Updated | Gaia the dog dies
The Boxer dog discovered this morning fighting for life wrapped up in a black rubbish bag has died.
A jogger passing by at 8 am this morning heard noises coming from the pile of waste in a skip. After seeing something moving in a closed black rubbish bag, the jogger cautiously opened it and found the boxer, named Gaia, trying not to suffocate in the bag.
Gaia was transported to the Centru San Frangisk animal welfare centre in Ta' Qali.
Despite efforts by the medical staff to save her, Gaia died.
Animal Welfare Coordinator, Janice Chetcuti urges anyone with relevant information to call the welfare centre on 25904224 to assist with the investigation and find the perpetrator responsible.
Steve Chan •
How sad...
@ HalfEUCitizen, I think the problem is that we are so inundated with news everyday, because there's so much going on, that we tend to forget the depth of yeterday's news and temporarily focus on today's....In a few days' time, even this news will be history...
As shocking as this news is - i will remind you readers that someone who died after supposedly escaping from police custody and jumping to his dead, someone who got run over by a yacht and killed by a friend of Gonzi and the policeman who knock unconscious a french woman and then got promoted later - all these cases and many others caused less attention from the public than cruelty to animals.
What i mean is that once we start having justice for humans in this country, animal wellfare will also improve. Look around the world and see if I am right.
Luke Camilleri •
Why do animals in Malta seem to make news only in brutality ?
Shame on these sinners and heartless souls. God have mercy on them.
And to the poor Gaia, hope she'll make it and live to find out that not all mankind is made up of such horrendous bastards.
I hope the person who committed that atrocity will be caught and receiving a hard sentence. Not only a fine of a few hundred Euros.
I also wish that this person will feel deeply ashamed of what he did...every single day. Waking up with shame and go to sleep with shame.
I am lost for more words.
@ xewka
Ghandek ragun titkellem hekk, izda hawn hafna nies li jixtiequ jqattghu imqarr 5 minuti ma' certa nies li ghamlulna l-hajja ta' kuljum infern, imma 5 minuti go gagga, u wara naraw!
Demmi ibaqbaq qieghed, l-adrelina stimjata!!
Kemm nixtieq li jinqabad min ghamel dan ir-reat u ihalluh imqarr nofs siegha mieghi ha nuriegh xini mohqrija. Nofs siegha kull ma nitlob!!