Spearfishermen risk lives, scale Aħrax cliffs to avoid police and rangers

The Malta Ranger Unit explained that upon the arrival of the authorities, the five individuals turned off their lights, initiating an hour-long search along the coast by the rangers and police

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Five spearfishermen attempted to escape authorities by dangerously scaling the Aħrax cliffs after being caught fishing illegally.

The incident unfolded on Saturday night when Malta Ranger Unit (MRU) rangers patrolling the area noticed spearfishermen with lights at sea and alerted the Fisheries Department. 

Responding swiftly, the department arrived on site along with officers from the Qawra District Police and the Rapid Intervention Unit (RIU). According to the MRU, the police’s presence was necessary due to the large number of people accompanying the spearfishermen on shore.

Upon the arrival of the authorities, the five individuals turned off their lights, initiating an hour-long search along the coast by the rangers and police. 

The ranger soon spotted the spearfishermen attempting to climb the cliff without lights, hoping to evade the authorities. Realising the imminent danger, the ranger advised them to stop climbing to avoid falling. 

After realising there was no way to avoid the authorities, the spearfishermen surrendered. 

The authorities confiscated three spearguns and the illegal catch. Legal action is pending against the offenders.

"We wish to thank the officers from Qawra Police, RIU Police, and the fisheries officer for their swift response to our report," the MRU stated.