No beds for pregnant women at Mater Dei
A number of women due to give birth have been sent home from Mater Dei due an insufficient number of beds available.
Pregnant women are being turned away instead of being admitted to hospital by appointment once passed the 42 week gestation period to induce birth.
Medical staff are telling women to come back at a later date when beds are available or if pain is experienced due to passing the nine-month birthing date.

Tgħid tkun il-mara jew tifla ta' xi Ministru jibgħatuha lura?

Luke Camilleri •
Kieku dritt Kastilja immur biha il-mara tkun f'dik il-kundizzjoni u spatar li haleb pajjiz ma jkollhux post ghalija!
Malajr inehilhu il-Vizjoni mcajpra li ghandhu il-Prim Smart u Sate-of-the-art li twikejna bih!

Is this a joke putting maltese women at risk so that we can have beds available for Liyban or other foreiign patients. If this is true, there should be outrage in Malta and that protest should be started by PN members themsleves along with the opposition.

Il-Gvern ta' Gonzi kull gurnata li tghadi qed juri "Is-Solidarjeta mal-Familji Maltin", Basta sptar state of the art ? jew flok art riedet tigi FART?
Kemm il-sptar hawn go din il-Gzira, ghaaliex ma inhallux wiehed ghall emergenzi li jistaw jinqalaw ?
Jew biex iharbtu il flus in Nazzjonalisti tajbin?
Il-Ministru tas-sahha bla talent ukoll?

It is good to be charitable but charity begins at home and shouldn't be made at the expense of those your own.
No need to elaborate, but before opening our big cake hole we should consider the consequences our offers of solidarity (for political milage) would cause.