MUT calls for 'Parents Association', urges collaboration amongst trade unions

Teachers union urges government for initiative and help setting up a Parents Association in State schools.

MUT President Kevin Bonello said the setting up of a Parents Association in state schools would help in bringing together and addressing issues that directly concern students, such as public transport, the issue of school uniforms and supervision of students in State schools outside formal hours.

Bonello said that as a union, MUT receives complaints from parents regularly on a daily basis: “MUT tries its best to address and find a solution to the problems of these parents. But a Parents Association is needed in light of an urgent need of partnership between all educators and parents.”

Government last week announced an €8.6 million investment in an eLearning Solution. The implementation of the platform is set to start in October 2011 as all school are expected to have access by mid-2013.

Taking the eLearning platform as an example, Bonello said the policy assumes that everyone has access to a computer and Internet at home. “But reality still shows that there is a percentage of households which do not have such access,” he said.

Bonello also called for more collaboration amongst trade unions: “It is in the interest of all workers to see collaboration amongst the trade unions.”

Asked whether he thinks that the change in the leadership of the Union Haddiema Maghqudin (UHM) would facilitate such collaboration, Bonello was cautious: “UHM has already said that it’s not on its agenda to see a sort of Trade Union Council in Malta. We only hope that this type of philosophy changes. However, we have no control on what is set to happen inside the UHM.

“But as a union we are always open for dialogue with everyone. It is time that unions show solidarity amongst them.”

During the press conference, MUT also announced that it was calling on the Ministry of Education to explain the reason behind the transfer of four teachers from ITS to government schools. Bonello said the union’s information did not tally with the explanation offered by government and so they are seeking clarification.

Isimghu minni Unions tac-cekcik ghax dawn ghadhom l-istess u intom tafu x'taghmillek il-lifgha meta ddahhalha f'hobbok. Tefghu bil-GH Pink
Joseph Catania
DeMArtino kif bilfors trid tkun int li tghid ic-cucati? Bl-istess ragunar Malta ma jmisshiex qeghda fl-UE ghax fiha pajjizi li tefawlha l-bombi... pffff veru sinjal ta' mohh maghluq u mentalita skaduta.
Jiena lis-sur Bonello ma nafux, imma jidher zaghzugh. Nistiednu jitkellem ma' ghalliema ikbar minnu halli jispjegawlu l-kalvarju li ghaddew minnu taht ir-regim socjalista u kemm sabu ghajnuna mill-GWU li kienet taghmel minn kollox biex tirridikola lil kull union li tipprova tiddefendi 'l haddiema. Int, Sur Bopnello, kont itcevejtha dik in-nota infami: Jien niddikjara li ma nobdix il-union....Tieghi ghandi ghadha jien u bghatt kopji taghha mal-erbat irjieh tad-dinja. Ara ddahhlu xi lifgha f'hobbkom ghax malli tistejqer tigdimkom.