Resident associations want planning reform ‘in favour of the public’

A group of resident associations present thirteen demands for planning reform which include moratorium on rationalisation zones, and reforms in favour of the public

In a letter to the Prime Minister and Minister for Planning, the groups demanded an immediate moratorium on the rationalisation zones and the opening of a consultation process regarding these demand (Photo: Il-Kolletiv)
In a letter to the Prime Minister and Minister for Planning, the groups demanded an immediate moratorium on the rationalisation zones and the opening of a consultation process regarding these demand (Photo: Il-Kolletiv)

A group of resident associations presented thirteen demands for a comprehensive planning reform, asking the Government to put the general public at the heart of these reforms.

In a letter to the Prime Minister and Minister for Planning, the groups demanded an immediate moratorium on the rationalisation zones and the opening of a consultation process regarding these demands.

“These demands are written by residents, whose concerns are based on the realities faced by our towns and villages. Since 2006, they have seen a relentless construction activity resulting in massive buildings that are incompatible with the townscapes, and have no respect for the historical, environmental and rural characteristics of their localities,” said Matthew Borg, treasurer of Il-Kollettiv, who is working with the resident groups on the reform.

“Besides this, these demands reflect the residents’ serious concerns about their quality of life, as the speculation encouraged by bad planning has pushed them, together with rural and urban considerations, to the very bottom of the scale of importance,” Borg said.

The resident groups are requesting a moratorum on applications in rationalisation zones, an immediate refusal of rezoning applications for new roads and cul-de-sacs aimed at the taking up of urban green lungs by construction,and the suspension of applications for large projects such as yacht marinas, land reclamation projects, and tall buildings.

Their requests are:

  1. An immediate moratorium on rationalisation zones;
  2. An immediate refusal of Planning Control applications which intend to open up pockets of virgin land surrounded by existing buildings for construction;
  3. The suspension of applications for large projects including yacht marinas, tall buildings, land reclamation projects among others;
  4. The immediate suspension of the reform of the DC15 policy proposed by the Planning Authority in February 2024;
  5. A reform of the DC15 policy, carried out in conjunction with resident groups;
  6. The boards of the planning and environmental resources Authorities should be made individually responsible for the decisions they take;
  7. The respect and implementation of Circular PA3/2000 with respect to the buffer zones;
  8. The revision and implementation, in a rigorous manner, of the UCA buffer zones identified by the Planning Authority in its revision of the Local Plans carried out between 2013 and 2015;
  9. The withdrawal of any policy allowing new buildings in ODZ and the sanctioning of illegalities in these areas;
  10. The immediate publication of an Urban Capacity Study prepared by the Planning Authority in 2022;
  11. The publication and issue for public consultation of a revised SPED policy, completed by the Planning Authority in 2022;
  12. The commissioning of studies on the measures to be taken to mitigate the effects of rising sea levels in coastal towns;
  13. A moratorium on applications affected by any of these amendments.

The groups presenting these demands are the Għaqda Residenti taż-Żurrieq, Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa, Għaqda Storika u Kulturali Marsa, Inħarsu Santa Luċija, Residenti tal-Imqabba, Residenti tal-Qrendi, Residenti ta’ Ħal Safi, Residenti tas-Swatar, Sliema Residents Association, Siġġiwin Nieħdu Azzjoni, Marsaskala Residents Network, Marsaxlokk Heritage and Wirt iż-Żejtun, supported by il-Kollettiv.