Bitter Independence as parties trade blows over Gaddafi legacy

PN demand Labour leader to expel former foreign minister Alex Sceberras Trigona for Gaddafi links.

The Nationalist Party has kept up its attack on Labour international secretary Alex Sceberras Trigona over his role as foreign minister in the 1980s and Malta’s relations with Libya and Col. Muammar Gaddafi.

Sceberras Trigona has refused to be drawn on statements by PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier that he had “embarrassed the nation” with his close ties to the regime in the 1980s, telling the Times he will speak only “at the right moment.”

The PN has revived declassified CIA files from the 1980s that contain directives by US president Ronald Reagan to undermine Maltese support for Libya in international for a, promote greater contact with the PN (then in Opposition), and intensify intelligence efforts on Libyan interaction inside Malta.

The party, whose leader Lawrence Gonzi was the last European prime minister to visit Gaddafi a week before the Benghazi rebellion on 17 March, has put much store in demanding Labour leader Joseph Muscat to get rid of Sceberras Trigona.

“If Joseph Muscat really and truly regrets Labour’s shameful past, then he should walk the walk and get rid of the likes of Alex Sceberras Trigona – the man he himself brought in from the cold and appointed international secretary,” the PN said in a statement.

“Sceberras Trigona is responsible for Labour's shameful past. As foreign affairs minister, he harboured unnecessary friendships with notorious regimes which tarnished Malta’s international standing,” the PN said.

“He has a lot of explaining to do. Shamelessly, he has kept mum and went into political hibernation since the Libyan people successfully defeated Gaddafi and his regime.”

The Labour Party has argued that Paul Borg Olivier must substantiate his allegations against Labour. In a statement yesterday, Labour referred to other declassified documents from the Bush presidency that condemned the Nationalist government’s early release of Ali Rezaq, who had been convicted for the hijack in Malta of the Egyptair flight in 1985.

“Lawrence Gonzi and Borg Olivier have a problem – these same files say Malta was a terrorist base under Eddie Fenech Adami,” Labour said. “It is shameful that the highest exponent of GonziPN sows division on a national day instead of looking for national unity.”

Most definitely, I do not support violence and political assassination. It was not a personal conviction being mentioned, but only an illustration of how one action led to a cascade of other actions (albeit, much later in time). One cannot complain of the results, yet support the original intent. If the notification were made to Ghaddafi based on Christian principles - all well and good. I do support and defend Malta's position in the world and care deeply what other nations (which sometimes involves uncomfortable cooperation) think of Malta whilst also supporting Malta's rights and voice in the world and the EU as a soveriegn nation. I do care deeply about Malta's reputation as well as her legacy and will defend Malta forever.
Micheal Bonanno
@Guidocforte. Jien qrib is-60 ghandi. Niftakar sew li ghidt int dwar il-funtana. Dwar il-kontenut l-iehor, dwar kif in-Nazzjonalisti jagixxu meta l-PL ikun fil-Gvern, naqbel mieghek ukoll. Li ma naqbelx mieghek hu li ghandna nimxu b'id tal-hadid. Le siehbi, dawk Maltin bhalna. Kliem bhal tieghek jinzel ghasel ghal min qieghed jaqra hawn. Oqghod attent, ghax malajr issib min juza kliemek biex isawwat lilna l-Laburisti bih. Li hemm hazin hu li l-PL ma jhobbx jitghajjar u jispinnja kif jaghmlu tal-PN. Minn banda hazin jaghmel, izda mill-banda l-ohra qieghed izomm lura milli jifred il-Malta u jkabbar il-mibgheda ta' bejn l-ahwa. It-triq ghal politika nadifa hija iebsa wisq, imma xi hadd irid jibda. Bdiha Dr. Alfred Sant, u nispera li jkompliha Joseph. Nispera wkoll imma, li ssir gustizzja ma kull min bata ngustizzja, minghajr ma tinholoq ingustizzja ohra. Difficli? Ticcajta trid! Imma bhalma ghidtlek xi hadd irid jibda.
@ Salgister......Ma nafx kemm ghandek eta..Pero jekk ghandek daqsi ( fuq is 60 ) taf u tiftakar sew , li in nazzjonalisti ( il kbarat li imexxu ), l-uniku skop li kellhom ,ghandhom u ser jibqa ikollhom huwa li jahkmu il poter u izommuh akkost ta kollox. Nasal biex nemmen li jekk xi darba jitilfu elezzjoni, iqajmu rewixta. Dan rajnih fis snin 96 / 97, meta gew jaqaw u iqumu mil gid tal pajjiz u waqqaw il gvern ta Dr.Sant. X`ma pruvax Dr. Sant sabiex inehhi il mentalita li kellna qabel, li kif jitla partit fil gvern, is supporters (taz zewg nahat ) ikkisru kullimkien. Kif tista tipprova tghamel rikonciljazzjoni man nazzjonalisti ? Meta dawn hlief il poter ma jarawx. Fejn Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox ? Dak wiehed kien jemmen, jghejda, u jghamila. Ghahom sal lum jghajruh. X`rikonciljazzjoni ? Man nazzjonalisti ? Kull mexxej li kellna, kisruh bit tmaqdir. U jekk joseph ser jibqa jilaqhom hekk ser jghamlulu. Dawn il ponn tal hadid trid turihom u mhux tal harir. Il bierah qeghed nisma lil l-Austin Gatt jghejd li il funtana tat tritoni ta putirjal kissirniha ahna il laburisti. Il VILI ma qalx li kif ghamluha fis sena 1969, wara xahar ceda wiehed min dawk li qeghedin izommu il platt, u baqa difettuz. Dan biex nurik il hdura li ghandhom. Kull ma jigri hazin kollu it tort taghna, u kull ma jigri tajjeb u taghhom. Il kwistjoni tal P.M. ghadu bil lipstick ta Gaddafi fuq gbinu, jiftahar li stiednu biex jigi Malta,u issa cahdu , u iwaddab il hatab kontrina. Ma dawn in nies trid toghqod b`ghajnejk miftuhin ghanke waqt l-irqad, ghax ma l-ewwel cans ibellawulek . Ilpup libsin ta hrief.
What a bunch of babies. The PN should be ashamed of themselves. Wasn't Gozni still licking Gaddafi's a** one week before the uprising in Libya started. I don't think we maltese forgot that. And nor the libyan opposition.
Vuci bla Sens (isem tajjeb) jidher li huwa jew hija favur l-assassinju politiku. Forsi għaalhekk jappoġġja jew tappoġġja l-paertit li assassina lil Każrin Grech.
@vuci bla sens Mela issa qed tappogja l-assassinju? Ma tafx li toqtol huwa kontra l-ligi t'Alla u anke dik tal-bniedem, vera bniedem bla sens biex tohrog b'dawn l-idejat faxxisti.
Kemm qieghed jinkwethom lill-PN AST? Jaqaw, qeghdin jibzghu li ser jidhlilhom fl-ghalqa. Alla jbierek hux, parti minnhom biss dawn il-files tinkwethom lill-PN. Il-parti kerha li tikkoncerna lilhom ma jinpurtax. Tad-dahk jew tal-biki?
Mela insejtuh lil Mussolini, il balilla u il kamica nersa bhal ma hu nero il background ta larma tal PN. Heqq, heqq il qahba milli jkolla itik.
If Ghaddafi were killed in 1986 without this "gentleman's" interference, Malta's reputation would have been enhanced; and there probably would not have been a war, ships in the Grand Harbour, NATO landing at the aeroport and the other things the PL doesn't particularly like. Malta would have had the opportunity to enhance its opportunities in Lybia and Lybia itself (and its new government if the strike in 1986 were successful) would have become much more prosperous. Hindsight is always better than foresight though - but for today - all full understanding of history, and the implications of knee-jerk reactions is very important. Please don't refer to the PN as hypocritical when the Ghaddafi regime was thus prolonged.
When shall we have some proper unbiased reporting concerning Libya? What about the rebel armed forces being led by 'former' Al Qaeda jihadists? What does that tell you? Nothing? And what about the atrocities perpetrated by these jihadists, many of whom form part of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Force - an organisation that is listed on the US and UK terrorists lists? What is NATO up to? Why do Western special forces collude with Islamists? Why is the West helping the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? These are the questions you should tackle, not this ridiculous tit-a-tat, qiskom qatta tfal li qatt ma qraw xejn. Grow up, people, because you truly deserve to be called 'a nation of children'. Pu ghal wicckom kemm bqajtu cwiec. Tahsbux li Malta indipendenti wkoll!
So were the PN then were traitors, trashing Malta interest in faviour of their friendship with the US (CIA)? if so they are the once who should be ashamed not Joseph Muscat or the PL. What the PL was doing then was trying to bring the money needed from anywhere so that the can build Malta again from the trash taht the previous PN government left it. Do teh PN remember what they told the German Government and the German Industrialists back in the '70's? The PN never change,they just change the colour but inside they will be the same for ever.
So were the PN financed by the CIA?
Micheal Bonanno
Looks like the election fever is setting. Where are the national reconciliation, together everything is possible? The PN is a bunch of hypocrites fromt he bottom up. They should take a leaf out of Joseph Muscat's book, when he stated last Freedom Day, that the Independence Day with all its weakness is to be respected by all. He also said that Independence Day marks an important date in the evolution of our nation, as much as Republic Day. He didn't denigrate the ceremony or anything that has got to do with Independence Day. @Guidocforte. Don't try to fall into the PN's trap. The PL is doing the right thing. He's respecting the will of the majority, be they PNners and PLers. I for one was against Independence, but now that it is here, as is the EU, we have no right to go against the wishes of the majority. The PL is paving the way for the real national reconciliation, not like the Gonzi clan (I don't mean those who are PN orientated). The PL is on the right track. We have to understand, United We Stand, single we fall. And here again, one have to keep in mind, that to the PL, unlike the PN, who party comes first, Malta first and foremost.
GonziPN are obnoxious - always initiation a fight and throwing stones then hide their hands. Stop it!! Shame again to GonziPN.
Oh please please, stop acting like a bunch of spoilt juvenile brats. Can you imagine how embarrasing this is all becoming. Trying humility and integrity for change rather than showing off your over inflated ego.
If Joseph Muscat really and truly regrets Labour’s shameful past, then he should walk the walk and get rid of the likes of Alex Sceberras Trigona – the man he himself brought in from the cold and appointed international secretary,” the PN said in a statement. Tad dahq u l-Gvern tal PN tah l-akbar unur u kollhom tghannieq meta jiltaqghu mieghu. Eddie tghidtx kemm kien jibki biex Gaddafi jzur Malta.
If Joseph Muscat really and truly regrets Labour’s shameful past, then he should walk the walk and get rid of the likes of Alex Sceberras Trigona – the man he himself brought in from the cold and appointed international secretary,” the PN said in a statement. Tad dahq u l-Gvern tal PN tah l-akbar unur u kollhom tghannieq meta jiltaqghu mieghu. Eddie tghidtx kemm kien jibki biex Gaddafi jzur Malta.
The only foreign secretary in the last sixty years that is worthy of the name.
We labourites which are the majority in this country not only we are not ashamed of our past but extremely proud of what labour governments accomplished, on the other hand we are extremely disgusted with your hypocrisy,double standard and shameless deals .If one reads the pn history, curroption, murder and back stabbing were the order of the day.Shame on you white washed graves.
Ara min irid jitjkellem ukoll!!!!!!!! Pawlu Borg Olivier minn fiost kulħadd!!!!!!!!! ** Taf x'għandek tgħid Pawl? ** Li Alex irnexxilu jagħmel numru ta' korsijiet fid-diplomazija li tawkom ġewwa. ** Ippruvajtu tagħmlu bħalhom u kellkom vroma żul minn hemm. ** Għalhekk qed tattakkawh Pawl. ** Mhux aħjar tara x'għamel Dr Gonzi li kien l-aħħar wieħed li tgħanaq u tbewwes ma Gaddafi? ** Rabtiet mill-qrib bejn Lawrence Gonzi u Muammar Gaddafi. ** Dawn ukoll dejjem kontu ħbieb tagħhom. Ħu Pjaċir Pawl. ** 1941 Stuka-Angriff Auf La Valetta Luftwaffe bombs Malta (Mar 1942) Luftwaffe - Battle for Malta 1940 Malta before the bombs fell Italian and German air force airport and attack on La Valetta, Malta 1941
Typically, the PN attacks the person, not the ideas. Their main weapon has always been character assassination. And they either do it by Press Releae or they get their vile and vicious attack-dogs, like Daphne Caruana Galizia, Lou Bondi and Borg Cardona., to do their stinking, filthy work for them. Has there ever been such a vile and vicious party as the PN in the history of parliamentary government?
Jum l-indipendenza.....Suppost li huwa jum importanti li jghaqqad lil poplu Malti kollu. Il President ta Malta sahaq li ghandha nirrispettaw lil xulxin, ta l-anqas f`dan il jum. Kien ukol l-Arcisqof Paul Cremona, li qallilna sabiex nghozzu l-indipendenza . JOHROG IL BRAVU LI GHADU JIEHU IL GAZZAZA U IL HARQA, U FIL JUM LI SUPPOST NICCELEBRAW FLIMKIEN..JOHROG IL HDURA LI GHANDU FL-ISTONKU TIEGHU. Ara veru spicca dan il pajjiz ta. Sa ftit granet qabel dak li inqala fil Libja, il P.M. tieghu ( P.B.O.) kien qieghed jitbewwes ma GADDAFI.....u ir REGIM tieghu. Jekk din ma hiex IPPOKREZZIJA.. Mela x`tissejjah. Salt OQBRA IMBAJDA. Hazin jghamel il Partit Laburista jekk ihalli din l-akkuza serja tghaddi mar rih. Il bierah stess rajna lil kap tal partit taghna spalla ma spalla mahhom. Ghalija u ghal hafna laburisti li ghexna dawk iz zmienijiet, din l-ingurja weggatna, ghalhekk pretendejna li il bierah stess il partit kellu jibbojkotja din il gurnata. Min naha taghna irrispettajna din il gurnata ( li sal lum jien ma nafx x`indipendenza hadna dak inhar ). Il hmieg huma waddbuh. Issa jekk il partit ser jilghab il loghobha tal miskin ,forsi xi nazzjonalist taharqu qalbu u jigi maghna...INSIEHA JOSEPH. Laburist idur ma l-icken buffura rih ...nazzjonalist l-anqas jekk jolqtu riefnu ma idur.....Tismahhom igorru, imma QATT ma jaslu li jivvutaw lilna. Naf x`qeghed nghejd...B`din it tmexxija ma kull 5 li qeghedin jersqu lejn il partit ( floating voters , u mhux nazzjonalisti ) qeghdin nitilfu 6 laburisti . Fl`opinjoni tieghi, Austin Gatt, u il P.M. ghandhom ragun jeghjdu li sa 20 sena ohra jibqaw huma...GHALHIEX JAFU il " WEAK POINT " li kellu, ghandu u b`din it tmexxija ser jibqa ikollu, il partit taghna. IKOLLHOM IL HTIJA HUMA U IDAWRHA FUQNA. Ghandha l-akbar ezempju kwistjoni Libjana. Kapaci joqtlu lil MESSAGIER ( lil Kap ) u mhux il MESSAGG ( dak li jeghjd u jghamel ).