Scicluna calls on European Commission to investigate Maltese ‘energy poverty’

Labour MEP says that since 2008 nearly 5% of all Maltese homes have had their electricity disconnected.

Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna has called on the European Commission to investigate revelations that Maltese families entitled to social support are being denied energy coupons to help meet their electricity bills unless they can pay their bills in full.

“Energy poverty in Malta is a serious problem that is getting worse. But at a time when we continue to have over 100 families being disconnected from their energy supply each month we hear that some of our most vulnerable people are even being denied energy coupons to help pay instalments of their bills,” Scicluna said.

Scicluna has also questioned the Commission what information it had received from the Maltese Authorities relating to the energy situation.

In May last year, Scicluna asked if the government was in breach of the Energy Directive, which requires Malta and all other EU countries to look after the energy security of vulnerable customers.

In response, the Commission said that it would contact the Maltese authorities for more information on the situation. Since then, over 5,500 households have lost their electricity.

“Last year the Commission told me that they would seek information on the situation from Enemalta and the government. Given that energy poverty in Malta's continues to worsen I want to know what information was provided and whether the Commission will investigate,” Scicluna said.

“Since 2008 nearly 5% of all Maltese homes have had their electricity disconnected. This disconnection rate is very high for an EU country and it is unacceptable.”

SUR SCICLUNA, iridu commision mill EU mil-iktar fis,qabel ma jigrilna bhall GRIECIA
Luke Camilleri
No limit in the talent of the LP MEPs : ) National Interest First .....and with foresight!
Profs...Kif tkun fiz zifna ghejdihom ukoll , li waqt li il P.M. u shabu hadu zieda fenominali , lilna il pensjonanti ghax is sena li ghaddiet qbizna naqra it 8000 ewros fis sena, nehhilna is susidju ta l-energija. L-anqas lahhaq ghadda l-ewwel pagament tal pensjoni ghal Jannar li ma ghollilniex il gass ghal darba,darbtejn u ghanke tlieta. Tant gholiet il hajja li mhux talli hadilna lura dawk il 1.16 ewros li taghna, izda hadilna kwazi 5.00 ewros ohra fil gimgha.
briffy....hekk jghidulu bit-taljan...imma bil-Malti, you know amico.
Pntppp...dak jghidulu salva uomo.
In response, the Commission said that it would contact the Maltese authorities for more information on the situation. Since then, over 5,500 households have lost their electricity. Din xi kummiedja jew? U bhal dak li qallu l-awtoritajiet maltin ha jikkoperaw u jghidulha il-vertita' lil Kummissjoni. Mhux li jridu juruha u jghidulha dawn! Konvenjenti ghall-gvern din il-Kummissjoni Ewropea. Ghalhekk izeffinha fin-nofs left, right and centre il-gvern. Issibha tajjba bhala salva w ghomor. Dik imissa twaqqaf ufficju permanenti hawn Malta u meta jiftlilha taghmel random sampling u spot checks ghall-arrida, intensivi u serji tas-sitwazzjonijiet partikulari li jkunu qeghdin jghaksu lill-poplu f'perjodi taz-zmien differenti.
Il-kontijiet ghad irridu jsiru ma min kien u ghadu jghakkes lil poplu malti. Dak inhar ghandhom ihallsu lura bis 6% bhal ma ghamlu maghna.
Prosit Profs Scicluna Li dak ta "Par Idejn Sodi" qam xi hadd biex jurih fejn hija is-Solidarjeta mal Familji Maltin Grazzi Hom MEP Scicluna