MEP stands by claim that cutting off electricity goes against EU law

Labour MEP Edward Scicluna opens broadside against Enemalta and Water Services Corporation billing company.

Labour MEP Edward Scicluna has insisted the cutting off of electricity supply to vulnerable families who were unable to pay their bills, goes against EU directives.

“Cutting the supply to just one vulnerable family is already more than enough,” he said after Enemalta’s billing company ARMS Ltd denied cutting off an alleged 5% of Maltese households since 2008. The company said the figure was 0.71%.

“Cutting off the supply is a trauma for any family, let alone vulnerable families which have low income, small children, and caring for the old and sick. We should know how many times this uncivil action has been taken by the state corporation [Enemalta] since tariffs for water and electricity increased astronomically and rendered many families energy-poor,” Scicluna said.

Scicluna has called on the European Commission to investigate revelations that Maltese families entitled to social support are being denied energy coupons to help meet their electricity bills unless they can pay their bills in full.

“Energy poverty in Malta is a serious problem that is getting worse. But at a time when we continue to have over 100 families being disconnected from their energy supply each month we hear that some of our most vulnerable people are even being denied energy coupons to help pay instalments of their bills,” Scicluna said.

In May last year, Scicluna asked if the government was in breach of the Energy Directive, which requires Malta and all other EU countries to look after the energy security of vulnerable customers.In response, the Commission said that it would contact the Maltese authorities for more information on the situation.

Scicluna said that since 2008, over 5,500 households had had their electricity cut off. “Since 2008 nearly 5% of all Maltese homes have had their electricity disconnected. This disconnection rate is very high for an EU country and it is unacceptable.”

But ARMS spokesperson Sean Barbara said that approximately 0.71% of all households had their electricity disconnected for non-payment of electricity bills in each of the years between 2008 and 2011. “Almost all these households subsequently had their electricity service reconnected in the period following this disconnection,” Barbara said.

The spokesperson also denied claims that households had been withheld energy coupons over unpaid bills. “Customers with energy coupons who cannot pay their bills in full are encouraged to set up an instalment plan; the energy coupons are accepted by ARMS Limited as long as the installment plan is honoured.”

Tonin itlob 'l Al;la jtik il-kuragg twegibni: U jekk dak li qalet Daphnie jirrizulta li hu veru?
Il-lejla inweghdek li nitlob ghalik
Possibbli ghandek x'tiekol Tonin? Daqs kemm haw guh! U jekk Daphnie qalet il-verita? CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!1
Caritas ieqaf ohlom. Hadd mhu fil bzonn f'dan il pajjiz. Intom il qassisin fiex tifhmu? Ahna ma ghandna l-ebda obligu nghinu lil hutna il Maltin fil bzonn ghax ga qed nghinu lil griegi u lil l-irlandizi. U pls meta inkun ghadni kemm kilt issemuliex certi ismijiet ghax jitla l-istonku.
Tonin x'se tghidli fuq Daphnie? Ilni nitherra nahseb Il-Caritas immexxija min qassis...u dawk taf kemm huma mill-aghar! Jekk haw daqstant nies foqra hazin, imma dak ma jfissirx li ma jhallsux tas-servizz li jiehdu. Imbaghad ahna nafu li kulhadd ihobb johlom...anki tal-Caritas.
Skont il caritas f'Malta hawn 30% li jghixu taht il poverty line. Jew il Caritas hija mmexxija mil PL wkoll? Nahseb li meta xi hadd jaghjjar lil haddiehor injorant dan jaghmlu ghax jkun qed jitkellem mill esperjenza personali tieghu. Kif jghidu it takes a thief to catch a thief.
Dik raguni! Jimla l-kaxxa ta' Malta waqt li HU il-ministri tieghu u l-poplu kulhadd mejjet bil-guh! Min jaf f agius x'jifrah bil-kumment tieghu!
Msieken it-tfal li ghaddew minn taht idejk, sur DeMartino.
Micheal Bonanno
Demartino. Imma kif dejjem taqa' fit-tghajjir! Mhux tirraguna u tirribatti, imma tghajjar. Dwar ic-cikkulata. Ghalfejn ma tghidux li nqdew bikom in-neguzjanti biex ikunu jistghu jistaghnew minn fuq il-poplu. Ghax bhallikieku cikkulata ma kienx hawn. U toqghod tghid xejn id-Dezerta tajba kienet. Dwar it-TV's tal-kulur. Naqbel mieghek li ma kienx hemm ghalfejn jinzammu. Imma bhal missier li ghadu qieghed jibni daru, x'jara l-ewwel il-pappa jew l-umpappa? Mintoff hemm kien mohhu biex ifaddal u jimla l-kaxxa ta' Malta, biex imbaghad tela' l-PN u damdam kollox f'radda ta' salib. Mhux talli damdam il-kaxxa ta' Malta, imma talli mliena b'tilja dejn li lanqas nafu jekk jithallasx jew le.
Imbaghad jiehdu ghalihom jekk nghidilhom injoranti! Tridx tmur!. Jien mhux qed nidhol fil-mertu ta' kemm haw jew m'hawx nies batuti Dak jista' jarah kulhadd jekk ghandu par ghajnejn. Jien qed nghid, u trid tkun super stupidu biex tghid mod iehor...qed nghid li jekk haw min ma ghandux biex ihallas, il-gvern ghandu jara li dsan ma jkunx. Imma li tippretendi li tiehu d-dawl u l-ilma u ma thallasx....gizumarija x'injoranza. Aniz jien naghmel suggeriment: Aqra' s-sigaretti, aqta' l*ikliet barra, is-safar u hafna kapricci ohra, halli difrejk kif inhuma, issikka naqra c-cintorin bhalma kien jaghmlilna YOU KNOW WHO....ghax konna foqra anqas TV tal-kulur ma kien jista' jidhoi, anqas bicca cikkulata...jekk tkun fqir trid taghmel sagrificcju
sur De Martino int tahseb li kull minn hu bil minimum wage u ghandu tlett tifal jista jmur jonfoq ilpaga fix xorb u fil casinos li se tifthu? Il vera fis ens tal kema ghandek mohh ta tigiega jew iprivilegjat ghal kitba tieghek MHUX SE NSAQSIK TAFX TISTHI GHAX NAF LI MA TAFUX! Ma namlux mghod li dejjem issib il pilloli u hadd xi €500 fil gimgha hux?
I think that the government is in a mess. However on this particular issue he is right. We're already subsidising heavily the 'vulnerable' families. What's next? Should we adopt them too? How much money will the middle class families have to fork in this forced charity which know no end?
il-Verita toffendi! Tal-Lejber giddibin, kollox mixi fuq ir-rubini. Il-Nazzjonżlisti kollox tajjeb qed jaghmlu anzi dak li huwa yajjeb qed ittejbuh 1. Il-kaxxa ta Malta qed tfur bil-liri 2. Tmur Mater Dei AAA+ 3. Kontijiet tad-dawl hadd ma ghandu xi iggerger fuqhom 4. Fuel l--rhass god-dinja, anzi b'dak li kont tixtri qabel issa tiehu id-dopju 5. Haddiema lkuntenti ghaliex mhux talli jonqfu kemm jifilhu anzi jibqalhom halli ggemmu 6. Transport tal-genn, anki it-turisti jghiru ghalina 7. Gvern li jiehu hsieb il-familji, b' bonuses, allowances u ziedid fil-pagi. Il-poplu ghandu jaghmel dimostrazzjoni halli il-membri tal-Gvern jiehdu zidied sostanzjali ghaliex imsiken tax-xoghol li qed jaghmlu huma l-aktar foqra fost kullhadd 8. Toroq tant huma tajbion u nodfa li tisthi timxi fuqhom 9. Il-penzjonanti tant huma kulltenti biz-ziedid illi qedin jirrifondu lil Gvern 3/4 tal-penxjoni 10. l-ikel tant huwa irhis ill-ma hawn hadd imut bil-guh 11. il-medicini tant huma irhas illi hadd ma ghandu problema biex jixtrihom 12. Solidarjeta mal haddiem, gustizzja A1, tant hawn xoghol illi qedin ingiebu haddiema minn barra 13. Prim Ministru u Cabinet tal-Genn , ghandom is-seba doni, igri inkun fit-tmun tal EU halli il-pajjizi l-ohra ingibuhom bhalna, ferhanin u kuntenti Sewwa kien qal Dr EFA, li Malta tereq fl-ilma u tinharaq bid-dwal, kullimkien iwwarad. 14. Pajjiz bla Taxxi 15. Uliedna jistaw issehru rashom ghaliex il-kaxxa ta Malta daqt tinfaqa u l-flus jigru fit-toroq Sewwa jghid Dr Gonzi - Par Idejn Sodi, Solidarjeta mal-Familji. li jiehdu hsieb kullhadd u kullhadd jimxi l-quddiem
Cutting off water and electricity supplies to a household is a draconian action and in the case of vulnerable consumers is cruel and against social solidarity. Having said that it would be interesting to know how many of those who had their supplies cut off actually fall in the category of vulnerable individuals and families.. I suspect that many of those who had their supplies cut off are simply households who have run large bills by being wasteful and not realising that energy costs money especially if you use power hungry appliances. Pay meters which run on cards or coins for those not able to manage their finances is the solution. Free cards could then be distributed to the vulnerable and needy by the social services in emergencies.
So DeMartino was a teacher , to be a teacher one needs some kind of a brain and good sense of knowledge, by your comments you lack both.
Ma nahsibx li hemm bzonn tkun tifhem f'kollox biex tifhem li min jaghtik servizz trid thallsu? Jekk il-Profffffffesssur din ma jifhimhiex.....povra Malta. Issa jekk Gonzi PN huwa tirann li jahqar lill-haddiem, dik hag'ohra. Il-mara tieghi ma tistax tmur tixtri u ma thallasx ghax jien, ir-ragel, immur nilaghbhom u nixrobhom. Veru tiehu pjacir turi l-injoranza taghkom. Ibqghu iktbu halli ttuni zjed cans nirribatti. Imma dan possibbli haw min jippretendi li jiehu servizz u ma jhallasx u jiehu ghalih jekk tghidlu gidra?
Ara dan De Martino Jifhem f Kollox Jahasra mur ghand GonziPN ghax ma ghandux membri parlamentari sura ta nies li jista jghamel kabinett forsi mqar jghamlek ministru tal finanzi u risponsabli mit trasport!!!!!!!!!! (By the way ghax il bierah insejt nghidlek rirward il VAT u taxxa li nhallas u nghamel ezatt lkief tghamel INT) Kellek bzon inkluz int ghandkhom lil xi hadd kapaci jaqfel il lazz ta zarbun tal Profs E.Scicluna!!!!! Mil kitba tieghek "You are well over age mela act as one!
Ara dan De Martino Jifhem f Kollox Jahasra mur ghand GonziPN ghax ma ghandux membri parlamentari sura ta nies li jista jghamel kabinett forsi mqar jghamlek ministru tal finanzi u risponsabli mit trasport!!!!!!!!!! (By the way ghax il bierah insejt nghidlek rirward il VAT u taxxa li nhallas u nghamel ezatt lkief tghamel INT) Kellek bzon inkluz int ghandkhom lil xi hadd kapaci jaqfel il lazz ta zarbun tal Profs E.Scicluna!!!!! Mil kitba tieghek "You are well over age mela act as one!
So, according to Arms Ltd (what a dreadful name) spokesperson the number of households with their electricity service disconnected is 0% since all those who had the service disconnected (0.71% according to Arms) have been reconnected since. Unfortunately, such a statement is very difficult to verify by the man in the street and only the affected ones can say whether this is true or otherwise. I believe that the figures as quoted by Profs Scicluna have been extracted from official statistics compiled and presented for review by none other than Arms Ltd. itself.
@ Giovann.DeMartino @ briffy@maltanet . Yes what Edward Scicluna is saying is right and Enemalta knows this so well. Mark this out: Enemalta will shortly have to give electricity supply back to all those vulnerable families who were unable to pay their bills and to get even they are going to supply them with a low voltage so that they will oly be able to swith on the old lamps type as dim as possible. No fridge or washing machine will work. . And you know why? Because there is a government that hates people! The only thing it likes is its own weekly increase. . You just wait and see, come roll the last few months of this hated government and we start afresh.
Esteban Hernandez
tejd hekk kont tejd bejn 1996 - 1998? de matrtino!!!!!!!!!
L-ikbar hmerijiet li qatt smajt jien mhux minn ghand it-tfal li kont nghallem smajthom, imma minn dawk li minghalihiom ghorrief. Mela issa taf x'naghmlu? HADD ma jhallas id-dawl u l-ilma, kulhadd iqabbad kemm allahalaq affarijiet tal-elettriku u mbaghad iz-zejt ihallsuhulna tal-Unjoni Ewropea. U hallina Proffffffffffs.
X'qed ihawwad il-prof? Mela qarax it-twegiba ta' l-Enemalta?