PN on Labour youth campaign – ‘Muscat opposed EU membership’

The Nationalist Party has poured cold water over Labour leader Joseph Muscat’s youth recruitment drive for the local council elections, by accusing him of having opposed EU membership in 2003.

“Muscat would do well to admit that when in 2003 Malta’s future was at stake, as we were faced with the crucial decision whether to join the EU or opt for Labour’s messed up ‘Partnership’ option, he was at the forefront scaremongering young people that membership will cause untold harm to their future,” the PN said in a statement.

“The Nationalist Party was working hard to make sure that Malta joins the EU; not least because young people would hugely benefit from EU membership. Young people, overwhelmingly, voted for membership and strongly rejected Labour’s campaign based on inferiority complex.”

The PN said it has always believed that the best recipe for Malta’s success is to invest in the younger generation. “Of course, Joseph Muscat would do well to realise that, every mudslinging campaign embarked upon by him and his party, a mainstay of Dr Muscat’s tenure, is a further obstacle to young people participating actively and freely in politics.”

Martin Borg...Labour voted against EU membership AFTER the referendum. So were is the change of heart? And this was an decisive step for the whole of Malta, unlike the divorce issue which is only of interest to a few hundreds.Then JM was one of the first MEPs, some consistency!
The PN is fast becoming a dinosaur.
x'se tghidli chicken?
Hafna nies kapaci ma jersqux ghal elezzjonijiet tal kunsilli lokali ghax ma jridux li jiccapsu ma partiti politici'
This Gaddafi saga is going to far. Both parties had good contacts with Gaddafi. They had good contacts for the well being of Malta. Now I suggest that for the well being of Malta we put Gaddafi in the past because it is there where he belongs and we look for good relations with the new Libyan Government. That is called common sense.
Zack Depasquale
@Briffy Kif diga ghidtlek f post ohra jien lilek dejjem ghazilt li ninjorak ghax meta titlef argument taqgha fit taghjir. imkien jien m ghidt li kien il-PrimMinistru prezenti li kien kontra l-vot lin-nisa meta tikkumenta aqra sewwa,li ghidt hu li GonziPN kif il-Partit Nazjonalista qieghed isejjah lilu innifsu illum li kien min kien il-kap ta dak in nhar kien kontra il-vot lin-nisa u kien favur mexxejja Faxxisti. Biss nirringrazzjak ghaliex bil-kumment tieghek ikonfermajt dak li ghidt jien. Ikkonfermajt li dak li jibdel ismu kien mar jilghaq lill-Gadaffi ghax imkien int ma ghidtx li mhux vera dak li ghidt jien. Is-sliem siehbi u sejjer nibqa ninjorak kif qieghdin jaghmlu hafna hawnhekk
by the way l ghidt dwar "Vera L PN ta Nerik u ta EFA mghandux x'jaqsam ma GonziPN ta lllum " ridt infisser li minn hazin ghal l ghar u l ghar huwa GonziPN tal lum. jekk inridu nghamlu kif jaghmlu l PN mela il PN kien kontra ir Republika ta malta 1974 kontra il Helsien 1979 kontra l Airmalta " L ghasafar tac comb" kontra il pensjonijiet kontra il minimum wage kontra l investiment 1971-1987 etc... GonziPN fejn jrid jghid u fejn irid ma jitkellimx!
@ briffy Vera L PN ta Nerik u ta EFA mghandux x'jaqsam ma GonziPN ta lllum imma l iswed fil gharma li tfisser faxxismu hemm ghadu!! u by the way 1947 il partit Laburista kien hemm fil gvern u kien hu li ta id dritt tal vot lin nisa bil PN kontra dak il ligi u kien anke kontra il vot lil ta 18 il sena min 21 !! U Iva il PN ma jinbiddel qatt Minn twellidu baqa l isstess ta jinbiddel il kap imma xejn ma jinbiddel aktar!
My, my, my...there we go again: The PN is the Party of the Past! Who cares what happened in 2003? (people of age 18 were 10 years back then!). The decision was taken...let's move on. Apart from the fact that the PN has a very selective amnesic state!!
'briffy Mela wiehed hemm bzonn isemi l-inkontri ta' EFA ma Gadaffi meta kien gonzi kien l-ahhar mexxej li mar jghanqu. Ghandek habta tobzoq fl'ajru wisq briff.
It is amazing how the rightist who believe they are the cream of the crow cannot understand a simple matter. Joseph did oppose EU membership as Dr Alfred Sant did, but both had declared they will abide by and respect the people's choice unlike gonzi who although the divorce issue was settled by a good margin still went to parliament and voted against what the people chose. @giovanni de martino Of course PL is more european than gonziPN, that is because PL fights for its rights like any true blooded european does and gonziPN is a backside kisser of the europeans. That is what makes us different from your lot we don't have to wipe our nose like you every time we meet european leaders. We demand , we don't beg or wait for the crumbs to fall off the euro table like De Puis once said.
Matrix....minn fejn ivventajta din li Gonzi kien kontra l-vot lin-nisa. In-nisa ilhom jivvotaw minn 1947 jew 1948, meta Gonzi kien ghadu l-anqas twieled. U x'ghandu x'jaqsam Gonzi mal-partit nazzjonalista ta' Nerik ta' qabel il-gwerra jew mal-inkontru ta' Fenech Adami ma' Gaddafi fin-1979? La Nerik m'ghadu fil-partit u l-anqas Fenech Adami mentri hafna ministri ta' zmien Mintoff ghadhom fil-Labour party. Dik id-differenza. Samplici nahseb din.
It is the PN who suffers from inferiority complex when they insisted that we cannot make it on our own and the only solution was EU membership. And it turned out a very good choice...for the unelected eurocrats who make obscene amounts of money and end up with gold plated pensions just after a few years in Brussels.
What a change in Labour. My family supported Dr. George Abela in the Labour leadership race. But the more I see of Joseph Muscat the more I am convinced that Labour is on the very right track. Young people are once again feeling comfortable being Labour supporters. My sons never used to say publicly that they are Labour supporters during Dr. Sant's time. Now they openly support Labour at University and they tell me that they are definitely not the only ones. Well done Joseph.
Luke Camilleri
The state of the Country is that the Party in Power seems to always be looking back without making steps forward, whilst Joseph and the PL movement just moves on and is showing all THE WAY FORWARD! . That's the stuff that makes LEADERS....Leaders with talent, leaders that truly grab the bull by the horns and is not afraid of taking decisions or afraid of change! Joseph ios poving himself to be a leader that the Malta is aching for! A leader with talent for Leadership, management and teamwork.... and not like the Current administration under Gonzipn , having to manage by crisis with a Cabinet of limited talents and with unlimited salaries, perks and honoraries!
I think even the PN should take a similar stand and try to find new councilers for these elections. The Question is what the PL is doing to attract young people for the council elections? It would have been better if Dr. Muscat could highlight how many young candidates there are in each locality. I would be very pleased if for the Marsa local council there will be new young candidates that can tackle the overwhelming problems that exist in our locality. I wounder how the actual councillers have the guts to re candidate themselves, after they have not even tried to solve some of our drastical problems like: 1. Open centres with illegal immigrants- local council is not getting a penny from government, no one protest. 2. Inceneration 3. Marsa powerstation + black dust 4. Traffic 5. Lack of infrastructure - neither a premises for local council, we use a room from the police station. 6. Drainage I hope new qualified candidates are there to tackle some of these issues irrispective of there political party.
The problem is that today Joseph is more European than GonziPn.
Zack Depasquale
Dawn ta'GonziPN veru saru idahquni bl-argumenti li johorgu bihom, dejjem isemmu il-passat. Nahseb wasal iz-zmien li xihadd jibda jsemmilhom il-passat moqziez taghhom bhal perezempju: Jiftakru kemm il-Partit Nazzjonalista, illum GonziPN kiemu favur mexxeja faxxisti. Jiftakru GonziPN li kienu kontra il-vot lin-nisa. Jiftakru GonziPN meta Gaddafi kellu xi jghid mal-Gvern Laburista Malti dak li jibdel ismu skond l-okkazjoni Fenech Adami mar jilghaq il-Gaddafi. Jiftakru meta kienu jghidu li l-bolla balla. Ghal llum daqshekk darbohra nfakkharhom ftit iehor.
They make a broken record sound refreshing
Apart from an enormous increase in corruption, has anyone noticed anything for the better since we joined the E.U.? Is anyone, apart from the untouchables, having a better life?? Both the EU and the Euro has been failures, no doubt about that.
As predicted the EU has turned out to be a failure and the Euro even more so. The names of those taking us into that Tower of Babel will go down in history,but for the wrong reasons. Everything they fought for is quickly turning to dust. Alfred Sant was right. Young people are being thrown on the dustheap,worthless and unable to get a job,go figure.
Micheal Bonanno
As usual. Going to the past. Is this the way to criticize or just a smokescreen to hide the disability that the PN is being side-stepped by the youth of today?