Nearly 4,000 OHSA inspections carried out in first six months of 2024

OHSA widening the scope of its surveillance with inspections on construction sites, catering establishments, offices and fuel warehouses

Nearly 4,000 inspections were carried out by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority in the first six months of 2024, according to Justice Minister Jonathan Attard.

Speaking at a press conference on the new health and safety law, Attard said over half of the inspections carried out in the first six months of the year were on construction sites.

“The aim is to have the OHSA to widen its surveillance,” he said, noting that the authority has also carried out inspections at catering establishments, offices, and healthcare workplaces.

The OHSA has undertaken a major restructuring as part of a new set of laws approved in parliament. Part of this restructuring has included a boost in human resources across the board and identifying possible collaboration with other public entities.

So far this year, the authority has issued 260 fines amounting to €165,000. Before the new law was enacted, the authority could only issue administrative penalties of not more than €465.87 without resorting to legal proceedings. Under the new law, the authority will be able to issue administrative fines up to €20,000.

The new law also provides for the setting up of an indepent tribunal that can decree on these fines and any enforcement action taken by the OHSA.

In cases of criminal shortcomings in health and safety compliance, persons found guilty of wrongdoing could be fined between €1,000 to €50,000 and sentenced to no more than two years imprisonment. Any licenses, warrants or permits issued to or in the name of the guilty person could also be revoked.

OHSA chief Josianne Cutajar said the new law will help ensure an effective system of enforcement and risk prevention.

She said the law will not only protect workers from occupational risks but also ensures that the responsibilities of the OHSA, employers and employees are spelled out clearly.