Updated | MEPA board turns down Villa Degiorgio permit in unruly hearing

The Mepa board throws out the permit to develop Villa Degiorgio into a block of 10 apartment flats in a board hearing that almost took a violent turn.

Villa Degiorgio is located in Dingli Road, Sliema, opposite the Tliet Siġriet (the three trees) junction.

2:52 Announcing the decision, Mepa said that despite how the building’s façade was to be retained and the developer had downsized the scale of the development, the board decided the development would “comprise the visual integrity of the existing streetscape which is until today predominantly that of two floors.”

Mepa said the board also concluded that the proposed development “will create an overdevelopment on the site and negatively impact one of Sliema’s ‘green lung’ open spaces which are fundamental to the character of the Urban Conservation Area.”

Earlier: The proposed development, which was recommended for refusal by Mepa’s case officer yet given the green light by Transport Malta, was given the thumbs down in a highly-anticipated Mepa board meeting on Thursday, with eight voting against and only two voting in favour.

The board meeting was characterised by a hard-fought debate over the merits of the proposed development. While Mepa chairperson Austin Walker expressed himself against the proposed development, Ing. Joe Farrugia argued in favour, and a heated debate ensued.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar spokesperson Astrid Vella said that she was involved in an "almost-physical altercation" with Philip Degorgio, the owner of property in question.

"As objectors to the project began filing out of the room, Degorgio became very aggressive, and attempted to attack me physically while inside the Mepa board room. He lost his case and lost his cool," Vella told MaltaToday.

“He had to be held back by the people around him. He was very threatening and verbally abusive, and was throwing punches in the air. Fortunately he was held back,” Vella said.

She added that police had to be called in, and that Mepa officials did their best to pacify the situation. She added that both her and Degorgio were escorted out of the Mepa building separately through different exists.

Villa Degiorgio is located in Dingli Road, Sliema, opposite the tlett siġriet (three trees) junction.

The proposed development has been the focus of much contention as Sliema residents repeatedly argued against its approval on the basis of how it will lead to increased traffic in an area that is already gridlocked several times a day.

Residents have also called for the preservation of the villa as one of the last remaining ‘green-lungs’ of the already-heavily urbanised area that is rapidly losing what little green open areas it has left.

The decision on the fate of the townhouse – located opposite the busy junction known as Tlett Siġriet (the three trees) at the top of Dingli Street – was fraught with delays after having been postponed twice – once in January 2010, and the second time just last June.

In January 2010, the decision was deferred for the first time after the Mepa Development Control Commission referred the case file to the Mepa Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee for its input.

It was again deferred in June earlier this year – when residents were also told that Mepa’s planning case officer had recommended the refusal of the development application.

In his report, the case officer called for more discretion when dealing with planned projects in cases of developments in urban conservation such as this.

He said that there were issues with regards to building heights and traffic generation, and recommended the permit’s refusal on these grounds.

Transport Malta however did not objecting to the demolition in a busy traffic junction

In a report read during June’s hearing of the Environment Planning Committee, TM said the planned construction of a 13-car garage would cause fewer traffic problems than the current two-car garage as it would have a bigger turning circle.

TM also said each apartment would generate only an average of 1.6 entrances and exits a day for a total of 13 trips for the whole block – a statement hotly contested by residents present at the meeting.

Transport Malta concluded the proposed project would have the same impact as any other block in built-up areas such as Sliema.

The architect representing residents had contested TM’s conclusions, given that it had not carried out technical studies to back up its findings.

well done ASTRID .Save what we still have in Sliema
victor flores
@hsimah - you got me! I meet my match there :-)
@Thorny ...is-soltu maltese gemgem
Luke Camilleri
Zgur l-istorja ma spiccatx hawn il-Mepa dejjem il-Mepa ..bil-kredibilita li gabret tul dawn l-ahhar snin! Mit-tieqa jaghaddi dan il-permess, wait and see bhal r-razzett ta' Victor Scerri tal-Bahrija! Nistennew is-soltu buzullotti u kummiedji, u press conferences... etc., etc.......
Dear Astrid, I just wonder , who wins when you argue with your husband? Prosit and good show.
sounds like a good position from MEPA. that is a nice area and it would be such a pity to ruin it with more flats. let's go back to two storey, it was so much nicer. and transport malta agrees to anything anyway... like they give a toss about the country.
This is not a decision based on planning policy, it’s simply political. There’s absolutely no consistency behind this MEPA’s judgement except that in this case a decision in favour of the developer would have cost hundreds of votes in a critical district. . Why is MEPA suddenly concerned with overdevelopment in Sliema? Why did MEPA issue permits for hundreds of apartments, some large blocks barley twenty metres away from this site? Since when is MEPA concerned with issues like streetscapes? why is MEPA suddenly respecting policies? come on, these people think we're all idots. . Thanks to MEPA’s destruction Malta has become popular with being used as a set for films based in war-torn Middle East; Malta’s planning is a disgrace for this country and its become worse post reform. This one-off decision won’t change things. . This permit shows that MEPA is just the planning arm of the government, no more, no less.
Adrian Busuttil
This is indeed good news for Sliema - this area is beautiful it would have been a shame to ruin it with yet more unoccupied flats, and just imagine the complete chaos - double-parked cranes, cement mixers, tailbacks, non-stop for 2 or 3 years just to line one man's already bulging pocket. Lets face it, look how much these greedy developers have taken from Sliema. How much have they put back in? No monuments, gardens, libraries, they have never done anything for the community, it's all about them.
Well done, we must all help in keeping up this attitude of courage and determination. I am glad that finally a woman's voice is being heard and taken seriously. CONGRATULATIONS ASTRID.
Well done Astrid. What do these type of so called developers want to run all over us without us citizens lifting a finger for our rights? Now hopefully the next step will be the refusal of Hondoq here in Gozo
Astrid Vella is a woman of unwavering standards, and integrity. Community and social conscience before a quick buck for unneeded development.
How does one make half an entrance? Do i stop halfway past the garage door and leave the car there?. Well done Astrid,now there's a lady not for turning.