FKNK writes to Potočnik, complains of ‘legal expectations shattered’

The Malta Federation for Hunting & Conservation (FKNK) writes to EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik asking to explain why the Commission has objected for the trapping of birds, when the birds can be legally shot.

In a letter sent to the European Commissioner for the Environment Janez Potočnik, FKNK Malta asked why the Commission objected only now to the application of a derogation for the trapping of birds of the same species that can be legally shot.

“This is the same derogation which Malta has always applied and justified in identical fashion for almost seven years,” FKNK president Lino Farrugia said.                                                                                                            

Referring to the trapping, FKNK wrote how “this method of live-bird capturing has been passionately practised on the Maltese islands by the local trappers since time immemorial.

“It is an indigenous custom dating back over 500 years, as proven by historical documents. Beyond the mere live-capture of a bird, it embodies the very essence of inherent socio-cultural and anthropological elements handed down from father to son, from generation to generation. A biased administration does NOT have the right to inflict on its many Maltese aficionados the injustice of abolishing this wonderful tradition.”

FKNK also complained on government’s “unfair procrastination or unwillingness to open the season on the eleventh hour is having serious consequences on the very lives of its trapper members.”

FKNK said the trappers have spent thousands of euro in preparation, equipment including paying for their trapping licences for this year.

“They have been waiting for one year for the season to start. Their legal expectations have been shattered. Their passions and dreams have been ruined by this uncertainty,” FKNK wrote.

It also cited the European Court Case C-182/02, Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux and others, where the Court held that: “It is clear from the foregoing that the hunting of wild birds for recreational purposes during the periods mentioned in Article 7(4) of the Directive may constitute a judicious use authorised by Article 9(1)(c) of that directive, as do the capture and sale of wild birds even outside the hunting season with a view to keeping them for use as live decoys or to using them for recreational purposes in fairs and markets’.

FKNK said that it is still “incomprehensible” how the Maltese government has failed to address the deadline imposed by the Commission.

“These people who hunt and trap are also EU citizens, and they are the interested stakeholders and protagonists of this saga. FKNK won’t stand by and let them suffer the consequences brought about by governmental omissions that are completely alien to the scientific and legal considerations that should be the main focal points of any derogation.”

@Thorny-Meta naqra kummenti bhal tieghek lanqas naf nidhakx jew nibkix. Int u min jikteb bhalek turu kemm assolutament m'ghandkomx idea ta' x'inhuma, x'ifissru u x'jinvolvu il-kacca u l-insib LEGALI u ghax dawn mhumiex id-delizzju taghkhom, thalltu l-hass mal-qarabaghli u zzefnu fin-nofs affarijiet li m'ghandhomx x'jaqsmu. Jekk qrajt dan l-artiklu (ghandi dubji tieghi kem ), hawn is-suggett huwa l-insib jigifieri il-qbid ta ghasafar bix-xibka biex jitrabbew HAJJIN. U ghall informazzjoni tieghek bhalissa hemm 32 speci ta ghasafar u tajr li jistghu legalment jinqatlu izda ma jistghux jinqabdu u jitrabbew hajjin. Jekk din il-ligi ghalikhom taghmel xi sens mela vera spiccat id-dinja !!!! Ahna in-nassaba kull ma rridu huwa dak li gie mwieghed bil-miktub lilna qabel ir-referendum ta l EU u kull elezzjoni jigifieri li ngawdu bi dritt in-namra taghna skond il-ligijiet ta l E u nonsbu b'mod kontrollat u rregolat ghall ghasafar ta l-ghana u speci ohra li prezentement jistghu jigu kkacjati. U din il-haga qed tigi mcahhda lilna minn dan il-gvern dittattur li ghandna.
Luke Camilleri
Jikonservaw billi jibalzmaw..u jitfaghom , jekk jibqa' minnhom wara li jtertquhom bi-comb, go xi bozza hjew go xi vetrinab'harsa minn ghajnejn tal-hgieg flok ihalluhom hallin u liberi kif holoqhom Alla !
Luke Camilleri
Do conservation and hunting go toghether? Probably since most lkelu by Conservation FKNK means STUFFING the birds they kill!