still enjoys a greater credibility in fiscal matters. 

But this is mostly due to the lack of trust in the opposition’s economic policies rather than because of overwhelming support for the PN’s policies. The PN’s advantage also reflects its power of incumbency, being the decision maker in both economic and foreign affairs issues.

While 27% prefer the PN’s economic and financial policies to those of other parties, only 18% prefer Labour’s policies.

Labour fares even worse on foreign policy issues where its policies are only preferred by 15% of voters. This result comes in the wake of the Libyan crisis, during which the party refrained from taking a clear stand in the struggle between Gaddafi and the rebels.

Labour policies are not even popular with prospective Labour voters.

Only 46% of Labour voters prefer their own party’s economic policies and even less (35%) prefer their party’s foreign affairs policies.  Moreover, 4% of Labour’s present voters prefer the Nationalist Party’s policies on both economics and foreign affairs. 

This could be an indication that a segment of Labour’s new voters still identify with PN policies and support Labour out of other considerations.

In contrast, Nationalist voters tend to be more policy-oriented, expressing strong support for their party’s policy on both issues. 85% of PN voters support their party’s economic policy, while 82% support its stance on foreign affairs. While prospective Nationalist voters shun Labour policies, 4% of PN voters opt for the Green Party’s foreign policy.

Significantly, the PN also enjoys more support for its policies on these two matters among undecided voters and those who intend not to vote in the next election.

PN still strong among University graduates

The survey also shows both the PN and Lawrence Gonzi registering more support than the PL and Joseph Muscat among respondents with a tertiary or university education. In fact, Labour’s national lead can be accounted for its strong support among respondents with a secondary education.  This could also be a reflection of the class divide with working class respondents more likely to have a secondary than a post secondary education.

In fact, Muscat peaks among respondents with a secondary education among which he is trusted by 42% against Gonzi’s 22%. On the other hand, Gonzi registers his highest trust rating among those with a university education (47%). AD’s support is completely restricted to those with a post secondary or tertiary education. Respondents lacking a university education but who have attended post secondary schooling are the most likely not to vote in the next education.


A total of 671 respondents were contacted by telephone between Monday 12 and Wednesday 14 September. 400 accepted to be interviewed.  The results were weighed to reflect the age and population balance of population. The survey has a margin of error of +/- 5%.

@jgalea.Your illusory DNA in politics does not entail the Maltese electorate to be committed to the Partit Nazzjonalista (PN). The PN's intransigence and arrogance has convinced several Maltese citizens to vote for the Partit Laburista (PL) including me for the first time. DNA in politics merely means Do Not Anticipate
@jgalea. Id-DNA li ghandek mhux bhal dawk in-Nazzjonalisti razzisti li kellhom website li tfew ricenti. DNA tan-Nazzjonalisti huwa dak li qalghu plejtu fuq meta qabel l-elezzjoni ntqal li DNA Nazzjonalista ma jaqbilx ma ta' kulhadd. Taf kemm sfrutawh dan il-kumment qabel l-elezzjoni tal-2008. Illum jigi dan jgalea u jghidilna nersqu lejn in-Nazzjonalisti ghax ghandhom DNA specjali. Kif tista' tifhem lil min jilghab bil-kliem u bin-nies kif jaqbilu. L-ahjar DNA tan-Nazzjonalisti jkun jaghmel ftit sens meta jwarrbu l-wicc falz taghhom mill-politika lokali u jifhmu li bejn ic-cittadin maltin ma ghandux ikun hemm distinzjoni ta' DNA bejn il-votanti. Kulhadd vot wiehed ghandu u f'elezzjoni DNA kull ma tfisser Do Not Anticipate.
@ j.galea Habib l-aktar haga li laqtitna fil laham il haj, kienu il kontijiet tad dawl u l-ilma u l prezz tal gass. Iva bilhaqq ghax kont ser ninsa 600 ewro ghal ministri u 1.16 ewro ghal haddiema zieda fil gimgha. Mhux is socjalizmu spicca izda ir ruh socjali.
The News is good for Both Parties. Now with the advent of major new investors clambering to bring investment to Malta in their proposals to develop renewable energy and fuels with the attendant jobs any news which shows stability for Malta will be good. The concern is as always that the PL will revert back to its old days of favouring internal bickering and proposals to pay more to the workers than the country can afford and not address the financial issues. Take pensions - as one example - where the PL has no credibility whatsoever. They propose retaining the current retirement age and maintaining other links irrespective of the logic of that being re-addressed all across the EU. It is proposterous to consider that with the demographic changes in the population that after 45 years of being gainfully employed pensions contributions (no matter how they are paid) at a rate of 15% of the total yearly salaries of any individual will pay for a pemsion that some consider should be pegged at 50% of the last three years of that paid to those workers. Do your own calculations and assume that upon retirement at 65 the average life expectancy is 20 years: it does not work. This is the reason why so many Labour Governments and Social-Liberla Governments across Europe fail. Yes it can be addressed as in Sweden but look at the price paid for that. 55% of all income is taxation and the result is a very superior infrastructure and a continued well-being. There are also still some major structural macro-economic issues in Malta which the Labour Party has not singularly adrressed eithe. The Energy and Fuel issue is one of these. It is all very well saying that these should be capped and that when International Prices for Oil increase these should not be passed onwards to the Public but hold on a moment this is anonsense. If the price of oil were to rise to US$ 140 a barrell again as it did three years or so again or if it were to rise to the $ 200 a barrell as forecasted by many before 2019 how ill any Government be able to controil the prices without inventing huge subsidies to compensate for this? Such a scenario is real and is a reality of the years ahead particularly with the demands from the Far East now that even Japan is sourcing its energy from Non-Nuclear sources. The PL has to admit that it has lots of mouthed words about both Micro-Economic and Macro-Economic Policies but when it comes to the crunch it should stop eating the biscuits and take note that it has no real credibility in financial circles.
Micheal Bonanno
@Guidocforte. Jekk tahseb li raqdet fuq ommha, nahseb jien, qieghed tahseb hazin. Jekk indunajt il-PL baqa' ghaddej xorta bil-kritika tieghu fis-sajf, imma mhux b'rittmu mghaggel. U tinsiex konna ghaddejjin mill-bawxata tal-Libja, u l-PL ried juri li qieghed jappoggja lill-Gvern, allavolja il-PN bhala partit ma rrikonoxxiehx. U issa, ghax indunaw li ghal darba Gonzi gietu wahda tajba, qeghdin jaghmlu kapital minnha. Imma tinsiex ukoll li dalwaqt se jkollu jtlaqqa l-Parlament minhabba l-qaghda finanzjarja tal-pajjiz, u hemm se nistennew hafna xrar itiru. U terga ohra. Ghax il-PL qieghed ikun kawt kif igib ruhu, ma jfisserx li m'ghandux biex jiggieled, anzi l-kontra. Il-PL qieghed jara linteress tal-pajjiz l-ewwel. Tinsiex li l-Ewropa, li llum ahna naghmlu parti minnha, mhix f'sitwazzjoni sabiha, allura l-PL qieghed izomm lura. Imma xorta qieghed johrog bil-kritika. U l-ahhar wahda. Il-PL itghallem hafna mill-passat. Jipproponi qieghed, jikkritika qieghed, imma li jikxef idu bil-programm elettorali, le. U dik qieghda ddejjaqhom lin-Nazzjonalisti. Naturalment il-floaters jiddejjqu wkoll, imma la l-politika hawn Malta hi loghba, il-PL hekk qieghed ikollu jaghmel.
Salgister.........Nasal biex naqbel ma hafna min dak li ghedt int, pero il mistosija importanti li niextieq nghamel, hija rigward dik is siegha zejda li ghanke il partit taghna accetta li issir fl-ahhar elezzjoni. Tinshiex li kien il partit nazzjonalista li riedha. Ovvjament ghax kien jaf li kellu tkaxkira. Minghajr ma noghqod nitkellem fuq il passat ( ghalkemm huwa il mera tal futur ) il punt tieghi huwa, li il politika tal partit laburista saret tixbah lil tal P.N. jew it tnejn telqu in nahat taghhom u gew l-istess ...fic centru. Jibzaw ghal dak is siggu personali u daqshekk. Semmejt il kas taz zieda. Fuq dik biss mhux il gvern kont ingib dahru mal hajt sew imma lil l-U.E.kollha, ghax kont naghmel ir rapport, li waqt li id dinja kollha qeghedha tiehu il mizuri ta awsterita il P.M. u tal qalba ta Malta, jiehdu dik iz zieda fenominali, u mhux kollox raqad fuq ommu. Fuq din il haga daqs kemm ser jitilfu in nazzjonalisti ser jitlef il lejber, ghax tidher cara li qeghedin jahdmu sabiex JEKK !!! inkunu fil gvern ...dawk jintirtu.
Joseph MUSCAT ... Malta's only hope out of this murk
Joseph Calleja ... our only hope
Micheal Bonanno
@Guidocforte. Ma naqbilx mieghek hawn siehbi. It-18,000 kienu hrafa jekk ma tafx. Dik ivvintawha tal-PN biex igieghlu lill-nieshom johorgu jivvutaw, u rnexxielhom. F'xahar qabel l-elezzjoni, l-MLP kien b'7 punti fuq il-PN. X'gara matul il-kampanja elettorali, il-Partit beda jitlef il-punti minhabba li m'gharafx jiddefendi r-reception class, allura n-nies bdiet tiddubitah, biex tghaxxaqha Dr. Sant spicca b'dik il-marda, allura l-ispin tal-PN hadmet overtime biex turi n-nies li bi Prim Ministru mhux f'siktu m'ahniex se nimxu. Biex ma nsemmix il-pjacir minghand il-Mepa u hafna entitajiet ohra, u sostenituri tal-PN, li kollha taw palata. Bizzejjed insemmi lil Dr. Frank Portelli li beda jlaqqa' li dawk li kien qieghdin igergru biex ilaqqaghhom mal-PM. Sa l-ahhar gimgha, il-Hadd ta' qa el l-elezzjoni, jekk jiftakar sew, id-differenza bejn iz-zewg partiti kienet biss ta' xi 1.7%. Barra minn hekk irrid insemmi wkoll li tul il-legislatura 2004-2008 it-trust tal-poplu f'Alfred kienet minn dejjem ferm inqas minn dik ta' Gonzi. Allura meta tghaqqad kollox ma kollox, issib li zgur il-PL kellu telfa. Illum, is-sitwazzjoni hi kwazi l-istess, bid-differenza li t-trust qieghda izjed fuq Joseph Muscat milli fuq Gonzi. Il-folja donna nqalbet. Imma xorta nghid, irridu noqghodu attenti, ghax il-PN, illum kulhadd jaf, jaghmel minn kollox biex jibqa' iggranfat mal-poter a qualunkwe kost. Kull ma nghid biss hu, li noqghodu attenti u ma nhallux min jitmejjel bina jew jipprovokana. Irnexxielna fin-1996, u tinkwetawx jirnexxielna fit-2013.
These polls are not always accurate but if GonziPN increased its influence, then Maltese people are masochist people -they like to be oppressed and abused. I am amazed.
Jien laburist min guf ommi........Jien dawn is serveys ma nemminhomx. L-ewwel haga, hija li meta tkun f`nofs legistratura, min ikun fil gvern dejjem huwa tellief. It tieni , nemmen dak li qal Austin Gatt. Sakemm ma ikollniex bniedem bhal ma kellna lil Patrick Holland, jaf kif idur mal gerrymindering ( tibdil fid distretti ) ma ghanhiex cans man nazzjonalisti. L-akbar zball li qeghed jghamel il partit laburista huwa li jibrova jirkeb mill l-izbalji normali li jghamel kull gvern f`nofs il legistratura u jinsa li fl ahhar sena il poplu jinsa kollox, u jara il bzar ta l-ahhar. Jekk il partit mhux ser jibdel is sistema ...hemm fuq qatt m`ahna ser narawh. Is sistema li irid jibdel hija meta jaqbad lil gvern fuq sieq wahda, bhal taz zieda fahxija li hadu, johroglu mill parlament, u qabel ma jirritorna kollox lura ma nitholx. Dik wahda biss minnhom. Li qeghed jigri huwa li ikun hemm skandlu min xi ministru, infarkuh ghal xaghrejn u wara kollox ghan normal. Jien ghandi esperjenza li nghejd li Il partit Laburista u Socjalista QATT MA AHNA SER NIRBHULHOM ELEZZJONI GENERALI OHRA FUQ IL MEJDAimma irridu nuzaw il pjazzez. Ir raguni hija semplici. Kontra il partit laburista ghalkemm ma jidrux hemm il flus kbar tan negozzjanti, u hemm hafna gvernijiet li jaqblilhom li ikun hemm . partit nazzjonalista fil gvern. Qatt tinsew x`gara fl`ahhar elezzjoni, skond il pols ,sa l-ahhar 15 il jum il lejber kien 18000 vot fuq in nazzjonalisti. Fl-ahhar siegha dar kollox.....
Tal-PN jixtiequ jibqghu fil-poter ghal ghoxtin sena ohra ghax ghadhom ma xebghux jahtfu u jibilghu minn fuq il-pajjiz u l-poplu. Ormaj, issa l-pajjiz ghamluh taghhom, halliulhom in-nannu fil-wirt. Imma issa il-maskri inkixfu u l-poplu sar jaghrafhom id-dirty tricks Dottor Wistin. Kos, min jaf x'calculator astronomiku ikollna bzonn biex inbasru ic-cifra tad-dejn kieku kellu jibqa' il-partit nazzjonalista fil-gvern ghal ghoxrin sena ohra?
@Jgalea Did you by any chance work in DisneyWorld in Paris?
Mr.J Galea , is it true that the P.N. has a winning D.N.A ? Because to me it seems to be more wicked because it means : Deceit , Nefarious and Arrogant .
Sur J Galea , Darba kien hemm wiehed li qal , li il-Partit Nazzjonalista ghandu itella hames deputati bhala membri parlamentari ewropej , u tafu x'wahda waqa' ghan nejk . Issa ghandna Kummidjant iehor li qal li ghall-dawn l-ghoxrin sena li gejjin il-Partit Nazzjonalista ser ikun fil-gvern . Ara veru li din ahjar minn ta' l-Arriva li verament kienet wahda mill-akbar frejjeg li ghamel dan il-Kummiedjant . Issa hareg b-kummiedja akbar . Miskin il-mohh fiex jasal . Ara sewwa jghidu , li Alla qabel jiehdok igennek .
PL is still on the right track, but it must work harder in order to persuade the floating voters that with its policies are better than the 'cicci kwiet' of this administration. This week I went to Marsa 'industrial estate' cimiterju ta fabbriki u rajt zwiemel, tigieg u annimali ohra qed jitrabbew hemm!
The survey also shows a lack of trust in Labour’s financial policies, with the PN leading Labour in both policy areas. U halluna, dan wara li hawn pajjiz fallut?, dan wara li qal li hemm id-difficultajiet u il-Prim Ministru ha €500 fil gimgha? dan wara li splodiet il-hajja? dan wara li il-dawl, gas u fuel telghaw mas-sema? The small surge in support for Gonzi has ........... has been derived from giving promotion, allowances and work contracts to those who are supporters of his regime, and to those who sway with every breeze and as long as they are given something extra in their pockets whethet they deserve it or not. A lot are afraid to show their true colours since if they don't show that they are against the gov of the day they are sure to be POLITICALLY DISCRIMINATED. i HAVE NOTICED THIS DURING THE LAST 23 YEARS UNDER THE FENECH ADAMI AND GONZI REGIME.
@MLP supporters: Jider li missejtkom fil laham il haj. Nitthassarkom. Jekk tridu tkunu kuntenti biddlu il partit, u ejjew f dan il partit li ghandu DNA rebbiha.
So far serious polls have always proved they were right. This poll comes after the summer lull so the people are not really focused. What is sure is that the PL has to keep its head always above the ground and does not take anything for granted. Remember the last election! The PL was leading a month ahead of the election. The PL (or Labour) was unfortunate because of Dr Sant's illness and GonziPN's propaganda machine (one thousand and one promises) and government incumbency were in full swing . Labour was also over confident. As they say one week is too long in politics. Hope that the PL has learned its lessons from recent past history.
@salgister: Yes, certainly: surveys do become more predictive closer to the event and that is why I said that results will be more indicative during election fever. For example, many people who say will not vote will actually vote (at least a good percentage of them). When the event is so far away these surveys need to be treated with caution. In addition, most survey organizations (including political parties) engage in what are called "rolling polls" closer to election day and this provides a very accurate gauge of the possible outcome. But one-offs and far from the event make only an interesting read at best.
Micheal Bonanno
@vcas. While I tend to agree with your arguments about surveys, I still think that they represent some truth in the findings. If we look back, especially on the MT surveys, we'll find that with such parameters of +/- 3%, the surveys showed that they were nearer to the fact than one could think of. A case in point. The Divorce issue. The MT survey showed that the Divorce issue was going to be won by the Divorce side, which happened. But the most accurate was the 2008 election. As from a month pre-election, MT surveys showed that the PL was on the forefront, but with the difference that the trust factor was being won by Gonzi. As the weekly surveys continued, it was shown that the PL was losing points fast, and this culminated on Wednesday, when the survey showed that the PL was going to lose the election by some .25%, if I'm not mistaken. But it was very close. And that's what happened, the PL lost the election by a few hundred votes. As I said before, I tend to agree with you vcas, but as examples have shown in surveys, there is some truth in them. I for one, didn't believe them but after I have seen such results, I started at least to take notice of them.
These surveys are not even worth the paper they are written on and this for many reasons: First, a week in politics is a long time and things can change and change and change once again till election time; secondly, telephone surveys exclude a lot of representative sections of society so this is certainly not a simple random sample but more a convenience one; thirdly, voting behaviour is a complex matter (see works by Jo Silvester for example) and a more realistic picture will be available in the election fever mode. In addition, what is meant by a margin of error of +/- 5%: we employ such indices to reflect the power of the test or survey...what is it meant to mean here? the confidence intervals??? Finally: the people will always get the government they deserve!
A section of the Maltese population irrespective of political believes is easily impressed due to utter ignorance. Malta has still a long way to go in politics. Both parties still fail to impress.
As they say ''it-tellieqa sal barkun''. Anything can happen between now and 2013. PN can try to smother us with ''cejca'' in the last few months. Some ''floaters'' will be impressed by this, whilst for some others, nothing can change their minds for a change. There have always been undecided voters in every election, but i have never seen so many as today. Two out of every three seem undecided. Most are saying that Malta need's a change, because of the arrogance of certain PN ''illuminate''. But will they change their minds in 2013?? I think that only the PL can loose the next election, and the last minute comments by some of it's old guard will not help at all. The faster that Muscat gets rid of some of those considered as ''tainted'' he better it's chances. However in the end, when most come to closing their curtain behind them and casting their votes, the PL will win only if it really convinces those who voted PN in the last election, that they are really a party they can trust and to give them a chance. Very few really thought that the divorce referendum would actually go through, because the general comments I heard were against, but then.............
This is whats going to happen comes next election PN palata nobis. we might pray God save our country because nothing is going to save gonzipn.
What's the fuss ? at the end it will be the same as usual; both parties will go into the election neck to neck. Who will win ? This time it will depend on how much vigilant will be the PL in not allowing Gonzi to exploit his power of incumbancy like he shamelessly did last election; at the end, it will be us taxpayers who will pay for his buying of votes.
what is all the fuss.labour still has a 9 point lead and joesph 7 point lead.
I don't think there is the rabid fanaticism shown by 'jgalea' anywhere in the Western world! this is politics we're talking about. Generally people have the view that most parties, when in Govt, do some good and do some bad. Democracy means the ability to change Governments for the sake of the Country and to chuck them out again when they falter. The fanaticism shown is still pretty endemic in some Maltese quarters. In reality, people like 'jgalea' are morons with just fanaticism driving their views and nothing else. It's good that even in Malta these sorts are going out of fashion!
@jgalea Intant fuq Austin Gatt toqghod? Tiftakar l-ahhar li qalilna li minn ghada jispiccaw il-buzollotti? Se jibqa mfakkar ghall istragi li ghamel fi trasport publliku. Il-pajjizi kollha minn zmien ir-Rumani dejjem sahhew it-trasport taghhom, waqt li dan il-bravu bghatu mitt sena lura.
@ jgalea Min jghola hafna jiehu tisbita kbira, u ma tantx jirkupra malajr! Hekk gara fil-passat, u hekk jibqa' jigri fil-futur, ghax min ikun arroganti u maqtugh minn nies, hekk ikun haqqu! Hlief toffendu l'intelligenza tal-poplu Malti, ma' tafux taghmlu. Iz-zmien itina parir u ftakar li : 'Il-qattusa ghaggiliha, taghmel frieh ghomja!' Jekk taf tifhem dan il-qawl Malti, ifhem x'inhi t-tifsira warajh, habib!
Mela ma smajtux il ministru Dr. Gatt illejla? Ada pit ada anke inti trid tajjat "Lunga vita Partit Nazzjonalista". Wara l elezjoni tal 2013. Elezzjoni li ser tkun unika. Socialism is dead siehbi. Adek ma ndunajtx li l uniku partit rebbih mhux biss f Malta izda fid dinja kollha il partiti Demokristjani huma DEJJEM rebbihin :) Il PN esporta id demokrazija, u il liberta' ghal pajjizi girien. Dik id demokrazija. Dik il liberta' li fiz zmien Mintoff u KMB ma kienx hemm. Kien hemm biss dittatura brutali, ghakx, faqar, u repressjoni. Ghalhekk il Malltin ghandom l obligu jghazlu il PN. Il Maltin ghandom jirringrazjaw il PN ghal dejjem :)
@jgalea ...Miskin kemm qed jarraghlek, siehbi...kompli ghajjat viva Gonzi!
Is sewwa jirbah zgur. Il PN huwa il partit Malti invincibli. Jghidu x jghidu il lejburisti, il partit tahom has its days counted.