Number of councils organise meeting to discuss excessive noise affecting the areas

Mayors from Ħ'Attard, Mosta, Rabat, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Siggiewi, Lija and Balzan will be seeking way forward on excessive noise affecting the localities

Mosta (File photo)
Mosta (File photo)

The mayor of Ħ'Attard has organised a meeting with mayors from other localities to discuss excessive noise affecting the areas.

“In the coming days a meeting will be organised by the mayor of Ħ'Attard about the excessive noise which is affecting the area,” the Mosta local council said.

MaltaToday is informed the mayors of Rabat, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Siggiewi, Lija and Balzan, will also be present for the meeting.

After this meeting more information will be provided regarding the meeting's conclusions and what is going to be done to face these challenges, the Mosta council said on Facebook.

Earlier this year, MaltaToday reported how Malta’s environmental watchdog is seeking experts who will generate a study to propose various noise abatement measures around the islands, as well as acoustic design guidelines for both old and new homes.

The study will not only find out ways of reducing noise pollution, but also peak into the crystal ball to find out how high traffic, short routes, a hot climate and the tendency to leave windows open, make noise a bigger issue for Malta.

“Noise has been found to have negative impacts on human health, making an improved noise climate highly beneficial. There may also be potential cost savings on healthcare for residents in the surrounding areas where the interventions will be proposed for installation,” ERA said in its call to tender for the project.