Prime Minister Robert Abela calls for progressive vote on June 8

Labour party leader emphasises solidarity, peace, and opposition to austerity

Prime Minister Robert Abela (Photo: Partit Laburista)
Prime Minister Robert Abela (Photo: Partit Laburista)

Prime Minister and Labour Party Leader Robert Abela has urged the Maltese public to vote on June 8 in favor of the solid principles upheld by the progressive movement.

During a political activity on Tuesday, Abela called on the public to maintain Malta’s progressive values in the face of what he described as a wave of populism and extreme right-wing support sweeping across Europe. “A progressive country like ours must resist this wave,” he said.

Abela criticised the ‘Establishment’ for attempting to divert public attention from the upcoming election. “They did this with one goal: to stop me from discussing our plan for our country with you,” he said. “But they did not succeed because I was with you every day, listening, understanding, explaining, and discussing.”

Addressing the issue of austerity, Abela warned against the policies of European right-wing parties that advocate for reduced spending on social services and essential services in favor of the war industry.

“Vote against the austerity policies being pushed by European right-wing parties,” he urged, emphasising that such policies would undermine Malta’s social fabric.

He reaffirmed the Labour Party’s commitment to Malta’s interests both domestically and within the European Union, outlining a comprehensive plan for every locality in Gozo and Malta.

Abela said the party has taken a dynamic approach during this campaign, as opposed to a ‘politics of apathy’. “In the face of the apathy shown by others, we have shown dynamism and ideas,” he asserted.

In his closing remarks, Abela called on the public to put their trust in the Labour Party. “We were, are, and will remain your government. We have a government plan that you voted for, believed in two years ago, and I believe you still believe in strongly.”

“Stand behind me again, with you behind me nothing will stop me. We still have so much to achieve together for our country, for our children. Lend me your trust again. The power is in your hands,” he said.