Algerian sand reason behind Wednesday’s hazy weather
Hazy weather a result of is a result of an area of low pressure over Algeria extending over the central Mediterranean

Sands from the Algerian region of the Sahara are the reason behind Wednesday’s glum weather, meteorologist Brian Micallef has said.
He said the hazy weather over the islands is a result of an area of low pressure over Algeria extending over the central Mediterranean.
He said the low pressure is pushing dust up into the air, and as a result had led to low visibility across Malta and Gozo.
Micallef said the visibility has been reduced to 3km, but said it was no cause for concern, as emergency procedures kick in if the visibility is less than 3km.
He explained how this type of weather is expected in the autumn season and Malta experiences this type of weather only once or twice a year.
He continued to explain how climate change has not affected the extremity of this type of weather.
Micallef also explained how this weather leads to a change in temperature because the dust is blocking the sun's rays which has led to lower temperatures, with an increased possibility of rain.