Average salary in 2022 stood at around €20,000 - NSO
National Statistics Office publishes Regional Statistics report for 2022 • Malta’s 2022 population at 542,051 • Licensed vehicles amount to 438,567 • 2,546 marriages registered in 2022

Malta’s average annual basic salary in 2022 stood at €20,989, data published by the National Statistics Office shows.
The 2024 Regional Statistics (reference year 2022) report shows the average annual basic salary recorded for males was €22,096 while the average annual basic salary for females was €19,605. The highest average annual basic salaries for both males and females were registered in the Western district.
Maltese residents working on a full-time basis in 2022 numbered 245,059, registering an increase of 8.6% over the previous year, the report shows.
Data shows 81.6% of Maltese residents worked in the private sector, while 66% of Gozo and Comino residents are employed by the private sector. 17,702 Gozo and Comino residents have a fulltime job, an increase of 5.7% when compared to the previous year.

The highest proportion of full-time employment in the Malta region was registered in the wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transportation and storage, accommodation and food service activities, which accounted to 24.5% of the total.
Full-time males in the Gozo and Comino region were predominantly employed in the wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transportation and storage, accommodation and food service activities while females were mainly employed in the public administration and defence, compulsory social security, education, human health and social work activities.
Population and households
In 2022, Malta’s population stood at 542,051, with persons aged between 30 and 39 accounting for the highest share of the population.
The highest percentage increases were observed in the age cohorts of 30 to 39 and 40 to 49 years in the Malta region. In contrast, Gozo and Comino experienced the highest percentage increase in the 30 to 39 cohort, followed by the 70 to 79 age group.
The highest increases in the foreign population occurred within the population of 30-39 years of age in both Malta and Gozo.

Natural population change was uninterruptedly positive year-on-year for the Malta region while Gozo and Comino region had a negative natural population growth rate for 2021 and 2022.
In 2022, old age-dependency ratio in Malta stood at 27.1%, therefore there is approximately four working-age adults for every person aged 65 years or more.
2,546 marriages were registered in Malta in 2022. This reflects an increase of 270 marriages when compared to 2021, with an increase of 271 marriages registered in Malta region.There was one marriage less registered in the region of Gozo and Comino compared to the previous year.
The most common household size for people living in the Malta region was the two-person household, while in Gozo and Comino region was the one-person household in the NSO’s study.
The average household disposable income was highest in the South Eastern district at €42,855 and lowest in the Northern Harbour district, €29,852.
Persons at-risk-poverty rates for the regions of Malta and Gozo and Comino were 16.8% and 15.1% respectively.
Licensed vehicles in Malta amounted to 438,567, with the largest proportion recorded in the Northern Harbour district in 2023, according to the report. In 2023, passenger cars accounted for 73.8% of total licensed vehicles. Driving license holders amounted to 277,837, an increase of 0.4% over 2022. The Northern Harbour district registered the largest number (26.1%). Gozo and Comino district accounted for 9.6% of the total.
In 2023, reported traffic accident increased by 4.5% over 2022, with 35.8% of total accidents recorded in the Northern Harbour district.

Birkirkara was the locality with the highest rate of traffic accidents, with 1,084 cases, followed by Ħal Qormi and San Pawl Il-Baħar.
Traffic-related contraventions issued by Police decreased by 11.1% from 2022, while those issued by Wardens decreased by 6.8%. Most of these contraventions were issued in the Northern Harbour district.
San Pawl il-Baħar recorded the highest number of contraventions issued by Wardens, totalling 17,872, whereas San Ġiljan had the highest count of contraventions issued by Transport Malta, amounting to 4,953.
In 2023, speed camera contraventions totalled 41,410. The camera which caught the most over-speeding vehicles was the one installed at the Naxxar Coast Road, totalling 7,457 contraventions.