Bernard Grech slams 'weak' Prime Minister, Labour defends itself against 'lies'
During an interview on FLiving, Bernard Grech criticised Abela for allowing Scicluna to retain his astronomical salary, despite saying just days before that Scicluna should follow the example of Chris Fearne and Ronald Mizzi who resigned from their post

PN leader Bernard Grech has called Prime Minister Robert Abela weak after he failed to remove Edward Scicluna from his post as Central Bank Governor.
During an interview on FLiving, Bernard Grech criticised Abela for allowing Scicluna to retain his astronomical salary, despite saying just days before that Scicluna should follow the example of Chris Fearne and Ronald Mizzi. The pair are Scicluna's co-accused in the Vitals case and unlike Scicluna, they both resigned from their public posts upon their indictment.
Grech highlighted the injustice of Scicluna remaining in his position, despite being supposedly suspended, and continuing to earn €11,500 per month.
Grech stated that Abela had proposed to the cabinet the removal of Scicluna, but the Abela's lack of authority resulted in only a few ministers supporting him.
The PN leader once again reminded that Abela could have achieved a unanimous parliamentary motion for Scicluna's resignation if government had accepted Grech's request.
Labour Party defends itself against "lies and spin"
Meanwhile, the Labour Party has responded to a barrage of criticism following Scicluna’s self-suspension.
The PL stated that Scicluna’s decision to suspend himself was approved by cabinet, and that, “any other version is nothing other than a lie and a spin by the PN, who try to project their failings onto others.”