Public once again warned of contamination in Balluta Bay
This is the second warning of E.Coli and I.Enterococci presence in Maltese bays in just one day
For the second time in one day, the Environmental Health Directorate has advised against swimming in a local bay due to contamination.
The directorate sent a press release on Tuesday where it warned swimmers to refrain from swimming in Sliema's Balluta Bay.
Swimming in the bay is currently not advised due to the discovery of microbiological contamination, notably E. Coli and I. Enterococci. Bathers may be seriously at risk for serious health problems as a result of this exposure.
To find the source of the contamination, environmental health officers are currently conducting investigations. It is currently unknown how long this pollution will last and when it will be safe to take a bath again.
To protect their health and safety, the public is recommended to heed updates from the Environmental Health Directorate and refrain from swimming in impacted waterways until further notice.