Divorcees can still go to Church tribunal for annulment

Married couples who file for a divorce under the new law introduced earlier this year will still be able to ask the Catholic Church for the annulment of their religious marriages. 

In other countries it is standard procedure for the Catholic Church to insist on a civil divorce before processing applications for an ecclesiastical annulment.

“The reason why these archdioceses ask that a civil divorce is in full effect before an annulment starts is so the civil courts cannot intervene in the Church proceedings,” Mgr Arthur Said Pullicino, the head of the ecclesiastical tribunal, told MaltaToday.

“You don’t need to have started separation proceedings to apply for an ecclesiastical annulment in the first place. So whether a couple is divorced or not will make no difference. Divorce is not a valid dissolution of marriage in the eyes of God,” Said Pullicino said.

A cursory glance at the websites of foreign Catholic dioceses confirms that international practice is that when one applies for an ecclesiastical annulment, after a certain stage it will become necessary to provide proof of divorce for the process to continue.

In ‘Annulments and the Catholic Church’, canon lawyer Edward N. Peters observed that diocesan tribunals require proof of divorce to avoid being sued for “alienation of affection”; furthermore, the civil divorce requirement serves as evidence that the parties will not reconcile.

Bhal ma dejjem ghedt u staqsejt jien...." Id divorzju li morna ghalih huwa tal Knisja jew ta l-Istat ?" Hadd ma kien jirrispondini...Ghax hija logika, jekk tintrabat ma xi hadd b`kuntratt...int u dak ix xi hadd tistaw tinfirdu min dak il kuntratt. Fl`opinjoni tieghi, fil kaz taghna jekk int mizzewweg bil Knisja trid tkun il Knisja li tifirdek, u jekk int mizzewweg b`ta l-Istat, irid ikun l- Istat li jifirdek...u ghat tieni wiehed morna. Forsi thalliet din il " Loophole " halli il Knisja tibqa tiddomina. Issa, il Knisja tista tghejd li il propaganda li ghamlet " ta kontra id divorzju"...kien ..KONTRA IZ ZWIEG CIVILI U MHUX IZ ZWIEG TAGHHA..Imkien qatt ma issemma jekk konnhiex qeghedin nirreferu ghaz zwieg Civili jew ghaz zwieg tal Knisja. Din l-opinjoni tieghi, iz zmien ser jaghtina ragun.
That's right,- rcasha...you gave an accurate sum up :) Then again..if somebody wants to splash out all that wonga in order to launder their conscience or simply to be able to get married again in a white princess gown...let 'em do it, it's their money.
In short, if the former couple have any spare cash, the church would still like to receive it.