Updated | Sciberras Trigona represents an ‘embarrassing period’ for Malta, says PM

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi hit out at the Labour Party for having associated Malta with dictators and communist parties in the 80s.

Adds statement by the Labour Party

“Instead of rising to the occasion and acknowledging the consensual and responsible approach taken by those involved during this difficult period, the Prime Minister is again taking a cheap shot at playing petty politics,” the Labour Party said in reaction to the Prime Minister’s comments.

It said that, “instead of explaining how as the highest paid Maltese Prime Minister ever, he is going to take the country out of the economic mess he led it in, he is regurgitating utterances dating back 3 decades.”

According to the PL, Gonzi’s problem is that “the source of these claims is the same one stating that Malta - under his predecessor - was a hub of Libyan terrorists.

“If he believes one, he must believe the other too.”


“If I turn back time to the mid-80s, all I feel is shame,” Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said today. “It’s embarrassing that US President Ronald Reagan had seen Malta as an affiliate with dictators and communist parties.”

Speaking on Radio 101, Gonzi was referring to cables leaked by WikiLeaks in which then President Ronald Reagan had commented on Malta’s closeness with leaders such as Muammar Gaddafi, Nicolae Ceaușescu and Kim Il-sung.

“Looking back at the history of the PN I feel pride, but looking back at the times when Labour was in government, I feel shame,” Gonzi said. He added, that whilst countries in the mid-80s were fighting for fundamental human rights, Malta was seen close to leaders who oppressed their citizens.

“Even though this happened over 20 years ago, we cannot forget. At the time, the Labour government included Alex Sciberras Trigona and Karmenu Vella – individuals who Alfred Sant had removed from his side but who are now seen close to Joseph Muscat,” Gonzi said.

Describing Sciberras Trigona as a man who “represents an embarrassing period for Malta”, Gonzi said that on Muscat’s first visit to Libya he had taken with him Sciberras Trigona - former foreign minister under the Mintoff administration, and now the PL’s international secretary.

“Whilst I criticize Sant’s decisions regarding national matters, I praise him for having cleansed the Labour Party during his leadership. But that little good that Sant did has now been thrown away by Muscat,” the Prime Minister said.

“But Joseph Muscat is more interested in power and trying to pull back all those he can, rather then invest in meaningful politics.

“If I were Muscat, I would throw him out immediately … not because I have anything personal against him but because no one can erase or deny the fact that Sciberras Trigona is the author of several embarrassing moments for Malta which are still haunting us today.”

Gonzi said the US documents have historical relevance, which should warn us today: “What would have happened if during the last seven months Labour was in government?

“The Labour Party has a lot to be embarrassed about.”

Gonzi also criticized the Labour Party for not taking a clear and strong stand earlier this year over the Libya crisis but had waited until it was safe and clear that the time for Gaddafi’s regime in government was over.

“I am sorry that in our country the Opposition could have taken a clearer stand and it did not. It did not disrupt our work in helping the Libyans, but it could have voiced its position before, rather than waiting for the convenient moment.”

He recalled that Malta had taken a stand in favour of the revolutionaries from the beginning, even when Gaddafi was still strong in Libya. “We protected the pilots who defected from his regime at a time when most countries hadn’t yet condemned Gaddafi, when the no fly zone was not in place, when the situation was risky.”

Gonzi said he remembers how a few days after the defection of the pilots, he had received information that a private plane carrying eight persons was requesting permission to land in Malta.

“Whilst they claimed they were running low on fuel and needed to land, we had inside information that the passengers had been in fact pilots of Gaddafi’s air force, with aboard two technicians who were coming to take back the Mirages - which were laden with bombs.

“We did not give them the permission, even though it was a big risk for us. Today we look back and say our decisions justified our positions.”

He said that he had been criticized several times for not having let NATO use Malta as their base. “We decided to be a humanitarian hub where we could help other countries by providing other type of logistics and support.

Speaking on Alfred Sant’s claim that Gaddafi funded the EU referendum campaign, Gonzi said, “Sant’s credibility is 0”.

“Has Sant forgotten that Gaddafi criticised Malta and said that we had ‘abandoned our Arabic family, because Malta was Arabic and not European’?”

Gonzi said Gaddafi had told him face-to-face that Malta betrayed its Arab brothers for Europe.

He said, Muscat should have the courage to disassociate himself and the PL from Sant’s comments if he truly had Malta’s best interests at heart. Gonzi added that Muscat had never denied that the PL received money from Gaddafi, but had only said that under his [Muscat] leadership the party had received nothing.

Ara Toninu rega' tfacca. Ghadek ma wegibtnix Tonin? Chicken iehor? M'intix la l-ewwel u l-anqas l-ahhar chicken lejburist!
Nahseb l-akbar kaxxa li qieghda tohloqlu inkwiet lill-Poplu Malti hi il-kaxxa ta' Malta u kif sfrondawha il-gvernijiet tal-PN. U mela il-kaxxa ta' Pandora, x'kull wahda wkoll!!!
@ antione vella Issa mur ikkonvinci lil min ilu fil kju xi tlett snin ghal operazzjoni fl-isptar, lil min ghandu appuntament biex jarah xi konsulent ' urgenti ' xi 9 xhur ohra, lil min hu qieghed bil paga minima u ma jistax illahhaq mal kontijiet, lil min hu qieghed, lil min il part time huwa l uniku job tieghu, lil pensjonanti li dejjem jghidulhom li il medicina li ghandhom bzonn hija out of stock, mur Sur Vella ghidilhom li il PN ta qalbek ghamlu 6 biljun EWRO dejn nazzjonali biex iserhu mohhom u ma jinkwetaw xejn ghax l-akbar problema li ghandna skont int hi li Joseph Muscat fetah il kaxxa ta Pandora. Hallina nghixu pls.
"The return of AST – hara-kiri at Mile End" . "Joseph Muscat has opened a Pandora’s box, and look what popped out of it: Alex Sceberras Trigona, back in from the cold, cold winters of the 1980s" . "Labour is simply asking too much to expect from middle of the road voters to trust Sceberras Trigona to implement Muscat’s vision." . http://archive.maltatoday.com.mt/2008/08/10/t15.html
Ahna x'jimpurtana min AST sur prim, ahna fuq il utility tariffs u zieda teighek u in-nuqqas ta zieda taghna irridu nisighmu.
What a tick hide this little pm has, the only thing that i am ashamed off is you representing my country.
Jghid x`jghid GonziPn, hu se jibqa msemmi fli Storja dinija, li kien l-ahhar Prim Ministru li ltaqgha u ghannaq lil Gaddafi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matrix Dr Gonzi se jieħu r-record tal-iktar ilsien twil fil-Guniess Book of Records.
Firillu Kbir dak ir-pport juri kif mhux biss is-servizz sigeriet Libyan kien qed jagħmel li jrid f'Malta, imma ankis-CIA u s-servizzi sigrieti tad-dinja kollha. ** Taħt il-PN Malta saret bejta internazzjonali tal-ispjunaġġ.
Il- lostra kif qazzizna jirrepeti l- istess diskors dan il-prim ministru!! Ser ikollna inlaqqmuh gonzi il- pappagall ghax hlief l-80s ma isemmix, mohhu wehel fil passat, veru jinsab imdendel f'xifer l- irdum li qed ifajjar bl-addocc miskin minghalieh ser idahhaq billi isemmi bicca mill istorja ta malta lijaqbel lilu!! Nahseb l- storja tal partit nazzjonalista tafha mhux hazin u taf li tal partit tieghek, dawk li kienu jitkellmu bit taljan, tal-partito nazzjonalista maltese, kienu izommu mal faxxisti fit tieni gwerra u sahansitra kien hawn spiji jahdmu kontra il- maltin billi jghaddu informazzjoni sensittiva lill ghadu. Gonz, min kien dak il-partit li ma riedx jghati il-vot lin nisa? li ma riedx jghati il-vot lill min ikun ghalaq it-18 il- sena? X'hallejtu intom fil bidu tas sebghinijiet? Min qatel lill Karen Grech? Kull min jgholli idu ghandu x'ixomm!!
@ briffy Kif jista ikun dejjem tikteb fuq il-blogs u tikteb iktar minn darba fuq artiklu wiehed?Jaqaw ma ghandekx x'tghame ahjar f'hajtekl? Jew ghandek xi job mal gvern mahluq ghall blue eyed boys u ma ikollokx x'tghamel? Jew int wiehed minn dawk li ta gonzu jghatuk 50c ta kull post fuq il- blogs? @ Gonzu Taf meta kienu zminijiet koroh? Meta zijuk l-isqof gonzi kien dahhal l-interdett u jidfen lill laburisti fil mizbla, sempliciment ghax laburisti, meta malta kienet mifnija bil faqar u l-injoranza, meta ma kien hawn l- ebda tama hlief li temigra u tfittex xoghol il- boghod minn pajjizek, meta missieri spicca arrestat fi zmien George Borg Olivier ghax kien jaqra il- gazzetta tal PL fil pubbliku, dawk kienu zminijiet koroh gonz. U insejt haga ohra, lill-dawk il-pulizija li kienu 'sawwtu' lin nazzjonalisti fl-80s kollha tajtuhom promotion ghax kienu shabkhom stess!! Qatta ipokriti u faxxisti.
@Briffy, Il-komparament ta' bejn il-Ministri tal-Labour ma' dwak Nazzjonalisti huwa distakkat tant li l-Ministri tal-Labour ħadmu bi ftit flus u n-Nazzjoanalisti ma jaħdmux u jitħallsu l-eluf kbar t'€€€€€s. U l-fatt li l-Ministri Nazzjonalisti ma jsarfu xejn qalitu l-ex Ambaxxatriċi Amerikana, Bordonaro meta qalet li Gonzi ma kellux għażla biex jifforma l-Gvern. Tant hu hekk li taħt Tonio Fenech il-pajjiż midjun bil-kbir. €5 biljuni dejn mhux ċajta u €200 miljun imgħaxijiet fis-sena mhux talli mhix ċajta talli tal-biki. Hawn irid jgħidilna Gonzi x'ser jagħmel mhux fuq 30 sen ilu. Id-dejn tal-lum mhux AST għamlu imma Tonio u Gonzi.
Dr. Gonzi qed juri sinjali li qed tahkmu d-dimenzja. . Jiftakar x'gara fit-tmeninijiet. . Jinsa x'gara fid-disghinijiet dwar l-operat tas-servizz sigriet Libjan f'Malta. Min irid ikun jaf aktar jara din: . http://www.kullhadd.com/201109173285/Ahbarijiet/malta-centru-tas-servizzi-sigrieti-libjani.html
Ahjar flok joqghod jilghab ghal gallerija u jaljena li gawk l-erba' akkaniti li ghadhom immorru jisimghuh, ghidilna Gonzi kif f'daqqa wahda Gaddafi sar daqshekk immxajten meta sa Frar li ghadda konna qeghdin nilaquh u nistiednuh biex jigi jzurna Malta? U minflokk ma joqghod ikompl jdoqq id-diska izzarzar u mibruxa tal-passat jghidilna kif ser issolvilna il-prolema tad-dejn kolossali, il-korruzzjoni kostituzzjonizzata w d-dizastri ambjentali u infrastrutturali li Malta tinsab tiffaccja bhalissa daqs qatt qabel fl-istorja Taghha.
Joseph Sant
Dr Gonzi is either becoming very slow or very dumb. He is not learning his lessons. Scaremongering did not win him the divorce referendum and it's not going to win him the election. . Go on Dr Gonzi - think of something better.
Issa ghaxxaqta salgister...tinkompara l-kalibru tal-ministri tal-PN ma dawk tal-lejber! Din cajta! Ix-xjuh ahjar ma nkomplux nghidu izjed fuqhom. Kulhadd f'Malta jaf x'ghamlu u the least said the better. Akkwantu ghaz-zaghar, m'hemmx wiehed ta' kalibru...jekk tara l-FB taghhom bizejjed biex tara x'materjal fihom. Mur fuq il-FB taghhom u ara b'ghajnejk u tibda tisthi minn flokhom. Hlif Evarist Bartolo m'hemm hadd ta' stoffa. Jekk dawn tarhom ta' stoffa. allura your expectations are very low, u tikkunta b'kollox. .
Micheal Bonanno
#briffy. For your information, those persons you called dinosaurs (I assume they have a name of course) left Dr. Alfred Sant, not removed by Dr. Alfred Sant. They were at odds with him because of the way he was treating Dom Mintoff and the Party. Dr. Alfred Sant tried to change the party (hence the New Labour Party) to distance himself from the Party's past, a move that didn't go down well with the labourites. Not because of the dirty history, that you PNners try to paint, but because Dr. Sant wanted to create a party in his own image. He tried to create a new way of politics which deviated to the right, instead to centre left. Those, you call dinosaurs, left the party because of that. Now instead of throwing mud, why don't you just mention their names, and see if I was right and you are wrong? As for being led by the elderly and more experienced, and mature candidates and members, the same cannot be said of your darling PM. He was led through a series of hoops, like a trick animal at the circus, so much so, that he had to given and do his utmost to placate them or else go to the polls. Joseph is banking, on these what you called dinosaurs, on their experience in their individual fields. Gonzi has no one of the calibre of most of the members of Joseph's mp's. And that's what is ruining our country.
@Briffy, Joseph doesn't have the decency to send an SMS to former experienced Ministers and fire them same as Gonzi did. Intentionally you referred to former MLP ministers as dinosaurs rather than experienced and mature therefore much wiser. Well that's as far a you go!!! So would you scrap your father and mother since you are younger and maybe more academic and literate? Quote: "Joseph is pulled by the strings of the old guard who are old enough to be his father". Right, who is in office Gonzi, Austin, JPO, Franco? Who else? Who has the real 'par idejn sodi'?
@Bond4711, Ma fthemnix ħabib, il-kumment tiegħek kien vag u ħsibt li kont qed tikkritika lil Matrix. Jien ngħid mhux gazzetta trid imma omor ta' bniedem għax kull minuta b'xi ħaġa ġdida dan Gonzi u l-istess kien ta' qablu.
Zack Depasquale
@Bond4711 Jien m'hiniex nipprova inessi l-istorja imma qieghed nfakkar l-istorja ghal minn ghandu memorja selettiva bhal m'ghandu l-PrimMinistru u jidher li int tbati mill-istess difett Imkien fil-kumment tieghek m'ghidt li min dak kollu li nizilt kien hemm xi haga mhux vera. Jekk trid infakkru l-istorja tal-hmieg ta'GonziPN iridu gazzetta shiha. Is-sliem siehbi
How can Labour inspire confidence when it still harbours in its midst a dozen or so dinosaurs from Mintoff's and KMB's cabinet and who are leading the pack? These are the same people who Alfred Sant had removed from the party along with its violent elements, but have now returned to the fold under the leadership of JM. JM is very young, inexperienced, ambitious, too big for his shoes and worst of all being pulled by the strings of the old guard who are old enough to be his father. But that's why Labour is all inclusive, they collect whatever comes their way.
@-Bond4711, L-istorja hija itwal minn hekk. L-istorja tmur mhux 30 sena imma 40, 50, 60 u aktar. Jekk tagħżel parti żgħira mill-istorja sinjal li l-kumplament idejqek, javvelik u jħammarlek wċċek. Inti ftakar fejn trid, imma ħafna jiftakru kollox. Tiftakar x'kien għamel Eddie kap tal-oppżizzjoni meta Mintoff kellu xi jgħid ma Gaddafi fuq iż-żejt? Naħseb li dik tħamrilkom wiċċkhom, allura tridu taraw kif tnessuha. Fil-ħajja jew tgħid kollox jew tgħid xejn mill-ewwel għax kif jgħid il-malti "titfax ġebel lejn djar tal-ħġieġ għax tiegħek tal-ħġieġ ukoll".
Tista' tkun ipokrita' iktar minn hekk Dr Gonzi meta inthom qed tkunu lagħaqa tal-iktar livell baxx tal-Unjoni Ewropea? ** Veru li lanqas żejt ma baqgħalkom f'wiċċkom.
Dear Prim Minister, If what you said about Alex Sciberras Trigona and the MLP back in the 80's is true you should know that history goes back many further then the 80's. So either you would have the decency to tell the whole past especially the PN's or else cut the crap and let's hear you telling us what's gonna be our future and if we're going to recover from the mess you've made throughout your and Eddies's regime. Furthermore, we're still waiting to know what was or caused the loud explosion noise around the coast of Dingli Cliffs since you are sure that it wasn't a missile intercepted by NATO which could have been on the way to our shores. These and more would be much more interesting than what happened 30 years ago. He who lives in the past has no future to look forward to.
Dik hi l-istorja Matrix, u ghalxejn tipprova tnessihilna !!
There were Popes who turned out to be villians yet nobody blames christianity for it. There were governments who dealt with them yet nobody blamed these for the Popes' villiany. It has to be a someone like gonzi to try and save face for his huge mistakes by resorting to stupid comparisons and playing the hero as if he has an impeccable past history himself. It is a shame he did not make the trip with the two defector pilots to be part of the heros welcome they got. gonzi isn't one who normally shies away from a photo shot.
Zack Depasquale
Imma trid tkun Gonzi biex tohrog b'dawn il-hmerijiet u tahseb li lill-poplu tista tbellghalu kollox. Tafu min hu imbarazament ghal-poplu Malti: • Dak li jibdel ismu skond l-okkazjoni, Fenech Adami, meta mar jilghaq lill-Gaddafi, wara li Gaddafi kien kissirha mal-Gvern Laburista. • Il-PrimMinistru Prezenti, li flok joqghod jaghjjar x'sar tletin sena ilu, ahjar jara x'certifikat qalha minn Agenzija Internazzjonali bhal Moodies u kif sejjer jirranga is-sitwazzjoni. • Il-PrimMinistru innifsu ghal darb ohra ghaliex bl-ilsien twil tieghu waqgha il-shabu, il-Parlamentari Nazzjonalista ghac-cajt m'ambaxxatrici ta'pajjiz barrani. • Il-PrimMinistru Gonzi ghat-tielet darba meta waqt li lill-poplu tah Eur1.16 hu ha zieda ta'Eur 500. Il-PrimMinistru semgha il-cables Amerikani u qal li dawn ghandhom sinifikat storiku. Il-PrimMinistru qieghed ikun selettiv ghaliex f’uhud min dawn il-cables jisemma li meta siehbu li jibdel ismu skond l-okkazjoni Fenech Adami kien PrimMinistru Malta kienet meqjusa bhalha centru tas-servizz sigriet Libjan. Rigward l-istorja ta’ GonziPN kif qieghed jissejah il-PN illum. Bizzejjed jara kif il-Partit Nazzjonalista li tieghu jaghmel parti Gonzi kien iharres lejn mexxejja Faxxisti.
A Prime Minister who lives in the past - because the present is just too dark for him. We never had such a weak PM as Dr Gonzi - he was the only PM in Malta's history who was politically blackmailed by his own MPs and had to give them undeserved salaries and pseudo-jbs to persuade then to allow him to remain PM. The sight of Lawrence Gonzi - accompanied by his wife - knocking on Franco Debono's door to beg him to refrain from votong against him was too pitiful for words. Maltas' very own Canossa.
Luke Camilleri
ILLUM il-Gonz jipreferi jkun assocjat ma dan...imbaghad ghada jew tletin sena ohra naraw : ) http://www.tnr.com/slideshow/world/83658/slideshow-berlusconi-scandals
Dr Gonzi when Alex Sciberras Trigona was in ,he did all the best he could for Gozo.In fact we were in full employment .The Xewkija industrial estate was the main hub for all the gozitan workers . Have a look at it today it is a ghost town .Factories that used to employ over four hundred people today are open with only with four workers, If you are still counting the pay rise of 500 euros per week that you got behind our back you better stop and listen to all of us order your beloved members of parlament from here in Gozo to wake up and start bringing work . O I forget how successful the BRIVARK factory was ,
The Government had better concentrate on bringing back the strong £M which they willingly exchanged for the fools gold that is the Euro. Playing to it's ignorant masses by misinformation does not win this Government any kudos. It was the Arab East,namely Gaddafi which helped Malta when it was left bankrupt by the British. The West in the shape of Britain,France or America were nowhere to be seen. Malta is nothing but the EU's southern flank,the first line of defence in case of need.It is not an ideal situation which thanks to EFA and his successor we find ourselves in.
look who is talking Vera l-Prim Ministru m'ghandux xi jghid. Dan se jghidilhom fuq il fosos jew se jghidilhom kif kullhadd qed jirrezenja, kif l-ekonomija sejra, fuq il parlament il gdid li ma jridu hadd l-anqas id deputat ghax aktar ma jmorrux milli jmorru.Dan huwa diskors ghajjien, bla hegga. Din se tkun l-attitudni ghal elezzjoni.Donnu l-Prim qed ihoss ir rih tal bidla ma widnejh/. Hawn xi politikant illum jitkellem fuq il bierah. Ghamel x'ghamel Sciberras Trigona pero ma kienx AST li bghat 18 il Eritejan ghal qatla. Jekk qed tirreferi ghal Gaddafi int kont gej u sejjer ghandu u ta qablek libsu unur u kien jghanqu. Hallina wenz, kieku taf kemm qed tghamel hsara lill Malta anke shabek ftit ftit qed jghamlu kif ghamlu lill Gaddafi.....warbuh.
Who gives a s**t what happened in the 80s? You better tell us the connection between the PN and the Libyan secret service in the 90s. And besides, you certainly do not have Malta's interests at heart; your interest is getting your increased salary...you and your lack of talented bunch (in your opinion)
“If he believes one, he must believe the other too.” - Does this mean that what Gonzi said was true, only he did not believe it? Can someone explain this to me?
Ara vera wiccek bla ZEJT Hon Gonzi! Int wasalt biex tghajjar lil shabek li hawdu mieghek biex tisloh il-poplu bit-taxxi esagerati, multi, penali kontijiet tad-dawl, gas, fuel, kissirt lil Malta minn isfel sa fuq. Wasalt biex anki tehoda kontra ir-rieda tal-Maggoranza ghaliex tghid lil minoranza ghandha dritt. Il-Minoranza kemm illek hemm int kient biss biex tkissira u tivvendika ruhkom minnha. Kemm il-transfer politika ghamilt avolja nofs il-familja kienet tappogjakhom, kemm il-ministru tieghek qal lil kieku kien Nazzjonalist kien jghinu avolja kien jaf li ma kienx hemm gustizzja f'dak li sar. Jew dan ghamiltu biex jekk titlef l-elezzjoni tkun diga qed tlesti it-triq biex tibda tghajjat bir-rieda tal-Minoranza? Jitla minn jitlaq barra int trid issir Gustizzja ghaliex int ma temminx fiha Diga qedin tlestu biex tal-qalba ittuhon l-ahjar postijiet fid-dipartimenti halli jibqa ikolkom il-poter avolja tkunu fl-oppositzjoni. Dr Sant ried jibqa xi haga li inthom qatt ma toholmu bija u povru bniedem ippruvajtu kissruh alavolja ma f'sahtu bizzejjed. Jekk jitla il-Labour ghandu jaghmel inkjesti f'kull dipartiment u korporazzjonijiet parastatali halli johrog dak il-hmieg li sar u min huwa hati jiehu dak li haqqu. Il-Gonzijiet ha jibqu imfakra fid-disastri li ghamlu lil dan il-pajjiz. Taf tsthi?
Is this the best Gonzi can do - go back some 30-40 years ago. He must really be suffering badly from our recent downgrade and not much he can say I supose. DOens't he remember that one of his relatives, Arch. Gonzi was also someone who tore maltese society apart. How can these people face God. Petty politics for petty people. Is this what we want to teach our children. Division. Pure division. Set an example Mr. Gonzi and stop being a small man. I wonder how his EU friends friends view this parochial and divisive thinking man.
Dear PM, instead of going back 30 years in time, you should be focusing on the present, and explain to us what is your strategic plan for the present and for the next thirty years!
Prosit Tony! Urejtna kemm veru inthom m'inthomx tolleranti! Niehdu gost nisimghu kummenti bhal dwan minn ghandkom stess, ghax l'aqwa prova! Il-lupu, sufu biss jibdel!!!!!! Imbaghad tiftahru bid-demokrazija, mela x'tifhmu bil-kelma dittatura faxxista? IL- Q.H.A millii jkollha ttik!!!!
Kompli ohlom Tony...ghax veru go Fantasy Island qed tghixu int u il PN CLAN!
Raymond Falzon
Agreed and with Toni Abela And Anglu Farrugia the Gay Party will not win the next election unfortunetly. The PN is too clever fot them.
Raymond Falzon
Agreed and with Toni Abela And Anglu Farrugia the Gay Party will not win the next election unfortunetly. The PN is too clever fot them.
Maybe gonzi could tell us what after shave Gadaffi was wearing when he last hugged and kissed him on the cheeks. And that is only a few weeks back. Il-***** milli jkolla tghatik
Tell em, Gonzi. How could Gaddafi ever contradict himself? And while you're at it, you can also tell us what your face-to-face response was.
maybe it's better that the PM gives a reason to what moody's said lately, rather than going back to the 80's to try to deviate our attention! We are living now and the economic problems are getting worse. Maybe we will soon have a programme on PBS about what happened in the 80's between Malta and Libya. By the way, during Reagan's adminstaration their was the infamous IRAN GATE, or the PM has forgot about it!!!!