Rare eagle shot down, BirdLife appeals for information

BirdLife Malta is calling on the public to come forward with any information on the shooting of a rare Short-toed Eagle near the clock tower in Mtarfa.

BirdLife said the eagle was spotted flying low just before 7pm, searching for a place to roost for the night. As it flew over a copse of Pine trees a short distance away from buildings two shots rang out. The bird folded in the air and fell straight down into the pine copse. 

Short-toed Eagles are rare annual migrants and the few that pass over Malta are illegally shot at on a yearly basis, BirdLife said.

Raptor Camp volunteers in the area witnessed the incident and reported it to the police. The police arrived shortly afterward and searched the area, but neither shooter nor dead eagle were found.

BirdLife said the incident involved several laws being broken: shooting down a protected bird, shooting outside permitted hours, and shooting within 200 mt of a residential area.

“Eagles are highly prized by illegal hunters and collectors and this one was definitely recovered,” said Nicholas Barbara, a conservation and policy officer.

“We appeal to anyone with information on the shooter or suspects within the area to pass this information on, helping to bring whoever shot this iconic eagle to justice.”

Information on illegal taxidermists, who might be engaged to stuff and mount the bird, could also be useful in identifying the illegal shooter, BirdLife said.

The police may be contacted on 119 or 21221111 and BirdLife Malta can be reached on 21 347 644 or [email protected]

The website of BirdLife Malta also includes tips and instructions on how to report illegal hunting and trapping incidents to the police www.birdlifemalta.org

@Mr Bartolo ...which is why these things will keep on happening. I have no doubt that you believe what you say but before expressing such an opinion, at least, take the time to find out what is going on in our maltese countryside. Mid to Late October is lovely time for an early morning walk and you really shouldn't miss the barrage greeting the arrival of starlingx, thrushes and lark flocks....and if a protected species is in their midst, they will not be spared either. I hope then you will reconsider your opinion.
Well I am against all this but I truly believe that this is all lies!!!
Barbarians! Illegal shooting of raptors in Sicily was drastically reduced through hefty increases in gun licences. Come on PN, you are going to lose the election anyway, show your mettle and increase the gun licences!