'PL/PN have to make a choice between serving its electors and serving lobbies' - Il-Kollettiv

Il-Kollettiv stated that the electorate is tired of the mediocrity that has characterised parliamentary representation in recent years and is seeking trustworthy leaders

(Photo: James Bianchi)
(Photo: James Bianchi)

Activist group, Il-Kollettiv stated that Sunday’s MEP election results signify growing dissatisfaction with the Labour government’s policies, as the result was also described as the electorate's warning to the PL/PN duopoly.

The election results indicate that Labour has lost much of its support, reflecting widespread public discontent.

The group noted that since the last election, government has been criticised for distributing public resources – including land, coastal areas, and taxpayers’ money – to lobbies and individuals with private interests. 

Il-Kollettiv underlined that this approach has led to the loss of open spaces, an incessant threat of construction, and a pervasive lack of law enforcement. These issues are directly affecting communities, particularly in Labour constituencies, which have expressed their fatigue and disappointment through the ballot box.

“This puts the government, but also the Opposition, at a crossroads.”

The group said that negligible differences in economic policy between the two major parties have led to public disenchantment, as both seem to cater primarily to the interests of big businesses, particularly the construction lobby. “In short, PL/PN have to make a choice between serving its electors and serving lobbies.”

Amidst this backdrop, Prof. Arnold Cassola has emerged as the moral victor of the election, Il-Kollettiv noted. “His first count and campaign are proof of the need for a credible force that can challenge the political duopoly with concrete proposals and clear policies.”

Il-Kollettiv believes that the electorate is tired of the mediocrity that has characterised parliamentary representation in recent years and is seeking trustworthy leaders. They stated that the results highlight the urgent need for electoral reform that respects the desires of those who do not want to be part of the political duopoly, which is currently undermining the quality of public life and stifling opportunities for change.

In response to the election results, il-Kollettiv reaffirms its commitment to the residents and communities of Malta and Gozo. “Il-Kollettiv’s aim is to offer a new political choice for the next general elections, with a vision based on the principles and values of equality, the preservation and creation of public wellbeing, and social justice.”