PM says government will support Metsola bid for EP presidency

Prime Minister Robert Abela says government ‘will always support’ Maltese seeking post in European institutions • Opposition leader Bernard Grech says PM had to concede Roberta Metsola was best candidate for the post

Prime Minister Robert Abela (left) and MEP Roberta Metsola (right)
Prime Minister Robert Abela (left) and MEP Roberta Metsola (right)

Prime Minister Robert Abela announced government will be supporting PN MEP Roberta Metsola’s bid for the European Parliament presidency.

Abela said he has always been clear that government will support “all Maltese persons” nominated for a role in European institutions.

The Labour leader also said it was “ironic” for Opposition leader Bernard Grech to ask government to support her nomination, given the PN’s insistence “on every occasion” to stop Maltese people from opposing parties from taking office in European insitutions.

He concluded by saying such decisions need to always be taken in the national interest.

Metsola officially became EPP nominee for European Parliament President on Wednesday, after a vote of approval by EPP MEPs in a closed meeting.

‘Another Abela U-turn’ – Bernard Grech

Reacting to news on Metsola’s approval from government, Grech said the PM had to concede that she was the best candidate for the post.

“After months of lies about Roberta Metsola and the Nationalist Party with a negative campaign based on fear, today Robert Abela had to admit that the lies and negativity pushed during the electoral campaign were merely a matter of political convenience,” he said on Facebook.