'I want to make an impact' - PN's new president

The Nationalist Party yesterday elected Karol Aquilina as the new president of its administrative council. 

32-year-old lawyer Karol Aquilina has been elected following the resignation of former president Pierre Portelli, who resigned in order to co-present a breakfast show on Malta’s national TV station.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Aquilina said he is “satisfied" with the result: “It is a position which carries a lot of responsibility, one which cannot be taken lightly."

Aquilina added that his election comes at a time when greater commitment is required with general elections to be held in a year and a half’s time.

Asked what his plans within the PN are, Aquilina said: “I want to make an impact. The party has a number of challenges ahead including preparations for the upcoming local and general elections.”

Aquilina will also retain his position as Siggiewi’s deputy mayor.

In 2009, Aqulina presented a motion calling on the government not to renew the lease of a property currently being used as a Labour Party club and instead to transfer the property to the Siggiewi Local Council to be used as a day care centre for the elderly and a premises for the local council.

Then, last summer, the Labour Pary accused Aquilina of instigating a political feud over the Siggiewi club premises. In an interview with MaltaToday on the issue, Aquilina had accused Siggiewi mayor Robert Musumeci of “going out of his way to protect the Labour Party’s interests”.

The motion was eventually approved thanks to the four votes of the PN councillors, including mayor Robert Musumeci. The three PL councillors voted against.

Oh Karol , you'r nothing but a fool, Gonzi don't leave him , don't you treat him cruel , you hurt him , and you make him cry , and if you leave him , I'am sure he die . Don't you think that this will fit nicely after the General Election .
Come on please spare us and shut up.
unfortunately guys as this person are the core makeup of ministers still so far non defected in GonziPN that show their deep old fashioned sad and passe' non secular outdated unfair domination which they project with such arrogance alas to their own detriment because Malta has CHANGED and progressive both PN & PL will not stand for this nanny state dominance anymore. This is now something that only outdated, sad, die hard PN loyalists who do not really care for Malta's transparent democratic future as they put bad governance ahead of that only as long as they stay in power. It is up to us that want a free new beginning out of this Gonzi murk ... the worst prime minister in Maltese history to move on in solidarity to rejuvenate our gem of an ISLAND.
Abdullah alhrbi
LOL Will he still be working hard on the Maltese Curia's behalf? His effort during the divorce debacle were duly noted at all times of the day.Perhaps he can help persuade the Curia to be on the right side of social justice.
Luke Camilleri
Hemm hu - l'id il-Mohbija ta' Gonzi is-Sur Karol Aquilina ...hadha il-Promotion issa! Jista jkompli jihdar fil-berah! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waeB4qNcMhw&feature=related
“I want to make an impact." dan bravu ihor, ghara ma twegax man.
Yeh! Go on...make an impact: ask your GonziPN (not PN) friends to call an early election and get us rid of your Taliban group...you'll make a national impact then!
He can make an impact by persuading the PN to hand over the large government-owned premises on Paola Square which is uses as a club to the Local Council to be used for the benefit of all Paola residents.
Oh yes you will be making an impact alright straight into a massive no confidence vote against your corrupted pn, in the meantime buy yourself a lollipop and start practicing ass licking.
Luke Camilleri
Ghandna instigatur iehor lest biex iharbat biex izomm il-P.N. jidher sabih....li jiprova jahdem minn taht, imma importanti li jkun jidher ghal PN u l-hard core tieghu bhal meta ha l-Kazin tal-Partit Laburista tas-Siggiewi u urta nofs rahal u meta ma hallhiex il-Dr. Sant jindirizza bil-mod gentlom tieghu il-istudenti ! Ma tantx ghandhu pregi hlief li ma jahmilx lill-Laburisti... imma dak hu bizzejjed ghal Gonzipn! Viva ir-Rikonciljazzjoni...... bejniethom!
The only impact I can see you making is, by asking your buddies to refund the €500 per week and make sure to abolish the hospital waiting list, out of stock medicine, reducing the water and electricty bills, jobs will be also given to labour supportes, investigate Air Malta, power station, tell us the truth £sd situation of our country. If you manage at least one of these then. Tkun wettaqt l impact! I do not think you have something dirty baking in the oven. Have you?
The best way to make an impact without hurting yourself is to use a hammer with care. Make sure you do not make an impact by banging your head against hard heads with fixed ideas. Please reflect on these words If I had a hammer I'd hammer in the morning I'd hammer in the evening all over this land I'd hammer out danger, I'd hammer out warning I'd hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters All over this land l
L-impact fl-elezzjoni ha jiehdu bit-tkaxkira
Oh dear. Karol is a complete lightweight compared to Pierre. Surely Mr Bondi would've made a superb PN President. Oh, hang on...
Oh dear. Karol is a complete lightweight compared to Pierre. Surely Mr Bondi would've made a superb PN President. Oh, hang on...
Oh dear. Karol is a complete lightweight compared to Pierre. Surely Mr Bondi would've made a superb PN President. Oh, hang on...
Karol you can always ask PBO how he made his................. he he he he
Micheal Bonanno
He already made his impact felt. Do you remember how Dr. Alfred Sant was greeted by the students? Guess who was their instigator? No points will be given.
Well Karol can always imitate those who came before him and build a villa in a green area, that will surely leave an impact.
Wish you luck, but I think you are a bit to late for the next general elections!
Karol, help bring back the old, real, genuine nationalist principles and spirit to the lost soul of the nationalist party and you'll be making an impact alright. Otherwise the only impact that you'll be making is one that only a few will benefit from!
is he the new president? looking at his photo i more think of a priest in the making, or someone who attend the azzjoni kattolika :)