Albert Buttigieg questions whether sewage flow at Balluta Bay is intentional

Opposition MP Albert Buttigieg questions whether authorities are intentionally allowing sewage to flow into Balluta Bay so it can be turned into a ‘port’ for commercial purposes

Balluta Bay (File photo)
Balluta Bay (File photo)

Opposition MP Albert Buttigieg has questioned whether authorities are intentionally allowing sewage to flow into Balluta Bay so it can be turned into a “port”.

“Is there a malicious plan in the works to turn the bay into a port?” he questioned in his parliamentary adjournment speech.

The bay is often subject to warnings from the Environmental Health Directorate, with the most recent being last May. The health authorities have warned of the presence of E.Coli and I.Enterococci in water samples.

These bacteria are indicators of fecal contamination in water bodies and can lead to many infections and diseases in humans. The bacteria can also be harmful for marine life, as they risk disrupting local ecosystems.

The Nationalist MP questioned whether the pollution is intentional, claiming it could be a plan to remove the bay’s swimming zone status, opening the door for commercial enterprises.

“That is what happened at the Sliema ferries. Are someone’s interests at play here?” he told the House.

Fortina Group’s Captain Morgan had withdrawn plans to build a jetty in the bay after protests by activists and residents.

Residents and NGOs had vehemently opposed plans for a jetty for a hop-on hop-off ferry in a popular bathing spot. They protested at the site where works were set to take place after locals alerted activists that a barge carrying a digger had arrived on site.

Buttigieg said government would address concerns by finding the source of the pollution and reopening the bay.

MaltaToday reported on Sunday that third parties behind contamination in Paceville’s St George’s Bay and Balluta Bay in Sliema have not been fined.