Abuse victims vow to pursue Church, MSSP and priests for compensation, clash with lawyer

Lawyer Patrick Valentino clashed with his clients as the abuse victims turned up with placards protesting against the Church.

Abuse victims have vowed to pursue the Church through the courts and seek adequate financial compensation in the wake of the Curia’s refusal to take any legal responsibility for clergy’s actions.

During a press conference held this morning, lawyer Patrick Valentino who is representing the victims, said that his clients are surprised at the fact that initially the church apologised for the actions done by its members and then retracts from responsibility by refusing to pay out compensation.

Valentino said that his clients have suffered abuse for years and their lives are scarred, and said the victims will now pursue the criminal appeal against two priests who were recently jailed for the abuses committed, and will also seek redress for compensation through the civil courts against the Church, the priests involved and the Missionary Order of St. Paul (MSSP).

Earlier, Patrick Valentino stopped an improvised protest by his clients outside the Curia in Floriana.

He asked journalists to refrain from publishing any photographs of the abused protesting with placards.

Konfuxu alias KONFUZ INT milli tidher taghti kasi ghax semmejtni! Bil-bqija ghamilt panigierku shih li ma ghandu x'jaqsam xejn mas-suggett. Tant int konfuz li ghandek zgur 10 kelmiet miktubin hazin Illum nafu x'naghmlu bi flusna! Mela Gonzipn hallielna xi flus?
I wouldn't because I would never have allowed anything to happen to me by anyone. I would have fought and reported anything to my parents or anyone who would listen. YOu people are so close minded below, lliving in bubble. Alos, in my case I wouldn't trust anyone with my children if it come to that. Now, let's keep things in perspective. Throw the priest abusers in jail but leave the church alone. That is the magistrate duty and police to ensure that they investigate such abuse stories. Blame and charge those who protect abusers, but to extract money from the church is not the right thing to do. Get jobs people and stop trying to live off others. And who is speaking on behalf of other victims. Do you hear they sue.
Kulhadd qed jinsa x'sahha ghanda l-Knisja....l-flus li ghanda gabitom bis-sahha tal-Genna li biex tidhol hemm u tevita l-Purgatorju ridt bil-fors thalli xi haga ghal ruhek b'forma ta' donazzjoni minn artijiet sa djar sa flus ghal Gregorjan....ara tahsbu li dawn ser titlaqom kif gib u lahaq mur ixti bicca minn dawn id-donazzjonijiet halli tara. Morru sa Ghawdex u taraw is-sahha kemm hi akbar minn ta' Malta (araw l-votazzjoni tar-referendum dwar id-divorzju) b'hafna mil-knejjes immexxija minn familji li bilfors irid ikollom tifel biex ma tintilifx il-katina...wisq nahseb li l-parir legali biex il-knisja ma tohrogx kumpenss gejja minn Ghawdex. L-aqwa li l-polu lllum mhux mignun u l-flus jaf x'ghandu jghamel bijom. @Go-Vann De Martino..tibqax tirrepeti l-istess cucati ghax ftit baqa minn jghati kasek
John Azzopardi. You are forgetting that the church put these 'priests' in charge of the victims. That is why they are responsible. I'll give you a small example: If you go to a restaurant and you'll get a severe food poison, who do you sue? The owner or the cook? As for all those comments who are saying 'it's all about the money' and such gibberish, well, clearly you have no idea what an abuse victim goes through all his life. I bet you wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
Abdullah alhrbi
With all due respect John Azzopardi you should read the pope's address on the issue of abuse, try listening to what he said in Australia, the Maltese Curia conveniently overlooked that speech. I think the Maltese Curia's take is rather off colour and damaging. Social justice demands it sir and Mgr Scicluna advocated it, it’s the right course of action, ethically and morally. How will the wrong be put right , the Church has a moral obligation, for too many years it refused to act as does the state. Unfortunately we have a Curia that is missing the wood for the trees. You assume that yours is the only legitimate love for the Church and any other perspective is motivated by anticlericalism. For Catholics, failing to act in the decent way with those who for a long time were denied a voice is failing Social Justice, the Maltese Curia may quote the laws of Malta to justify its non action but I would have thought that its basic tenets were more sacred than Mamon. It's a sad day for Social Justice.
How's John Azzopardi's for a narrow view of things? Unbelievable.
How's John Azzopardi's for a narrow view of things? Unbelievable.
I don't know who demartino is and his and anyone's opinions are theirs to deal with. Of course pheodoplia and any other abuse of children by anyone is dead wrong. But go after the abusers not the church. THere are children abused by relatives, parents, priest, others etc etc. Why not go after the criminals, throw them in jail for a long time and leave the church out of this. This is pure anti church campaign. Go after the criminals whoever they are.
Financial compensation ? Nah...the Curia apologized and will be praying some 372 rosaries. That will do.
INT tippretendi li haddiehor iqassam flusu mhux JIEN. Jien le ma nqassamhomx u ma nippretendix li jqassamhom haddiehor. Saqsi lil dawk l-eluf li taht gonzipn jistghu jixtru karozzi godda, isiefru, jibnu djar lussuzi, jieklu barra, imorru kull post ta' divertiment anki biljett euro200, jizbghu xaghrhom, jaghmlu difrejhom, .......jaqbillek tnehhi l-internett jekk ma baqaghlekx flus. Jew ghid i abbuzak xi qassis u itlob kumpens.
@ Giovan Demarino "Int tqassamhom flusek, Alchemist" - Taht GonziPN ma fadalliex xi nqassam.
Missier ahfrilna ghax ma nafux x'ahna naghmlu.
Abdullah alhrbi
John Azzopardi, people who are abused, particularly vulnerable children who are placed in care, who are repeatedly abused by those who are meant to protect them have been dealt a cruel hand that severely dents their chance of a happy life. Some of them are not alive to tell their tale either, that short was their blighted life. One of the basic tenets of the Catholic Church is Social Justice , not only is the Church failing these individuals it adds insult to injury by assuming that it has no responsibility whatsoever. Your insensitive remarks and quick fix solution to the lifelong pain of those abused as children is indicative of the range of your emotional intelligence, you probably tie in the same spot with G. de Martino. Not only are these men right in seeking redress from the institution that promised to take care of their physical and psychological well being they should also seek redress from the State that for too long has left the care of children in the hands of an institution that actively sought to cover up wrongdoing through Omerta. The State is just as guilty it collaborated in the obstruction of justice through its inaction.The Church would be stronger should it decide to do right by Social Justice. It either believes in its own tenets or it doesn't. It has a duty towards its members who expect enlightened leadership not crass negation of responsibility.
@John Azzopardi: Let's say for one moment you are correct..and you are correct to say "Why don't we talk about those who are crime victims as well?" Isn't pedophilia a crime too? And aren't these also crime victims therefore? And who committed the crime? Members of an institution and that institution is morally bound to take responsibility for the actions of its members. On the other hand, how much compensation or type of compensation is not up to the institution or to the victims but to a court of law who can take an impartial stand to protect the rights of both parties as has happened abroad. But of course in this country of yours which many think is ultra-democratic and who many of you think that the world owes a living, the institutions, including the Maltese Church (what do you expect) believe they are above the law. Period. The Catholic institution in Malta does not walk its talk and this will result in its de-popularization. But I'm sure it'll be a waste of time to ask you whether you agree. Period.
Sorry, they spent it all on the divorce campaign
CCAS1, I would go after the abuser/ Period. I would sue him. I am sure he has a house and money as well. That is how I would do it. And this should also be the case for those people who murder people, rob people, etc. etc. That is the puhishment they should have besides going to jail. Isn't it what they do when someone hits someone with a car. Why not hold everyone responsible. But The whole church should not be implicated genious. Period. You don't like it, too bad. Go after the crimnals. punish them for the abuse if found guillty, sue them personally, and then get a job and move on. Why don't we talk about those who are crime victims as well. They are abused as well aren't they. How about other rapist out ther who are given light sentences. Who speaks for those victims. To me this is a BIG DOUBLE STANDARD because the church is involved and then the whose anti church movement takes advantages of these type of sitautions. Don't you agree.
@John Azzopardi: I agree with you and very well said. Now, tell me how you would feel if you were one of the abused?
Jusrice should be thre for one and all. Other Countries prosecuted all including presidents, MPs, clergy and the most common citizens. We should start doing this in Malta No one should be above the LAW
Int tqassamhom flusek, Alchemist?
It is all about the money. Period. If you had a priest who abuse someone throw him in jail but don't implicate the whole church. Malta is full of anti church people who are as rotten as the abusive priest, but that does not mean the whole church and believers are guilty as well. People who want money need to get couseling and get a job and stop being free loaders.
The church is very good at collecting money but despises parting from it.
Sewwa qalilkom il-profs. Aghmlu hekk. Mela l-abbuz ghandu prezz jew? Dawn milli jidher flus iridu!
The church is a fake and corrupt institution....they are not represent Jesus Christ but their own selfish interests...LANDS AND MONEY. Dont go to the church anymore!!! Its just one big scam!!!!