'I was not allowed to work within the PN' - Castaldi Paris

Lija mayor Ian Castaldi Paris sheds light on his resignation as President of the Nationalist Party’s College of Councillors.

Lija mayor Ian Castaldi Paris had initially cited personal reasons for resigning from the post of president of the PN's college of councillors.

“I was not fired from the Party. There are rumours going round that I had disagreements with the Prime Minister but this has nothing to do with him,” said Castaldi Paris.

Castaldi Paris claims to have been put in a position where he was not allowed to work on his own initiative. “This has been long coming and I had already resigned a year ago and believed changes would be made so I could work as planned. I tried but all I encountered were closed doors,” said Castaldi Paris.

He insisted that he never wanted to be president of the councillors' college simply for the post, but wanted the responsibility to work and bring about changes.

Read more on Illum’s digital edition.

U kif fuq Claudette Baldacchino ma sar ebda kumment. Jidher carissmu lejn fejn ixxaqleb dil-gazzetta.
Quo Vadis.....u jerkk Daphnie qalet il-verita! CHICKEN Kieku kien laburist Castaldi Paris kieku kienu jsejhulu traditur u jmorru jippruvaw isawtuh bhalma ghamlu.............aqtghu lil min??????????????
@ Giov De Martino Nahseb ahjar iddur dawra mieghek innifsek, qabel am taqbad tghajjar lil hadd iehor! Kemm tiflah tkun pastas! Int xejn bqajt m'ghidtilna dwar il-kazijiet t'abbuzi sesswali ta' qassisin fuq tfal innocenti! U dan anke wara li kien hemm SENTENZA ta' htija mill-Qorti! Qiseki ghandek x'tahbi, sur gharef! u dwar is-SENTENZA tal-kaz ta' Karen Grech, m'ghidtilna xejn l'anqas!
Martin Borg ma jidhirlix li JIEN heddidt li xi hadd. Sempicement ktibt dak li hsibt. Xorta ma ghajjartux traditur u xorta ma ghedtlux li jekk ma taghmilx kif qed jghid Lorry Sant itajjarlek rasek Tiftakkarha din? Quo Vadis ic*chicken u jekk dak li qalet Daphnie jirrizulta li hu veru?
@ Giov De Martino Kemm thossok urtat meta xi hadd jghid il-verita dwar l'affarijiet ta' gewwa tal-PN? U dan zgur li mhux xi lejburist!!! Heq, nifhmek, ghax il-VERITA TOFFENDI, u z-zejt jitla' f'wicc l'ilma! Issa meta twiegeb erga' oqghod aqla l'affarijiet tas-snin 80, filwaqt li ahna qed naraw kemm ghaddejjin affarijiet koroh gewwa l-PN tal-lum!
Giovanni Demartino just proved my point. The nats never change, they rule by threats, villification and bullying.
Kont nahsbek izjed ta' l-affari tieghek Ian!
If PN incumbents keep looking for solace in the PL – sooner we will be nearing to a national administration.
U, il-lista tkompli titwal.
You're in for a beating Castaldi Paris. They won't forgive you for this. It's like a pentito leaves Cosa Nostra...they will want your blood on their hands. My advice: leave politics or leave the country.
Time to join PL where your talents would be appreciated, as you can see gonziPN now would try anything to ruin your reputation because of the embarrasment you caused them. Others have gone there before you, look and learn.